The anti-gravity engine of Leonov Vladimir Semenovich: the principle of operation, testing. Superunification Theory

Regarding the experiments of physicist and inventor Vladimir Leonov, who is developing an anti-gravity apparatus, a lot of controversy arose. Supporters believe in a new scientific breakthrough, and opponents consider the work of a scientist a pseudoscience. Who is right and what research has become the subject of heated debate?

The rivalry of theories

In modern physics, two fundamentally different scientific theories compete that are not interconnected. These two directions give work to a large number of scientists from two sides: the general theory of relativity, which was proposed by Einstein, and the Standard model with the theory of Superunification. The latter became the basis with which the Leonov engine was developed, which, according to many, is part of science fiction. The physicist himself believes that there should be no dual power in science, and it is one. Based on this, from an objective point of view, one of the scientific areas is erroneous.

Naturally, the orthodoxy of physics rejects the Standard Model, which cannot fit into the theory of relativity. Moreover, if instead of the Standard, the theory mentioned above is taken, thanks to which the Leonov engine is developed, which can accelerate due to internal forces and overcome gravity. The physicist claims that in the future such quantum engines will enable humanity to reach Mars. And the main thing is that the flight time to it will take only forty-two hours.

leonov engine

Zero element

Superunification theory considers electromagnetism, gravity and nuclear forces from a single perspective. It combines quantum and theory of relativity. If true, the new scientific concept and the developed Leonov engine are recognized, then Russian science becomes a leader in the nuclear field of basic research. The Russian physicist Leonov theoretically and experimentally proved that the zero element of the Dmitry Mendeleev table exists. Whether it is true or not, it has not yet been precisely established, however, the scientist Leonov provides certain scientific calculations for discussion of the scientific community.

A physicist who claims that his experiments and Leonov’s quantum engine named after him are true, wrote an article for the Russian atomic community. It discusses the main issue of nuclear energy - energy release during a defect in the mass of an atomic nucleus. Regarding the zero element, Leonov claims that Dmitry Mendeleev himself assumed its presence as the first-born matter that is part of the atom. Mendeleev in his table assigned the zero group and the row, placing inert gases there as well. Subsequent generations of scientists considered this arrangement to be a mistake, removed the zero group and number, and moved the inert gases. Now they are in the eighth group.

Quantum time space

Until now, the fundamental sciences using the laws of physics have not recognized the presence of ether. The traditional idea of ​​the nature of cosmic vacuum, such an element as ether, was rejected in the last century. However, the physicist Leonov does not speak of the presence of it as a certain substance. He raises the question of the existence of electromagnetic weightless matter. In other words, he speaks of quantum space-time, in its characteristics resembling a superelastic crystal. The physicist represents our Universe in the form of a quasicrystal. And we, humanity, live inside this crystal in the electromagnetic Universe.

Quanton and Quarkon

Leonov, rather, does not reject, but expands the boundaries that the fundamental sciences in the field of quantum laws have today. He proves the existence of a zero element in the form of a quanton, which densely fills our Universe and creates a four-dimensional quantized temporal space. This particle underlies the theory of Superunification. It is also interesting that the physicist does not speak about a single particle of the zero element, but about two primordial massless particles: a quanton (–e, + e, –g, + g) and a quarkon (–e, + e), which are symbolically combined into a single the zero element of quarkonium is a kind of energy cross.

Leon's anti-gravity engine true or false

Scientist or science fiction?

Of course, such a theory gives rise to many consider the scientist a science fiction. Such an understanding of the structure of the Universe for the majority contradicts common sense. But physicist Vladimir Leonov does not back down and is preparing for new experimental studies. To the question: “How can one live inside a crystal?” - He says that inside the computer processor with a crystalline structure, electrons live and move, performing complex mathematical operations. These are the so-called computer brains. Our Universe is also a giant computer, inside of which we live.

Of course, the idea put forward by Vladimir Leonov causes controversy, criticism and even ridicule. But the scientist focuses on the fact that we all need to recognize such a theory so as not to do stupid things in the future and develop. Then the future can be presented to mankind in a very profitable and interesting light. Leonov considers himself a preacher of the Cosmism theory, part of which the great Russian scientists Mendeleev, Vernadsky, Tsiolkovsky, Chizhevsky, Losev, Florensky, V. Bekhterev and N. Bekhtereva, as well as many other lesser-known personalities, considered themselves to be.

A new era engine

Created in 2009, Leonov’s anti-gravity engine has a horizontal thrust of fifty kilograms of pulse force. He does not have a wheel drive, but due to internal forces he moves horizontally. The opposition claims that in zero gravity this apparatus will not work, as long as this happens due to the friction of the bearings.

In 2014, Leonov’s anti-gravity engine passed bench tests. The scientist has greatly improved it. The so-called "bearing factor" was removed, and the quantum engine allowed the device weighing fifty-four kilograms to fly vertically. The consumed electric power in this case was 1 kW, and the impulse of vertical thrust was from five hundred to seven hundred kilograms of force (kgf). Tests have confirmed: Superunification theory works. The device takes off with an acceleration of 10-12 (g).

fundamental sciences

Traction characteristics

Comparing the characteristics of a rocket and quantum engine, it can be seen that the power thrust of a quantum per kilowatt of power is five thousand Newton per pulse, and that of a rocket engine is one Newton respectively. The quantum engine is powered by electricity. It does not heat the atmosphere and outer space with combustion products. True, during continuous operation, the traction characteristics of a quantum engine will decrease.

Leonov's supporters believe that the theory of Superunification can make a great breakthrough in physical science, and the development of a quantum engine can revolutionize engine building.

Vladimir leonov


Modern jet engines have reached the limit in a technical sense. Fifty years of scientific work on increasing the time impulse of their work yielded the result of an improvement of only two: from 220 seconds (V-2) to 450 seconds (Proton). Quantum engines have an impulse of work not for seconds, but for years. If a rocket weighing five tons carries a payload of five percent, then with a quantum engine, the payload will be nine hundred percent!


If you imagine that the quantum engine of Vladimir Leonov is a window into the future of interplanetary spacecraft, then the spacecraft of the future will be able to reach speeds of up to a thousand kilometers per second. For comparison: today the rocket speed is about eighteen kilometers per second! Moreover, such a device will have a long thrust momentum and will be able to move with acceleration. Therefore, we are talking about a flight to Mars in forty-two hours!


Who knows, after all, much that once seemed fantastic, today is reality, moreover, everyday: video communications, lasers, computers, etc. Almost every achievement of scientific and technological progress once seemed to be fiction, and many scientific theories were even subjected to persecution. This, of course, does not mean that the work of the physicist Leonov is true, but it admits the likelihood that the scientist is right.

Leonov anti-gravity engine

Cold fusion

As for the energy source, the physicist proposes a promising nuclear reactor (cold fusion reactor ). The Italian engineer Andrea Rossi proposed a scheme for such a source working on nickel, whose energy efficiency in the nuclear cycle is a million times higher than the chemical one. The paramount task, of course, is to create a universal engine that works equally in atmospheric conditions, space and on the ground. Only the principle of operation of the Leonov engine, i.e., the quantum one, can satisfy such requirements.

New opportunities

Installing such an engine on airplanes will allow you to increase the height to 50-100 kilometers. At this altitude, resistance is orders of magnitude lower, fuel consumption is reduced, and the aircraft will be able to fly by inertia. Fantastic, but with such an engine, the plane will be able to fly for years without refueling, and the flight time will decrease from ten hours to one!

Today, much has been written about the fact that Russia has tested Leonov’s anti-gravity engine, that we are on the verge of a new technological era of engine building, etc. Much has been said in favor of denying Leonov’s developments, which suggests that the fundamental theory of Superunification is not fiction. It defines physics working on new principles - cold fusion reactors and a quantum engine.

achievement of scientific and technological progress

When a quantum engine is installed on cars, the transmission will no longer be needed. The thrust will be provided by the engine (quantum). The wheels of such a machine will not slip. One kilogram of nickel is enough for refueling for ten million kilometers without the need to refuel. In other words, this is a path equal to twenty-five distances to the moon. The service life of such a car will reach from fifty to one hundred years. With such an engine, flying cars, as in the movie "The Fifth Element", will become a reality.

According to Leonov, everything is simple: mass as a category isolated from quantized temporal space does not exist in nature. Mass is a bunch of energy in a deformed space. That we take it for the mass of the particle. And in elementary particle physics, mass is not calculated in kilograms. It is measured in electron volts (eV) and in Joules - units of energy.

superunification theory

The fight against pseudoscience

Whatever arguments may be made in favor or for criticizing the theory of the physicist-experimenter, but only time will be able to show: Leonov’s anti-gravity engine is true or false, reality or fiction. A little more time, and multinational companies, interrupting each other, will begin to master the latest technologies for the production of quantum engines and their use in the automotive industry, in aircraft and reactors.

The commodity economy is shaky and depends on stocks. The whole world, and Russia in particular, has no choice - it is necessary to develop. But RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences), according to Leonov, is the main obstacle. The fact is that the RAS announced work in the field of cold nuclear fusion and antigravity pseudoscientific. At the same time, the USA, China are working on the development of a quantum engine, and the Italian Andrea Rossi was the first to launch the nuclear reactor. And he did not make this special secret. Alexander Parkhomov repeated work on a cold fusion reactor in Russia.

The Russian Academy of Sciences has declared a fight against sorcerers, false healers and false scientists. The created special commission defeated the group engaged in cold nuclear fusion. Enthusiastic scientists were forced to go underground. General Valery Menshikov, who was one of the first to work on artificial gravity vehicles, was dismissed at the Space Systems Research Institute. All these actions only drag out time. After all, progress cannot be stopped - it is obvious!

quantum engine of Vladimir Leonov

According to Leonov, the problems of artificial gravitation and quantum gravity can actually be solved within the framework of the theory of Superunification. This is the new physics that will make a breakthrough in future technologies. And the Higgs boson, according to the experimental scientist, is a major anti-scientific falsification. And while in Russia the development of work in the field of the quantum engine and cold nuclear fusion is hindering, the Americans and China are actively conducting research in these areas.

Probably, the fundamental science of Russia is on the verge of new discoveries that will lead it to world leaders. The work of Vladimir Leonov on the anti-gravity engine blew up the Internet after publication. So, only time will tell who was right. And we can only hope that we won’t have to wait long, and new fantastic cars, planes and spaceships will soon become a reality.


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