Who are the Aryans, and how Adolf Hitler interpreted it

Undoubtedly, the question of who the Aryans are, and how this nation appeared, is of interest to many, although it requires the most careful study and detailed analysis.

Aryans are a people who spoke languages ​​belonging to the eastern branch of the Indo-European family, and belonged to the northern racial type.

Who are the Aryans

Who are the Aryans, and where did they generally live? According to legend, the ancient Aryans migrated from Hyperborea, a state that was formed on the territory dominated by the harsh northern climate. However, five decades ago, European scholars were absolutely sure that the Aryans had Asian roots. Subsequently, it was assumed that the northwestern part of Europe was considered the birthplace of the Aryans, and the original racial type of the Aryans was defined as the Nordic (northern). From Irish, “aire” is translated as “leader”, “to know”, and from Old Norse to “noble”. And yet, who are the Aryans? Higher race, demigods? This is an interpretation of only Adolf Hitler and no one else.

First of all, they are carriers of religious texts, which were called Avesta and Rigveda - they give an understanding of who the Aryans really are. Admittedly, the “fifth race” left a tremendous legacy.

It must be emphasized that for the first time the concept of “Aryan race” was introduced by J. A. Gobino, who in the 19th century published his work entitled “Experience on the inequality of human races”. Moreover, the Nordic race has superiority over others . After his works were printed, soldiers of fascist Germany began to call themselves Aryans . Moreover, as the "noble" race, the Aryans should have blue eyes and blond hair.

Race aryans

The Nazis considered the Aryan race as a specific gene pool, which is represented exclusively by the Germans, since it is they who surpass the rest of the peoples in mental, moral and physical qualities. In addition, all Aryans must be tall, have excellent health and be in excellent physical shape.

The theory of the perfect race liked the "Fuhrer." In his book “Main Kampf”, he emphasized that the history of the Aryans deserves a comprehensive study by every soldier of fascist Germany. According to Adolf Hitler, every "true Aryan" should take care of "purity of blood", and, in his opinion, criminally marry a representative of the lower race. At the same time, the fascist dictator had no doubt that it was necessary to strictly monitor the level of demography in the country, and people who had poor health were forbidden to have children.

History of the Aryans

For his country, Hitler wanted to prepare for the role of a world leader who would rule all nations. According to the "chief" Nazi, the Aryan (Germanic) race "gives birth" to exclusively brilliant people who are called to rule the world. Others must do their will and obey them implicitly, because they are mediocre, and they have absolutely no talent. The FĂĽhrer defined all nations without exception from the standpoint of their similarity with the Aryan race.

In addition to the inhabitants of Scandinavia, Hitler believed that the Japanese, although they differ in appearance, are close in spirit to the Aryans. At the same time, he considered representatives of other peoples inhabiting Southeast Asia “almost monkeys”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21435/

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