The traditional established order of behavior is ... Rules of conduct in society

Waking up, we begin to follow a certain principle of behavior. Leaving home, walking the streets, at work, at school, a person many times varies his style. What does it depend on and what does the traditional established order of behavior mean? We will analyze this in the article on the social norm and the rules of good form.

General principles of behavior

Immediately from birth, a person enters an environment that nourishes him morally and determines his further style of behavior, forms his worldview, relying on the views of others and the written laws of the norm.

And what is the norm? It is defined as a rule, acting in a particular environment for a limited period of time or unlimited.

traditional established behavior is

Rules are self-evident limitations that regulate relations in society and are aimed at avoiding unpleasant situations.

Following social principles, a person feels himself a part of society, which has a beneficial effect on his worldview and determines further opportunities, the so-called prospects.

The traditional established order of behavior is a list of stereotypical responses to external stimuli that move one or another action in a certain place, depending on the person’s temperament, upbringing, and categorical restrictions on behavior.

From birth, the individual's behavioral style may change, but the prescribed norms in society always remain with minor adjustments and improvements.

The rules of survival in society

By society, we mean a certain number of people in a particular situation. And what does the definition of social behavior mean to us? Each individual person with his style and behavior determines the general indicator of culture and compliance with the rules of etiquette.

Standards of behavior depend on nationality, attitudes, perception of oneself, mentality and many other factors.

classroom rules

Etiquette rules come down to several general principles:

  • Courtesy: you can not encroach on the freedom of attitude of another person, affecting his interests. Therefore, a polite type of behavior helps to avoid excessive concentration on the negative when it comes to some rule of behavior.
  • Tolerance: being patient with people who are on your way of life and are somewhat different from your ideas is an important aspect. Thus, we will be polite not only with everyone, but also with ourselves. This aspect also defines traditional behavior. This is a component of the harmony of the majority and of an individual.
  • Safety: behaving in a society is necessary so that it does not harm others morally and physically.

Stereotypical style

A stereotype of behavior is a well-established and passed down from generation to generation rule or system of rules that determine the norms in society.

traditional behavior is

Often such a definition leads into a stupor of freedom-loving citizens and makes them resist some norms. Everything that happens to such individuals can be defined as an internal struggle, and with a strong desire, a person can break down the developed stereotype and change the public idea. Such events can be called progress.

The traditional established order of behavior is not quite what most people want to do and whose rules to follow. That is why the Criminal Code has such a beneficial effect on behavior. The latter - these are the same prescribed rules, but in a rougher formulation, and they decide to violate them.

How do children behave?

Rules of conduct for children are the most accurate and rich in their diversity. Children's behavior requires special adjustment and honed discipline.

behavior rules

They are formed under the influence of parents, hone in the circle of households and depend on the TV shows being watched, music listened to and conversations of people around. A child at a young age is unable to distinguish good from evil, correct behavior from asocial. Therefore, parents should spend a lot of time raising their baby and funds for good textbooks.

It is also a rather difficult task for a child to clearly define what can be done and what cannot be done, therefore one should show by personal examples what this or that behavior leads to.

Rules for children at school

In educational institutions, the traditional established order of behavior is especially strict. This is due to the direct upbringing of children in such institutions, determining the future fate of everyone who passes through the doors of the school.

Most of the time a child from 6-7 years spends in the walls of an educational institution. There, for the first time, he feels on himself all the situational tasks that he will face in adulthood, which tempers and determines the further style of behavior.

traditional rules of conduct

Therefore, schools have strict rules for behavior in the classroom, starting with the school uniform, ending with the fact that wishing good morning and saying "goodbye" is mandatory for every teacher. This also applies to communication with your classmates and strangers.

Observing all the rules of behavior in the classroom, the child forms himself as part of society, understands what is good and what should not be done, what to do in a given situation.

Asocial Type

order of conduct

What does deviation from the norm mean and how can mental disorders affect a person’s behavior? How can the style of one individual provoke inappropriate tricks of many people?

Those who do not comply with the general principles of determining a well-mannered person, and those who are not at all able to comply with the rules of behavior, are called asocial types. This behavior is due to improper upbringing or mental disorders. By their behavior, the above-mentioned persons can be confusing and provoke to imitate their own kind, but not yet asocial people.

What depends on temperament?

Who is more likely to follow traditional rules of conduct? These people are balanced, calm, highly developed and aware of their human essence. This description corresponds to the sanguine type of temperament.

The exact opposite of it - the melancholic - is also able to keep himself and observe the order of behavior, and even more than the remaining types - choleric and phlegmatic.

Deviations from the norm

Deviation from stereotypical behavior indicates a pathology of development at an early age or acts as a symbol of protest to society.

Rules of conduct are created to make mutual understanding of people deeper and devoid of problems.

In psychology, people who are unable to follow the rules and be responsible for themselves are called sociopaths. An easier manifestation of such a pathology is sociophobia, which is also characteristic of people who have received incorrect education, have long been separated from the society of cultured people, or with perceptions distorted by drugs and alcohol.


Depending on the goal pursued, human behavior in society is divided into types:

  • Natural type of behavior: used by a person when it is necessary to achieve personal goals. This mode of action consists in the response that is provided by nature - it is natural and not played out.
  • Ritual behavior: this is exactly the case when the style of response is aimed at observing the general rules of society. Etiquette and other established norms apply to it. This type helps to comply with the rules of behavior and harmoniously complement society.
  • Cooperative behavior: certain standards that are required to be respected in a particular environment. This may be a work team, meetings and other events. In this case, composite norms include a certain form of clothing, a manner of speaking and the ability to keep oneself.
  • Parental behavior: consists in the correct positioning of oneself as parents in relation to the child. A correctly formed worldview and norms of parents influence the formation of a child and his adaptability to life in a full-fledged society.

The need for a social norm

It is difficult to imagine what would happen if all the established moral and social principles of cultural behavior and presenting oneself as a person in society would disappear. Social norms, based on the experience of hundreds of centuries, prove their worth every minute when any violation makes itself felt not very good consequences.

With the advantages of standard models of social behavior in society, in general, everything is clear. This question has been considered and proved repeatedly. One should think about the negative consequences of the absence of these norms, established natural and corporate principles for responding to the situation.

We can say for sure that if there were no general moral and social principles, then we would not have to speak of a “reasonable person”. Because of this, humanity is at the top of development because it is able to distinguish the negative influence of its actions from the positive.

rules of public behavior

A causal relationship directly drives people to do what society wants. For the misunderstood will be abandoned, and the outcast will never be able to become part of a socially developed group.

Despite the many contradictions, it can be said that behavioral standards regulate every sphere of a person’s life, from small to large, and the discrepancy ends for some with an insignificant incident, and for someone with years of imprisonment in a prison or psychiatric clinic.

A reasonable person complies with the rules, seeks to supplement the list of permitted and prohibited acts among people. The task of modern man is to directly influence established social norms, improve them and supplement them with new, more specific requirements for life in society.

Any established norm and rule should not contradict the nature of man and limit his freedom, because social rules that have been preserved since ancient times are most naturally suitable for their observance.

The ability to keep oneself on top and at the same time not contradict one’s essence is an art that makes a higher being of a person.


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