The poem "The son of an artilleryman" by Simonov K. M .: main characters, analysis

The poem "The Son of the Gunner" by Simonov is one of the most famous works of this famous writer and poet. It is especially valuable not only for its literary merits, but also for being based on a real event, which the author learned about during his correspondent travels during the years of World War II. The work became so popular that many readers wanted to know about the fate of the prototype of the protagonist, who immediately became famous when millions of people read about his exploit.

Brief characteristics of the biography

Simonov’s small poem, “The Son of the Gunner”, should be considered in the context of the poet’s work, for which the military theme was leading. He was born in 1915, for some time worked as a turner. However, a very early literary talent was revealed to him, and the future famous poet graduated from the Literary University.

Back in the 1930s, he began to publish his works. He entered the military service, graduating from courses of military correspondents. During the war, the author visited different fronts, taking notes and publishing articles about everything he saw. He collaborated with the newspapers Izvestia and Fighting Banner. During the war years he writes his famous military lyrics, which brought him all-Union fame.

After the war, Simonov continued his social and literary activities. The author was the editor of New World magazine and other periodicals. In the 1969-1970s he published his plays, famous works, among them the famous trilogy "The Living and the Dead", as well as travel essays, articles, poems. In addition, he held prominent political posts. The poet died in 1979.

son of the artilleryman simonov

History of writing a poem

The poem "The Son of the Artilleryman" by Simonov was written in 1941 under the following circumstances. During the war, he worked as a war correspondent and traveled to various military places, publishing articles on military operations. At the end of the first year of the war, the writer went to the northern front. And here he heard from Major Ryklis an amazing story about how he sent for the terrible reconnaissance in the rear to the Germans the son of his fighting comrade, who almost died in crossfire. It was Lieutenant Ivan Alekseevich Loskutov, who served in the artillery regiment. On the instructions of the commander, he, along with two other radio operators, went to a height to give the coordinates of the location of the Germans and thereby correct the points of attacks on the enemy that were inflicted by the troops of his commander. When their location was discovered, the Germans opened fire on cover. Loskutov, risking his life and the lives of his comrades, gave the coordinates of his whereabouts so that Ryklis could hit the enemy. Together with friends, he miraculously survived and the wounded returned to headquarters. These events occurred on the Rybachy Peninsula, which was reflected in the poem.

gunner's son poem

Division into parts

The poem "The Son of the Gunner" by Simonov can be divided into five parts. The first is devoted to the description of the friendship of two majors, Deyev and Petrov. Both fought together in a civil war with the whites, then served in the artillery regiment. Petrov had a son, Lenka, who became Deyev’s favorite, the latter, during the absence of his friend, essentially replaced his father’s boy: he taught him how to ride, spent time with him.

The second part includes a description of the life of friends in separation: Petrov fought on the southern front, where he died heroically, and Deev fought in the north, where he belatedly learned about the death of his friend.

The third part tells how Lenka, now an adult lieutenant Petrov, is in the service of a major who from now on became his commander.

The fourth, climax part tells about the exploit of a young lieutenant in the mountains, when he alone, like his prototype, risking his life, gave the coordinates of the location of the Germans and actually caused fire on himself. And the short final stanzas describe the scene of the meeting of Major and Lenka, who miraculously survived under a terrible crossfire on both sides.

to m Simonov the son of an artilleryman main characters

Friends images

Especially popular was the work of Simonov "The son of an artilleryman." The poem is short and concise in the narrative, but the motives of frontline friendship, courage and courage of ordinary soldiers in a moment of danger sound all the more expressive. The poet was one of the first to raise the theme of Russian man in the war. Such people are the two heroes of the composition, the majors Deev and Petrov. The work “The Son of the Gunner”, the analysis of which should include, first of all, their characteristics, opens with a description of strong friendship.

gunner's son analysis

The author in very mean, but vivid phrases draws images of these characters. From small stanzas we learn that both fought, regularly performed military service, and performed their duty. The poet deliberately avoided the use of spectacular epithets, because, apparently, he wanted to show that his characters are the most ordinary and simple people, typical representatives of his generation. Therefore, the images he created became so close and understandable to ordinary readers, many of whom themselves fought and could recognize themselves in these characters.

Characteristics of Lenka

One of the prominent Soviet wartime poets was K. M. Simonov. “The son of an artilleryman” (the main characters are described as the most ordinary fighters who simply do their duty, which they accomplish a real feat of) immediately gained popularity among the reading public.

Lenka Petrov is described by the poet at the beginning of the poet as the most ordinary boy, mischievous, cheerful, who is attached to Major Deyev, as his second father. But he is fully revealed precisely in adulthood, when, being already a real fighter, he stays at the major’s headquarters under his command. The description of his feat is mainly devoted to the “Son of the Gunner”. The poem is structured in such a way that consistently and gradually shows the character of Lenka at the decisive moment, when he was entrusted with a responsible mission during reconnaissance.

artillery son


The poem "The Son of the Gunner", a brief summary of which should also be included in the analysis of the work, is a whole story, which is a story about the life of several people. Its chronological framework obviously includes several decades. First, it refers to the years of the civil war, which lasted six to seven years, then the author briefly mentions the interwar period, when friends spent time together, and Major Deev made friends with Lenka.

The main, climax part is devoted to the description of the feat of Lenka, who, with a risk to his life, broadcast information on the location of the Germans on the radio. And finally, the final, final part describes the denouement: the protagonist honorably fulfilled his duty, but over the course of these few hours he turned completely gray from emotions and excitement.

to m simonov the son of an artilleryman

The relationship between the main characters

One of the most prominent wartime poets was K. M. Simonov. “The son of an artilleryman” is one of his best works. It is interesting not only with a touching image of front-line friendship and an expressive description of the battle, but also with the psychology of the heroes. The author expertly conveys the feelings, emotions and experiences of Major Deyev, who sent a young man to such a dangerous task, whom he raised as a son, and who, in turn, considered him his father.

Konstantin Simonov son of an artilleryman

About the heroic deed

The culmination of the episode is the moment when Lenka calls the coordinates of his own location for striking. Here the poet, in a few short sentences, conveys the state of mind of the major, who nevertheless continued to command fire and ordered to strike where the main character was. Therefore, the scene was especially touching, in which the major eventually searches for his pupil and finds him alive. It was this ability to portray the feelings of ordinary people in the war that Konstantin Simonov became famous for. “The son of an artilleryman” is one of the most striking works of this subject.


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