Halloween nurse costume: make at home in a matter of hours

Halloween party fans usually get ready for theme parties in a few months. You need to carefully consider the image, order a suitable suit in the online store or atelier. But what if there are several days left before the masquerade, but there are no ideas and some special clothes for reincarnation? Literally in a matter of hours , you can make a female nurse costume for Halloween at home with your own hands .

Classic seductive paramedic vestment

Halloween nurse costume

The image of a seductive nurse is suitable for girls who do not like scary stories. To implement it, you will need a short medical gown or a simple white dress, light shoes, stockings, a hair band or material for creating hats and red ribbons. Do not rush to steal the main item of clothing in the district clinic. A Halloween nurse costume can be made from a dressing gown, which can be easily purchased at any workwear store. Choose the minimum size so that this uniform fits your figure, or get ready to suture a standard product. The hem and sleeves can also be shortened at will. The costume will turn out to be more interesting if a red cross made of ribbons or strips of fabric is sewn onto the pockets or gown belt. Do not be too lazy to decorate the hair band with the same symbol or make the appropriate hat.

"Bloody Nurse" - an ominous image for Halloween

DIY do-it-yourself nurse costume

If you don’t like the idea of ​​dressing up as a seductress in a white coat, you can try to transform into a more sinister character. The Halloween costume "bloody nurse" is made in the same way as the classic seductive masquerade outfit for the paramedic. To complete the image you need a couple of strokes. Take artificial blood or make red gouache with water. The resulting composition can be sprayed or carefully doused with a white bathrobe. The nurse’s halloween costume will turn out to be sinister and unusual if you leave fingerprints of bloody hands and fingers on its light fabric. An excellent addition to the image will be wounds made up with make-up or special stickers that imitate cuts.

Silent Hill Nurse

How to make a nurse costume for halloween

Silent Hill is one of the worst horror films of our time. A computer game of the same name, created based on his motives, and a variety of thematic art are popular. So why not make a Halloween nurse costume based on this movie? Recall in more detail the images of medical workers from Silent Hill. These are zombie women, whose faces are hidden by continuous bandages, and their movements are inhibited. Such a suit is somewhat more difficult to make than the previous two. Zombie clothes are stained not only with blood, but also with dirt, hanging with rags and should look half-rotten. In order to achieve a similar effect, use dark paint and do not be too lazy to tear and tear up the main items of clothing. The most difficult element of the costume is the mask. You can simply wrap your head in bandages and tint them, but in this case it will be very difficult to get out of the image. It is much more convenient to take any ready-made mask covering your face, and glue strips of gauze onto such a base. Do not forget to “age” the bandages using paint.

Image Details

Almost any nurse costume can be made more expressive and bright by adding a few accessories. A medical dressing or syringes (do not forget to remove the needles) can be purchased at any pharmacy. Real luck if you can get a phonendoscope somewhere. It’s not difficult to make a Halloween nurse costume with your own hands. Instead of a classic handbag, complement it with a suitcase with a red cross. Well, if in your house there is a suitable first-aid kit, you can find such an accessory in the department of goods for children. The nurse’s seductive costume can be complemented with a stocking belt, garters and translucent gloves. If you choose a bloody or zombie look, the best accessory will be a kitchen knife, cleaver and other similar weapons. Of course, for the party, you should choose unfinished models.

Makeup nurse

Halloween Costume Bloody Nurse

We figured out the basic elements of a fancy dress, it remains to choose cosmetics. Makeup can be chosen according to your own taste - bright, emphasizing the image of a seductress, or as natural as possible. Bloody nurses are suitable makeup that simulates wounds, pallor of the skin. But the residents of Silent Hill will need a professional set of body paints. Remember the movie: in these monsters, blue-violet swollen veins were visible in it, and the skin tone of the creatures most of all looked like dirty white. But with makeup, the girls who choose this image for themselves, you can not especially try - the face will still be masked, and no one will see it. Now you know how to make a nurse costume for Halloween. We hope that our ideas will inspire you, and the proposed instructions will help to realize all your ideas.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21493/

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