How to quickly make a pompom out of yarn with your own hands

Pompons decorate hats, scarves, socks, mittens. Plaids, rugs, toys, pillows, crafts, panels, Christmas wreaths, garlands, Christmas-tree decorations are made from them. Pompons can be multi-colored, curly, plain, loose, dense, large, medium, small. Consider six ways to quickly make a pompom out of yarn without special tools.

Classic way

In the classic version, you need to draw two identical cardboard circles with a compass. From the same center point, you need to measure a smaller circle, cut it out. It is the length of the remaining circle that will correspond to the radius of the ball.

How to quickly make a pompom out of yarn with a cardboard blank:

  • Between the circles, insert a long thread around the circumference (closer to the center), crossing the edges at the base.
  • Hold cardboard blanks tightly so that the thread does not move.
  • Wrap the pattern with yarn so that the threads lie evenly, tightly to each other. In this case, you can wrap in multi-colored sectors or layers.
  • At the ends of the thread, drag the scissors, cut along the outer edge of the circle, without touching the hidden edges.
  • Carefully push the cardboard blanks slightly, bandage the middle.
  • Remove the templates. Fluff the pompom, cut off the excess.

This method is disposable, as cardboard circles are easily deformed. But in handicraft stores, detachable plastic devices of different diameters for the manufacture of pompons are already sold.

"Multi-station" method

To get a lot of balls in a short time for original scarves, making a Christmas tree or a garland, a plaid, take a children's table, threads, scissors.

how to quickly make a pompom out of yarn

How to quickly make a lot of yarn pompons:

  • turn the table upside down;
  • wrap two legs of the table with thread;
  • try to wind the thread in one circle;
  • get two windings;
  • with strong threads, wrap around the leg several times, tie it into a knot;
  • retreat a couple of centimeters, bandage the strand again;
  • follow the procedure in a circle of all yarn;
  • remove the bandaged strand;
  • in the middle of two windings cut the threads;
  • complete the procedure to the end;
  • fluff the resulting lumps, trim.

Pay attention to the following little things. The thicker the legs of the table, the more convenient it is to constrict the wrapped strand. The shorter the distance between the constrictions, the smaller the pompons. If you need elastic balls, then take thick threads, while tying the winding tightly.

How to make small yarn pompons fast on a fork

When you need miniature pompons for panels, crafts, Christmas wreaths, you will need forks. On a large kitchen fork, making a ball is more convenient, since the middle is empty. In this case, balls with a diameter of three to four centimeters are obtained.

how to make pompoms from yarn quickly

  • Step back from the edge of the thread centimeters ten to fifteen.
  • Wind the threads around the plug, making sure that the strand does not move.
  • Cut the thread from the ball.
  • Next, cross the two ends of the winder, tightly rewind in the middle, tie it into a knot.
  • Take a clerical knife, cut a strand from a fork on the sides.
  • Fluff the ball by rolling it in your palms.
  • Cut the edges with sharp scissors.
  • If pompons need to be tied, do not cut off the ends of the dressing.

How to quickly make a pompom out of yarn on a table fork:

  • wind the yarn on a fork, remembering to leave the end of the thread;
  • fingers hold the base of the fork so that the strand does not fly off;
  • Pull the lower edge of the thread toward you between the two teeth of the fork;
  • bring the upper edge of the thread through the middle to the opposite side;
  • lift the ends of the threads up, cross them and tightly knit in the center several times;
  • then remove the strand, straighten it;
  • cut the resulting lump in the middle, shaping the pompom.

On a table fork, balls of two or three centimeters are obtained. For convenience, the middle teeth can be removed with nippers. To get pompons less than two centimeters, leave only three cloves on the fork, and do winding on the next two.

How to quickly make a pompom out of yarn with your hands

The ball is obtained from a winding thread tied in the center and cut to the diameter of the circle. Therefore, the balls can be twisted on their fingers, paying particular attention to the pulling force of the center of the winding. The number of fingers of the left hand determines the diameter of the pompom. Therefore, using your hand you can make balls in a circle from two to eight centimeters.

how to quickly make a lot of yarn pompons

  • Leave the edge of the thread so that it is convenient to pull and tie a thick winding.
  • Wind the threads around the desired number of fingers.
  • Do not overtighten your fingers, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the winding.
  • Keep track of the amount of winding. The more threads, the louder and stiffer the ball, but the more difficult it is to fix the thread in the center (you can additionally flash the connection point with a needle).
  • Read the number of revolutions to obtain experimentally the required pompom density.
  • Carefully remove the winding from your fingers, cross the ends of the thread, tie the middle.
  • Spread the winding around the circumference, cut along the edges.
  • Shape the ball by cutting the ends.

Cardboard Templates

Using cardboard, you can make balls of different diameters. For example, make a circle as in the classical version, cut only one centimeter in only one place. This distance between the edges of the circle simplifies the process of winding and tightening the ends of the thread in the center of the pompom.

If you take a rectangle and cut narrow triangles on the short sides in the middle, then the ball is made, as if on a hand. The ends of the thread are fixed at the vertices of the triangles, and the winding of yarn goes between them. Cut the sides, and tie the threads. A simple rectangle is used to make a pompom brush.

how to make pompoms from yarn fast photo

How to make pompoms from yarn quickly:

  • along the length of the rectangle, put the thread to tie the crown of the brush;
  • in the middle of the rectangle, wind the threads (this is the base of the pompom);
  • tie the crown of the head with a thread;
  • remove the winding, step back a centimeter, drag the brush with a thread;
  • at the long edge of the winder, cut the middle, adjust the ends.

Of these brushes make ceremonial pupae.

Multi colored pompons

To create fruits, berries or muzzles of animals, you need a cardboard horseshoe blank. The winding goes with different threads in the center of the pattern. If you need to get long threads, then pencils are applied, which are wound according to the drawing. Then pull the yarn and cut. By trimming the pompom, any shape is obtained.

how to make small yarn pompons quickly

Let's look at one example of how to make pompoms from yarn quickly (photo of berries with fruits). Wrap red yarn, make some white stripes. Cover with a red winding on top, wind green yarn at one edge. Pull off the wound pompom, cut the sides, adjust the shape of the strawberries. At the same time, greens are longer than red yarn. In the same way, you can make kiwi, pomegranate, watermelon, pineapple, orange.


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