Knitted bunny: making a unique DIY toy

Making toys with your own hands is an exciting activity. Lovely souvenirs will please children, adults will like it, and over time they will become a profitable business. A hobby helps self-expression, develops sleight of hand and creativity of thinking. Knitted bunny toys are very popular and diverse, this is a great idea for creativity.

Knitted hare

Where to begin

For the manufacture of knitted bunnies you will not need expensive materials. The main thing is to decide on the idea: what shape the toy will be, what color scale and what size. It will not be superfluous to draw a sketch where the animal will be presented from different sides. This will simplify further work on the toy.

The size of the product depends on its purpose. If this is a gift to a child, then it is better to buy more yarn and make a thing with a height of 20 cm. If you plan to knit a souvenir for an adult, the minimum sizes are suitable - 10-15 cm or less. The original idea is to make a thematic or symbolic gift. For example, for a wedding: a souvenir with two bunnies holding hands and dressed as newlyweds.

Necessary materials

Basic materials and tools:

1. Yarn: if the bunny is "classic", it is better to choose white, gray, black or reddish tones. You can opt for completely unexpected and original colors (purple or bright green) to make the toy even more original. The main thing is not to forget about the combination. The amount of yarn depends on the size of the future product.

2. Knitting needles or crochet hook. Take the size smaller than recommended for the selected type of yarn, then the product will be more accurate.

3. Printed material for the insides of the toy: synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, wool unsuitable for use.

knitted bunny

4. Sewing needles and pins.

5. Separate funds for decoration: buttons, ribbons, pieces of fabric.

Amigurumi Bunny

One of the ways to create a toy animal is the Japanese amigurumi technique. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the animal fits seamlessly, and the size of the products most often does not exceed the size of the palm. Parts of the body are made disproportionate.

Knitted bunnies using the amigurumi technique turn out to be unusually cute! You can give a funny expression to the face - a sly smile or a winking eye. To search for ideas, it is recommended to look at a couple of children's cartoons or comics.

The knitting process begins with making a circle from yarn. On its basis, subsequent rows are created in a spiral. The result is one spherical (or oval) part (trunk or head). Separately, the legs, ears and tail are knitted. At each part, a small thread tip is left free for subsequent assembly.

Crochet Bunny

The connection occurs initially with the help of pins. When the figure is assembled, the remaining thread is selected with the needles, and the part is sewn to the body with neat stitches.

Knitted hare base

Pick up cotton yarn of bright colors. The size of the souvenir will be 15-20 cm. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Dial a chain of 15 air loops, then the wrong side, followed by an edge loop, repeated 14 times.
  • Again, the wrong side, after which 4 more. Accordingly, the front loops use the front loops, the wrong ones - the wrong ones.
  • 9 row - 7 facial, plus 1 increase in broach (2 times), 1 front, (7 facial and 1 increase in broach) - repeat 2 times. From 10 to 14 rows, knit in alternation - front-wrong.
  • The next row is facial, plus 1 increase, another 3 facial and increase, after - 15 facial. Similarly 3 subsequent rows.
  • 19th row - 15 facial loops, 2 together, 3 facial, 2 together, 15 facial. Add 3 rows.
  • 23 row - tie 15 facial, 2 together, 3 facial, 2 together, 13 facial. The next row is seamy.
  • 25th row - from one front, 2 together, and so on to the end, after which the wrong row follows again.
  • 27 row - with one edge loop, 2 together and so on to the end. Next - the wrong side. At the end of the loop, close, through a small hole, thread the filler into the product, sew up. The body of the animal is ready!


When the main part of the body is ready, proceed to the manufacture of the remaining parts.

Knitted bunny master class

Knitting of the head is from the muzzle to the back of the head. When stuffing, do not forget about the cheeks of the animal: you can roll a couple of small balls and carefully lay them in the right place.

On the left and right paws, select the same amount of yarn. The same goes for knitted bunny ears. They can be made with a garter stitch and finally tightened with thread.

The process of connecting the finished parts requires special care and attention.

The remaining pins of yarn should be located on the back of the product. Two loops are captured with a tool and attached with a single crochet. The tail of the thread is cut and masked. All items are sewn very tightly. The tail is sewn last to the animal: it is small for hares, so you can simply tie a small ball with a diameter of a few centimeters.

Final stage

A master class in knitting bunnies ends with the design of the product: with the help of sewing needles sew details of clothing, eyes, nose. Here you can fully show your imagination. In some cases, clothes for toys are not sewn, but tied separately. You can make, for example, a scarf, backpack, hat or tie for a bunny.

knitted bunny toys

Those who are just mastering knitting are recommended to use a hook first. But this is not a requirement. Crocheted bunny rabbit will turn out to be no less cute than made with knitting needles.

The resulting product will be a great gift for loved ones. A thing can become an interior decoration, a favorite children's toy, an original souvenir for friends. It will not take a lot of time and effort to make a knitted bunny.


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