Welded wire mesh fence: what are the advantages of this design?

Currently, a fence made of welded wire mesh is a fairly widespread design. Usually it is used in order to create an additional fence in areas with different purposes. But recently, such a fence began to be used by owners of suburban and suburban areas. Enormous popularity of this product was ensured by such qualities as practicality, affordable price, durability and modern design.

welded wire fence

About Product Features

As a matter of fact, a fence made of welded polymer mesh is produced in the form of special layers or cards. Usually the minimum size is somewhere in the range of 0.9 by 2. The maximum size is two by six. As a raw material, a material known as a galvanized welded wire mesh is also used. The thickness of the wire in such grids directly affects how long the card will be. The card becomes shorter if the wire diameter decreases.

Installation of the fence: recommendations

The tension of the elements should be strong enough when installing such a structure as a fence made of welded wire mesh. Otherwise, it will not be possible to maintain the proper form. In addition, it is imperative to use concreting for columns between which mesh sections are located. It is better to use the mount in the form of clamps.

About making fences

The cells in the grid can have either a rectangular or a square shape. Welded wire mesh fence is usually made of special wire. At the intersection, it is rigidly fixed using spot welding. It has already been written above that in most cases a galvanized wire mesh is used for such fences. Non-galvanized structures are too vulnerable to corrosion. In the manufacturing process create separate sections of the grid.

welded mesh fence

Additional Information

Structures such as welded mesh fencing usually have special frames made of metal corners. It is to this frame that the grid itself is welded, after which it is installed between the pillars that were dug into the ground in advance. Quite often, land owners choose an option with additional penetration, which is used on a metal strip. To prevent the mesh from sagging, it is important to ensure maximum tension.

About the benefits of such a fence

welded polymer mesh fence

For the manufacture of fences in the modern market there are a lot of materials. But the fence from the polymer welded mesh, as well as other varieties of such fences, are still quite popular options. This is primarily due to the record low cost of these materials, especially in comparison with the performance of others. In addition, this design will resist corrosion for a long time, so it will last for many years without causing the need for replacement or partial repair. Finally, the installation itself is carried out without problems, it can be done by the owner of the house or plot. Among other things, the mesh in such fences transmits a sufficient amount of air and light, so that it does not interfere with the plants nearby.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2145/

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