Tank "Object 416" - pan on the tracks

Arriving at World of Tanks, each user very quickly faces the choice of his own development vector. Someone likes armored mastodons from branches of heavy tanks; someone will prefer the drive and adrenaline of high-speed and almost unprotected light cars; there are fans of “bush snipers” from the number of anti-tank mounts, and someone will become a professional artillery support. In the same article, we will consider one of the representatives of the medium tank branch - “Object 416” - a complex, ambiguous and not quite typical vehicle from the point of view of the entire ST family.

General information

object 416

Before us is a medium tank of the eighth level, called the “Object 416”. We begin the review with the appearance, because the non-standard layout not only distinguishes it from its counterparts, but also significantly affects the gameplay.

In reality, the tank was developed based on the requirements of maximum crew protection with the lowest possible mass. The engineers of the Kharkov KB-60 created an apparatus that was completely unusual for the Soviet school of tank building. “Object 416” turned out to be very low and squat, at the same time it had good dynamics and maneuverability. The engine was located in front, which increased the security of the crew. Tankers of all composition were stationed in a tower located at the rear of the tank in a reclining position. It should be noted that this was also a drawback. The driver was also sitting in the tower, and it could not turn around its axis, which significantly limited the shelling sector.

We pump the modules

Fri Sau

To fully bring the Object 416 tank to the top state, the player will need 229,400 experience points (if the walkie-talkies were studied using another technique, almost half of this amount can be saved).

First of all, we study the top M-63 gun. Excellent rates of rate of fire, information, accuracy and armor penetration will allow you to quickly gain experience on other modules. The important thing is that the gun is placed in the stock tower without problems. The second module deflates the tower. By setting it, we get an increase in the number of health points, increase the rate of fire, and also increase the review by 10 meters. The third most important module is the chassis. Its installation will significantly improve the dynamics of our device.


There are four crew members in the tank: commander, gunner, mechvod and loader. In order to increase very good gaming opportunities, the correct distribution of skills in each of them is necessary. By tradition, we proceed from the presence of three “perks” for each of the tankers.

Commander: battle fraternity, light bulb, repair.

Gunner: combat fraternity, a smooth turn of the tower, repair.

Mekhvod: military fraternity, smooth running, cleanliness and order.

Charger: battle brotherhood, contactless ammunition, repair / camouflage.

This set of skills is more suitable for a player practicing an aggressive style of playing on the first line. If the user prefers to play in the tank destroyer mode, then it is recommended to replace the repair with a disguise.

Object 416 Review

Equipment, ammunition and supplies

We have only 35 pieces of ammunition in the ammunition load, and we need to carefully approach the issue of manning. It is recommended to have in stock 2 HE shells, 8 “gold” shells, the rest standard “bb-shki”. The gun penetrates well most of our opponents. Standard consumables - first aid kit, repair kit, fire extinguisher. If the treasury allows, you can replace them with premium ones, but then you need to be prepared for constant minuses according to the results of the battle.

Equipment should be installed focusing on your own battle style. If we fly into the thick of the fray and fight short, then we put a fan, a rammer and a vertical stabilizer. If we play in PT-SPG mode, then it is worth adding a camouflage net and an observation pipe to the fan (on the game slang - “horns”).

How to play on "Object 416"

The machine in its gaming capabilities is very ambiguous, and it will even seem difficult for someone to use: the tower rotates only 150 degrees, the cannon goes down only if you turn the tower sideways. Such features leave a definite imprint on the gaming capabilities of the tank, but this is exactly what the charm is all about.

how to play on object 416

As already mentioned, playing Object 416 allows you to play in two styles: aggressive and ambush. Ideally, a reasonable combination of these two approaches to combat is recommended.

- At the first stage of the battle we use dynamics and invisibility - we occupy one of the key points. This does not have to be the place where the main battle between the two teams unfolds. It is enough to highlight the entrance to this position in order to have information about the approaching enemy (its quantity, composition, etc.). Using the "horns", we see him and begin to shell. We let our “strands” forward, we support them from a distance. In the end, you can intercept the frisky enemy "firefly" who planned the raid on your artillery.

- At the second stage, we are going to finish off the remaining enemy. Our good one-time damage (we focus on the figure of 300 points per shot), excellent stabilization on the go will allow you to quickly and beautifully issue a lone wounded ticket to the hangar. Invisibility will play a cruel joke with the concealed enemy tank destroyer, which will surely “wake up” our appearance or with a high degree of probability will miss, shooting at our low silhouette. In such duels, by the way, the main “trick” of our tank is manifested: if we “got used” to the side of a heavy car, then it won’t get into us. She just does not go down below the level of the hatches of our tower, and she will shoot in a panic, constantly giving a rebound or missing. All that remains for us is to prevent her from moving away, constantly crawling along her side and punching.

Well, at the very end of the battle, we’re going to finish off the artillery, which is a matter of technology.


object 416 tank

"Object 416" - a complex tank. It is not suitable for everyone, and someone will definitely find it very uncomfortable. However, this is a matter of personal preference, and every opinion has the right to exist. However, it allows you to unleash the potential of the player, and a certain versatility of its gameplay attracts a significant number of fans. In any case, this is one of those few World of Tanks combat vehicles that will definitely not leave players indifferent.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2150/

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