Size 32 how tall is the child? About the sizes of children's clothes

About thirty years ago, such a thing as “children's fashion” simply did not exist: all the clothes for preschoolers and teenagers were of high quality, solid, but, alas, monotonous. It was lucky for that child whose mothers and grandmothers had imagination and knew how to sew, knit and embroider: the clothes of such lucky ones were always decorated with appliqué and bow.

For every taste!

Now the choice of children's clothing is amazing. Moreover, it is fashionable and stylish to dress up children of both sexes. And most importantly, for this it is absolutely not necessary to bypass half of the city’s shops - just look at the Internet. Skirts, jeggings, leggings, polo shirts ... Bright colors, fashion prints, stylish accessories ... And what is very important - no fitting, nerves, fatigue. In a word, it is a paradise for parents. All you need to know to buy clothes is the right size. And how to determine it, this article will teach. We hope that with our tips you will no longer have questions like “size 32 how tall is the child?”.

size 32 how tall is the child

We are so different

After you have chosen the skirt or shirt you like for your child, pay attention to the country of manufacture of the favorite thing. This is very important, as each country has its own dimensional grids. And this applies not only to clothing, but also to shoes, underwear, hosiery and hats. Apparently, this is due to the fact that different countries use different units of measurement. For example, in Russia it is centimeters and millimeters, and in the USA it is feet and inches. That is why the size of clothing manufactured in the USA is sometimes difficult to figure out without some knowledge.

As a rule, in English clothes, the size corresponds to the age of the child, and the numbers on the label indicate how many years this or that thing is designed.

Even more difficult with clothes from Europe: most countries of the European Union indicate sizes simply in Latin letters. And Chinese clothing is a different story altogether.

In addition, remember that French and Chinese clothes are small in size, but things from Italy, Germany and Denmark, on the contrary, are quite large. In the first two cases, we recommend buying clothes one size larger, and in the other three cases one size smaller.

size 32 and 34 is what height in cm

Measure seven times

The most active buyers of children's clothing on the Internet are mothers of children under 14 years of age. More often teenagers themselves like to choose what to wear, and the help of parents in this matter consists only in allocating finances for the desired thing. With younger children, everything is much simpler: mothers are happy to dress up their babies whatever they want.

To determine what size of clothes your child wears, you need to make some measurements with a centimeter tape. You need to know the height of the child, as well as the circumference of his chest, waist and hips. This will come in handy in your online purchases.

Suppose you have chosen trousers for your son, and the size 32 is indicated on them. How tall are they for a child ? Look in which country the trousers are sewn and look at the size plates, which we will give below.

The first plate is an example of how the sizes of clothes of different manufacturing countries differ among themselves. The second plate is a summary. It is for her that it is easiest to choose clothes.

Child's heightRussiaUSAEuropeEngland
50-52 cm180/3562
62-67 cm200/3682
68-73 cm223/6742
74-79 cm246/9802
80-87 cm266/9862
92-97 cm282T / 2984
98-103 cm28-303T / 31044
104-109 cmthirty4T / 41104
110-11530-32XS / S1166

All in size

Many people like to order clothes from China. And no wonder: it is bright, relatively inexpensive, and if it is also factory-made, it is not bad in quality. However, not everyone knows the Chinese language and can read the name of the product. Often we focus only on the picture. Then it turns out that we order ourselves, say, a dress, and the thing comes that fits your six-year-old daughter.

If you encounter such a problem, remember: children's and some teenage sizes with numbers end with the number 42. All that is bigger is already adult sizes. For example, size 32 is for children (how tall the child is, see the table), but size 44 is for a slender adult young lady.

size 32 children

And most importantly: even having studied the entire dimensional grid and knowing, for example, how old is size 32 (what size clothes with such parameters is suitable for a child), it’s best to get additional information from the administrators of online clothing stores. In online mode, they will help you choose clothes so that they look perfect on your child. They will ask you to measure the volumes of your baby and ask what his height is.

True, sometimes manufacturers themselves do not know all the parameters of a particular thing. The fact is that not all manufacturing plants provide such detailed information about the manufactured clothing. Often, Turkey and, of course, China sin.

Some tips

Suppose you have chosen a thing. You know that you need size 32. How tall the child is for this size is not indicated in the manufacturer's dimensional grid. If you doubt that the thing you like is suitable for your child in size, it is better to look for another option so that you do not get upset about the money spent.

When buying clothes in online stores, consider what build your child has. This is important, and here's why. Let's say you have a girl who is 130 centimeters tall. Not slender, not plump - a kilogram of 20-22. If we start from the dimensional grid, it will fit size 32 and 34. How tall is this in cm? Check with the tablet. It turns out that 128-134 cm. And the girl, for example, 130 cm. If you need clothes now, take 32, and if you are growing, 34. If the girl is plump, then for now it’s better to choose size 34, and for growth - 36.

how old is size 32 how old is the child

Discounts and sales

Many experienced parents know that summer things are more profitable to buy in winter, and winter things in summer. As a rule, in all online stores discounts and sales are held.

How not to miss the size? Let us return to our example. Suppose your baby wears size 32 in winter. How tall should your child choose clothes in winter to summer? Of course, a size larger! That is, if your baby is 110 now, then it is better to buy things for the summer for growth of 116. Do not forget to take into account growth spikes too! More active children stretch from 3 to 4 years old, from 7 to 8 years old and from 13 to 14.


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