Extraordinary Azov Hikes

Water is an unpredictable and dangerous element that instantly changes its mood from gentle gentle waves to the most formidable and merciless storm. Perhaps that is why the profession of a sailor has always chosen people who are brave and strong-willed, who are able to love the sea wholeheartedly, fearlessly peering into his face, on which eternal life coexists - beauty, and eternal non-existence - death. And where these two miracles live side by side, there is always a place for the eternal adventurers - the romantics. For them, a dream is the engine of life, impulse and feeling are its meaning, and going on vacation is the beginning of an exciting water trip. Instead of a quiet beach holiday or measured summer digging, these people choose the wind, spray, crazy physical exertion and the danger that invariably accompanies any kind of water tourism.

On an inflatable raft through storms, rain and thunderstorms

Going together on a life raft to sail across the Sea of ​​Azov is a bold and desperate idea, but, nevertheless, embodied in life. Azov campaigns of this type may seem outright stupid. But not for those for whom reckless youth and the adventurous wind of change are calling for a feat.

Back in 1980, two lucky owners of an orange inflatable raft equipped with a makeshift mast and a polyethylene sail set sail. The point of departure was Berdyansk Spit, and Cape Kazantip was designated as the arrival point. The gentle daytime sun and fair breeze gave way to a dark night and an increasing gusty wind. After some time, travelers realized that they were destined to get into a real sea storm with a gale-force wind and huge waves. And so it happened. At the cost of enormous efforts and thanks to the presence of fortitude, these sea wolves managed to keep the raft afloat, and the unexpectedly strong sail helped to avoid flooding, forcing the ship to literally run away from the shafts hanging over it. By morning, bad weather had receded, and the rubber bagel was thrown onto land. It turned out to be the Inhabitant Spit - a conservation area lying just west of the Berdyansk Spit.

It would seem that after such a dangerous journey, it would be time to stop. But no! This is not in the nature of the bold and bold conquerors of the water element. And after 4 years the following attempt was made to swim across the sea. Amateurs in water tourism may notice that the Azov campaigns are not so dangerous, because the sea itself is the smallest in the world. But experienced tourists know that the smaller the depth, the higher and worse the wave.

So, the modernized raft with two crew members started again from the Berdyansk spit. The north-west wind, bright gentle sun, phosphorescent water, salty spray - and an impromptu boat rushes on all plastic sails. But the irony of fate is an absolutely real thing. And with the onset of night, a serious storm is played out again, in comparison with which the previous storm seems like child's play. Between the solid "ninth ramparts" they fly, making chilling sounds, crazy seagulls, the water breaks the sail and tries to swallow the sailors, in the pitch darkness a huge cargo ship is rushing towards a tiny raft ...

It was all: mean words of farewell, and gratitude for strong friendships, and a desperate struggle with the uncontrolled elements, and crazy adrenaline. In this battle, Man won. And a few days later, an orange little ship appeared off the coast of Cape Kazantip.

It makes no sense to describe the emotions of friends - you only need to experience it, feel it for yourself. Their Azov campaigns - complete madness and a real feat - will forever remain one of the most vivid impressions of youth.

Our heroes are not the only daredevils who ventured to fight with large water. By their miracle, the surviving predecessors went to sea in 2 rubber boats. Other extreme tourists cruised around the Sea of ​​Azov on a kayak with a sail. Their colleagues overcame the most difficult sea route on a catamaran. There are many more examples.

Perhaps the reader inspired by these stories will also want to feel like a strong and bold conqueror of the seas. And who knows - maybe after a while we will be surprised and with bated breath read about his exciting Azov campaigns.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2152/

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