Grapes "in memory of Negrul": variety description, photo

In recent years, such a type of plant growing as viticulture is gaining popularity among ordinary gardeners. It is sometimes difficult for beginner gardeners to choose a variety that will match their skill. Grapes of "Negrul memory" refers to those varieties that a person who first tries his hand in viticulture can grow without much difficulty. It is about him that we will talk about in this article.

Negrule grapes

Variety Characteristics

The variety is characterized as mid-late, that is, ripening occurs after 125-135 days from the beginning of spring vine growth. The grape bush is characterized by strong growth. Vine formation in the form of a two-shouldered cordon on a stem with a height of not more than 80 cm is preferred. The grape "Negrul memory" has good compatibility with most rootstock varieties. The yield of the variety is high and stable, the average weight of one cluster is 320-550 g. The variety is frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures up to -24 degrees.

Perhaps the reader will have a question about how the grape variety "Negrul memory" differs from other varieties and why it is worth starting your acquaintance with viticulture with it. The fact is that a feature of this variety is its increased resistance to such common diseases as mildew, phylloxera, oidium and gray rot. In addition, with proper care, the vine of this plant matures very well.

What does the grape of "Negrul memory" look like

The description of the grape variety will not be complete without mentioning the appearance of the bunch, because it is by this sign that you can accurately determine which variety grows on the garden plot. The โ€œNegrul Memoryโ€ cannot be confused with any other grape variety, as its fruits have a unique appearance. Dark purple berries covered with a dense wax coating are in the form of a conical cylinder with a slightly pointed tip. The weight of each berry in a bunch reaches 5-7 g, and their size is about 2 cm in diameter with a length of up to 3.5 cm.

Negrul grape variety

Grapes "Negrul's memory", the photo of which you have probably already examined very well, forms a rather large loose cluster, which in itself serves as an ornament. The taste of berries is simple, without a bright spicy taste and aroma. However, this variety has good taste, as it combines a fairly high ability to accumulate sugar in berries - up to 17 g / 100 ml. The transportability of the berries is very high, as they are covered with a dense skin. In addition, they can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time without loss of quality.

How to shape a vine

As mentioned above, the grape "Negrul memory" requires a formation corresponding to the type of two-shouldered cordon. Particular attention when growing this variety must be given to the number of eyes on the plant. The load on each bush should be about 20 shoots - 4-5 on each vine. This formation helps to increase not too high rates of fruiting coefficient of the variety. Since such a load is considered increased, it is important to pay special attention to watering and fertilizing the plant.


Grape Care : Watering and Feeding

At the beginning of the growth of the vine, she needs fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, which can be replaced with infusion of weeds with chicken droppings or mullein. A couple of weeks before the start of flowering, fertilizing is repeated. If complex fertilizers are used for grapes, it is important to ensure that they do not have too much nitrogen, especially those used for summer and autumn top dressing. This can provoke violent growth of the vine to the detriment of fruit formation, as well as cause freezing of the bush in winter.

After flowering at the stage of development of berries "peas", you can feed with trace elements: cobalt, iron, zinc and copper. Such substances penetrate the plants better through the aerial part, so it is better to apply the preparations diluted in water directly on the leaves with a sprayer.

Grape "Negrul memory" is considered unpretentious and drought tolerant variety. Therefore, during the growing season, the moisture that goes to the roots during fertilizing is enough for him. Before the onset of winter, it is recommended to carry out a water-charging irrigation of the vineyard.


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