At what age can a cat become pregnant: terms and stages of pregnancy

If a young cat has appeared in your house, then you need to think about how you plan to protect her from unwanted pregnancies today. It seems to many that it’s too early to think about it, because in front of you is a playful kitten. In fact, time flies very fast. Each owner must know at what age the cat can become pregnant, because warned - means armed.

how long can a cat get pregnant

First things first

Of course, the numbers will be averaged, because each animal develops in its own way. The cat family is characterized by fertility and early maturity. At what age a cat can become pregnant for the first time, several factors will influence:

  • Breed.
  • Genotype.
  • Other features.

On average, the first estrus in a cat occurs in 6–8 months. She marks the possibility of becoming pregnant. Usually a young female is in no hurry to set off on an adventure. But the likelihood of offspring will be higher if you also have a cat.

Breed features

The larger the pet, the longer its development takes. Therefore, Maine Coons and similar animals most often become sexually mature a little later. The first estrus, and with it the opportunity to become a mother, usually occurs by 12-14 months. This also includes owners of a long coat. These are bobtail, Siberian and Norwegian cats. Shorthair can mature before 6 months, in some, the first estrus is observed at 4-5 months. This must be taken into account if you take a young female home. After all, not knowing at what age a cat can become pregnant, it is possible to allow the birth of unwanted offspring.

at what age can a cat become pregnant

Everyone's responsibility

At first glance, reproduction is a natural phenomenon. Moreover, many believe that childbirth is necessary and important for the health of the animal. But look around. Today there are so many abandoned, miserable kittens, cats and cats that need a family, that letting new ones come into the world is simply a crime.

Everyone hopes that there will be good hands for each kitten that appeared at their cattery. And usually they are, especially if the spring litter. Toddlers are taken to the country, during the summer holidays for children. And what happens in the fall? They are thrown at summer cottages, left at stops, just thrown into the yard.

Therefore, think very well before admitting your pet to the cat. If it is not thoroughbred, it is best to sterilize. Some owners in the old manner drown newborns and bury them in the garden. Despite the apparent inhumanity, this is better than a hungry existence and painful death.

when a cat can get pregnant

Physiology features

Each owner should at least a little understanding of these issues. Where his experience and knowledge is not enough, you need a veterinarian. Today we’ll talk about how old a cat can become pregnant. From the moment of the first estrus, she is physiologically ready to become a mother. This ability sometimes preserves to a very old age. Feline has no such thing as menopause. That is, reproductive age lasts from the first estrus until death. This must be reported to the owners before the fluffy beauty crosses the threshold of their home.

Dates and stages of pregnancy

Bearing kittens lasts from 58 to 78 days. It depends on the size of the animal and breed. For example, Siamese cats carry offspring faster. After about three weeks, the nipples increase, and in the tummy it becomes possible to grope for the babies. At this time, the cat needs to be provided with proper nutrition. It is best if it is a special feed for pregnant and lactating.

When 1-2 days are left before delivery, the expectant mother becomes restless. She clings to the owner, looking for a nook, meows. Now it’s best to equip her with a nest. A cat tied to its owner wants to give birth in his bed, and a very independent lady will try to leave home for this. A cozy nest will avoid these extremes.

what time can a cat get pregnant

When can I drive a cat

If you are determined to get offspring and know well how you will look for a new home for the kids, then you must first make sure that the body of the future mother is completely ready for such loads. Knowing at what age a cat can become pregnant for the first time, you need to carefully protect it from accidental mating. After all, this is similar to how an 11-year-old girl, whose first period began, would get pregnant and give birth to a child.

The owner's task is to maintain the health of the pet. That is what should be the priority. The onset of the first estrus indicates only physiological readiness to reproduce offspring. But the owner should think about the other side of the issue. Before mating, the cat and cat should be examined by a veterinarian. They are prescribed an examination for hidden infections, treatment for worms and other parasites, as well as vaccination.

Both breeders and veterinarians agree on how old a cat can become pregnant for the first time. So that the bearing of the offspring does not adversely affect the expectant mother, it is required to skip 2 or 3 estruses, starting from the first. Pregnancy is a very energy-consuming exercise. Therefore, by the first conception, the female should be absolutely healthy, be in excellent physical shape.

Here it must be said once again that a caring owner should first of all think about the health of his pet. The myths that the cat needs to give birth constantly are not justified. If your beauty is not the best representative of the breed, the winner of numerous exhibitions and a valuable carrier of the gene pool, then it is best to sterilize her after reaching puberty.

After how much can be repeated

By about a month and a half, kittens become completely independent and are ready to move to a new house. The time has come for the owners to think about when the cat may become pregnant again. Usually just at it the next estrus begins. But this does not mean that her body is ready for such a turn.

Pregnancy can be planned no earlier than after 5-6 months. And even if the previous lambing passed without complications, the animal must restore strength. Bearing kittens, childbirth, feeding - all this is associated with a huge loss of nutrients and minerals. Mom spends a lot of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. All these substances go to the development of the fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to give her the opportunity to restore weight and normalize hormonal levels. This will take at least 3-4 months. So it is believed that a cat should not have more than two litters per year. Otherwise, it wears out mom's body.

at what age can a cat become pregnant for the first time

How often can a cat give birth

This is another important question that is also often asked by veterinarians. Now we know what time a cat can become pregnant, but we still need to understand how to be careful throughout the year. If her living conditions are good and her nutrition is good, estrus will occur with enviable regularity, and you will encounter the problem of adding offspring in good hands.

Of course, this frequency is characteristic of animals that have free access to the street. If cats live in the neighborhood, then surprises cannot be avoided. In this case, it is extremely important to consider and how many months the cat can become pregnant. After all, the offspring of a young female will most likely be unviable.

Even if your beauty is still feeding the babies, she may begin to estrus, and if there is a male nearby, pregnancy will occur. This leads to exhaustion, weight loss, the development of inflammatory diseases and other problems. As we said above, if the owner is responsible for breeding, he should exclude such a possibility.

The onset of old age

The first estrus is the age when a cat can become pregnant for the first time. After this, throughout the entire adult life, the owner needs to make sure that the mating does not happen more than twice a year. If pregnancy, in principle, is not desirable, it is best to coordinate with the veterinarian the sterilization procedure. Do it throughout life. True, there are contraindications for health reasons.

In this regard, many are interested in when the pet stops and give birth to kittens? Features of sexual behavior allow them to continue their race until old age. Therefore, do not hope that after a certain number of years it will be possible to weaken control over the animal. In old age they give birth to fewer kittens, but this does not fundamentally solve the problem.

The owner must responsibly approach this issue and not allow animals older than 7 years to breed. When a cat reaches this age, it is easier to sterilize, so as not to create problems for herself and her. None of the professional nurseries will receive offspring from an animal that is 6-7 years old. Late births will not add health to an elderly female, and her life is a fundamental value.

how many months can a cat become pregnant

What drugs can be used

We have already raised the issue of contraception. Since birth control is necessary, then special preparations are also needed that can prevent mating. Moreover, considering how long a cat can become pregnant, they must be used from a young age. This question is acute for owners of thoroughbred animals during the rehabilitation period. Today, the market has a large selection of contraceptives for pets. The following are especially popular: “Sex-barrier”, “Stop-sex”, “Counter-sex”, “Gestrenol”, “Libidomin”.

birth control for cats

Release form

All of these hormonal drugs come in the form of tablets or sprays. They act in the same way: suppress sexual desire and inhibit ovulation. But you need to understand that oral contraceptives in cats are not vitamins at all. Before using them, you must always consult a doctor. In some cases, they can cause the development of a dangerous disease - pyometers. This often leads to surgical intervention and the complete removal of the reproductive organs.


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