Bats - Northern Leather

Of all mammals, it is bats that cause dislike in many. Is this related to vampire legends, or is there a different reason? Never mind. One of the representatives of these unusual animals, the northern leather jacket, is quite interesting for its unique way of life. And no matter how squeamish you relate to these little animals, you should take into account the considerable benefits that they bring.

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These representatives of the bats squad are medium-sized animals. The northern leather jacket, the description of which is given below, is striking in the ratio of the wingspan to the size of the body. If the body length is only 4.9-6.4 cm, then the wingspan is 24-28 cm. The wing is pointed, narrow (when compared with other types of bats). The tail is short, up to 5 cm long, with the tip protruding from the femoral membrane by 4-5 mm.

northern leather jacket

The ear is leather hollow, rounded to the top, with thin skin, covered with black fur. At the entrance to the auditory canal there is a short rounded cartilaginous tubercle on top.

The fur of animals is long and thick. Regardless of the shade of the coat, the back is always slightly darker than the abdomen. This bat, the photo of which you see, differs from other representatives of the squad by the golden color of the upper part of the hairs, sometimes even with a metallic sheen. In some individuals, the golden tips are located only along the ridge, and not along the entire back. The characteristic luster is almost imperceptible during molting of the animal.

bat photo

The fur may be dark brown, then the abdomen is brownish brown. In Tuva, a northern leather coat of grayish-yellow hues with a dirty-white abdomen was discovered. Described individuals and chocolate with a yellow belly. The muzzle is also painted in a dark, almost black color.

The skin is a predator, therefore its jaw is armed with 32-34 teeth. The dental formula of the representatives of the species is as follows:

  • incisors - 2/3;
  • fangs 1/1;
  • pre-root - 1-2 / 2;
  • molars - 3/3.

Body weight ranges from 8 to 14 grams, the skeleton is light, which allows the animal to fly.

Distribution area

Among all the known bats, the northern leather jacket is the most resistant to low temperatures. Due to this feature, this animal was able to spread widely throughout Eurasia - from the forest-tundra to the Siberian taiga. You can meet him in the semi-deserts of the Republic of Tuva, and in the mountains of the Caucasus, on the territory of Mongolia and on the island of Sakhalin. Until late autumn, leather jackets actively hunt.

This species of bats is also found on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. It was discovered for the first time in 1934 on the lands of the Berezinsky Reserve, and a little later - in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. It is in this republic that a leather jacket is listed in the Red Book.

As you can see, the range of the animal is wide, but the species itself is subject to extinction. This is due to active speleological research, and environmental pollution, and with deforestation, in which bats live. If time is not taken to preserve these animals, it is quite possible that the species will disappear before it can be fully studied.


Life expectancy of this species is about 15 years. They hibernate in small flocks, consisting of 20-30 individuals (females). Males prefer loneliness. At low temperatures, they hide from the cold in voids and under the bark of trees, in caves or under the roofs of houses, in adits or hollows. But it is only necessary to show the thermometer temperature above zero, as they leave the place of wintering and fly out to hunt immediately after sunset.

They prefer to seek food in the woods or at the edge of the forest, on city streets or near human housing. Rising high up to 30 m, deftly, quickly and often flapping wings, maneuvers the northern leather jacket. What does he eat, you ask? All flying insects fall into the sharp teeth of the animal - moths and scoops, moths and moths, leafworms and weevils, barbel beetles and hawks. By eating, the bat helps to get rid of pests of forests and crops, saving the crop.

northern leather what eats

Once in the cave where the bat colonies live, you will be stunned by the squeak and grunts with which there is communication between individuals. Each species, including the northern leather jacket, has its own range of sound signals. For our species, a signal is characteristic in the range from 5 to 25 kHz. But this squeak is used not only for communication. With its help, the animal β€œsees” and can navigate even in complete darkness.

With the onset of winter, some individuals move south, and some remain in place and hide in wintering places.

Mating, pregnancy, childbirth

The mating games of these bats are little studied, but it is known that they are performed only once a year - in the fall. During this period, males and females can live next door, while the rest of the time, males prefer loneliness. Female survives wintering already pregnant. And at the beginning or middle of summer, babies are born. A bat gives birth (photos of the animal are given in the article), usually two, less often one cubs.

northern leather jacket description

Being in a pack, the females alone raise their babies until they are puberty, which occurs in eleven months. Males do not participate in the upbringing of the younger generation. It is interesting that the youth of leather jackets quite often is nailed to bat colonies of a different species, for example, to bat-birds and night-lights. And they do not drive them away.

Maybe when we get to know these useful animals better, we will stop huddling when we see bats flying in the night sky. After all, these are our neighbors who play an important role in the cycle of nature and have the right to life.


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