How to choose an inverter? Useful tips and tricks

In a private courtyard or country house, you often have to finish building, erecting or remodeling something. Without a welding machine, this is very problematic. It’s expensive to hire an employee with your own machine, and work does not always require a lot of experience. The best option is to have your own device. Fortunately, in the modern market you can find the appropriate equipment for any wallet and functionality. Next, we consider how to choose an inverter depending on the features of its use and the type of proposed operations.

how to choose an inverter

general information

Inverter arc welding machines work with electrodes of the melting type (MMA). they may also have additional features, which slightly affects their cost. They can conditionally be divided into several main categories:

  1. Household models. The simplest and cheapest units. If you are not planning a full-scale construction, and the device is necessary for ongoing repair of structures, this option is quite appropriate.
  2. Professional appliances are focused on daily hours of work. How to choose an inverter in this case? Firstly, one should take into account the category of operations (building a house, building greenhouses, repairing equipment, and so on), as well as working conditions. Secondly, pay attention to the manufacturer and price. These devices cost at least 18 thousand rubles.
  3. Semi-professional modifications. An intermediate option that is suitable for lovers of crafting various welded structures. All gradations are conditional, when choosing a model, the class of the device from the seller should be clarified.
  4. Universal combined inverters are distinguished by the ability to operate in several modes, the most popular of which is manual arc welding. Such equipment will allow, in addition to standard manipulations, to weld parts of the machine, thin metal, stainless steel. Some versions have a torch option.

Criterias of choice

How to choose an inverter based on technical parameters? In addition to the price category, you need to choose the right characteristics of the device. Primarily determined with electrical power. For a house or a summer residence, 220 V models are suitable. If there is a 380 V supply, it is better to purchase three-phase analogues, which are not many on the market, but they are. The next parameter is the material and thickness of the products with which it is supposed to work. With this in mind, the maximum welding current issued by the unit is selected (Imax, measured in Amperes).

choose a welding inverter for home and garden

Current indicators

Next, we will consider how to choose an inverter based on the welding current. There is a certain relationship between this parameter and the thickness of the metal with which work will be performed. For welding corners and other products made of black material, the thickness of which does not exceed 10 millimeters, 160-180 amperes will be sufficient. Choose a machine with an indicator of 20 units more if you plan to cook thicker metal from time to time.

In everyday life, sheets thicker than 20 mm are practically not used. Therefore, powerful models (250 A) do not make sense to buy. It is better to spend money on protective equipment. A minimum current indicator (Imin) is required when processing thin metals. Stainless steel or steel up to 2 mm thick should undergo minimal heat. Typically, the lower adjustment bar is 10 A, however, on some modifications the minimum is 30 A. In such cases, additional equipment (for example, a semiautomatic welding machine) will be required for “fine” work . It is important to correctly adjust the current strength. Tuning can be performed smoothly or in steps. The first option is preferable, since it allows you to more accurately select the mode taking into account the metal and type of electrode.

Single and supply voltage

When wondering which inverter to choose for a home, consider the idling voltage. The parameter is designated - Uxx, measured in Volts (V). This value determines the stability of the arc and the ease of its ignition. The average value range is from 40 to 90 V. The higher the indicated idle voltage, the easier the welding process will go.

Most inverter units operate on a 220 volt network. In Russia, stable voltage is far from being maintained in all settlements. That is why inverters are good, because they are unpretentious to a specific indicator. The range of operating values ​​varies from 180 V, and some copies "pull" and 150 V.

which inverter to choose for home

Particular attention should be paid to this parameter for residents of villages where the problem with voltage drops is relevant. The parameter is written on the case in the form of "voltage - values", for example 160-235 V). The second variant of the designation is the nominal indicator and tolerances in percent. For example, 220 V + 10% / - 30%.

Choose a welding inverter for home and garden

Another selection criterion is the ability to operate the device at maximum current. In this mode, the unit must be allowed to cool, taking breaks in operation. Such intervals are of the order of 10 minutes, in the technical information are designated "PV at maximum current", measured in percent.

For example, if the passport indicates a maximum voltage of 40%, this means that 4 minutes can be operated, and 6 - wait for the inverter to cool. In this regard, indicators of 60% and higher are considered optimal characteristics.

It should be borne in mind that this requirement relates to the limiting current or a parameter close to it. At low or medium rates, there is no need for forced breaks, because periodically you will have to change the position of the part or replace the electrodes.

In principle, this is all the technical characteristics necessary in order to decide which welding inverter to choose for a summer house or home. In addition, consider the additional capabilities of the unit and specific operating points.

which company welding inverter to choose

Additional functionality

Additional service functions greatly facilitate the operation of the device, especially for beginners. Their set is standard, consists of the following options:

  • Hot start. When the arc is ignited, an additional impulse is sent, which makes it easier to start work.
  • Arc Force (afterburner arc). It allows to avoid sticking of the electrode when it sharply approaches the metal due to the automatic increase in the welding current strength.
  • Anti stick (anti-stick). A power failure occurs when the electrode is tacked, which is turned on after the element is torn off. This feature is especially useful for novice welders.
  • Auto shut off when overheating. A useful option to avoid burnout and costly equipment repairs.


When deciding which welding inverter to choose for the home, pay attention to the equipment. In the kit, in addition to the device itself, a removable or stationary power cable, a pair of welding analogues with clamps and a holder for the electrodes should be supplied. The best option is long and flexible cables. However, usually two meters are standard. They must be sealed and rolled accordingly.

Do not ignore the availability of the warranty period, and also find out the nearest address of the service center. The lack of such means that in the event of a breakdown, even under warranty, you will have to repair the device at your own expense or be patient and send the device to another region.

inverter which company to choose

About manufacturers

Which company to choose a welding inverter for the home? Most household units are made in China. There are few well-known brands that have gradually gained a certain reputation in the market. Products under well-known brands are more expensive, manufactured on modern equipment, mainly also in the Middle Kingdom. Promoted brands are owned by European, American, Russian companies. Such a scheme has been used for a long time, it’s no wonder the double inscription on the marking (brand country and country of manufacture).

If the inverters are not purely Chinese, then they are produced there. Popular brands of units are not the cheapest among analogues. Nevertheless, they are time-tested, have a certain reputation. Most of these firms have a widespread network of service workshops.

Which company to choose a welding inverter?

The following is a list of popular models:

  • “Resanta” (Latvia / China) - three ranges are presented, which differ in the range of operating voltages. Among them: AIS (from 140 to 250 A / 170-250 V), AIS PN (from 150 V), AIS K (differs from the standard model by lower weight and dimensions).
  • Svarog (Russia / China). Operating parameters - 190-250 V. Models ARC 165-205.
  • "Fubag" (Germany / China). Tolerances - 190-250 V. The IR series - is equipped with all additional functionality (160-220 A).
  • Foxveld (China) - a wide range, good characteristics, there are models at low voltage. Among the representatives of this brand, the most popular models are: "Summer resident" (160 A, 180-240 V, maximum current - 40%), "Corundum" (open circuit voltage - 78 V), "Master" (can work with argon-arc welding, it is equipped anti-sticking and afterburner of the arc).

Domestic manufacturers

Next, we consider which company to choose an inverter from Russian manufacturers. Among the most popular modifications are the following brands:

  • Household modifications "Torus" (165/175/200/210 A). Price - from 13 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • “Torus Profi”, “Prima” - semi-professional devices (PV at maximum current - 80%). Welding cables must be purchased separately.
  • Interskol. Russian brand manufacturing products in China. The kit does not include a plug (140-240 V). Two series are provided: ISA (160-250 A), ISP (160-200 A). Recent devices can operate in an inert gas environment.
  • "Cedar MMA" - aggregates only with melting electrodes. There is a function of "hot start" and "anti-stick". 170-220 A.
  • "Cedar ARC" - a professional unit. There is an option to stabilize the arc. Cost - from 11 to 28 thousand rubles (for a 400 A model).

Other modifications

We choose a welding inverter for the house and cottage further from the products of domestic manufacturers. In Russia also produce devices "Inforce" (Inforce). They are classified as professional variations; two variations are presented (200 and 250 A). Units can operate in MMG and TIG mode. Cylinders and burner are not included. There is a smooth adjustment of current (from 50 to 250 A). The indicator of work / rest at maximum current is 60%. The price is about 20 thousand rubles.

In Nizhny Novgorod, Neon inverters are manufactured. They are specially designed for harsh environments. Therefore, if you want to choose a welding inverter for a summer house or a house in a region with harsh winters, pay attention to this model. The unit functions normally at temperatures from –40 to +40 degrees. Universal models work both in manual arc welding mode and in the TIG range. For such an apparatus, the cost of about 10 thousand rubles is very small. The second option from this manufacturer is the VD-180. It focuses more on domestic use. The devices are equipped with all service options, are characterized by high maintainability and reliability. PV at maximum current - 80%.

which welding inverter to choose for the house

What else to consider when choosing?

One of the key components of the unit are printed circuit boards. Knowing which inverter to choose for the home, keep in mind that breaking these elements is not uncommon, and repairs are expensive. Custom boards fail extremely rarely, which does not require a large supply of these elements in free sale.

Another significant factor affecting the operation of the device is the range of operating temperatures. For example, if critical values ​​are reached during welding, the automation will activate the protection. As a rule, the maximum value is +40 degrees Celsius. If this parameter is higher, work should be stopped. Otherwise, the possibility of overheating of the unit and its breakdown increases.

Regarding low temperatures, much depends on the internal configuration. This is due to the fact that capacitors, transistors, microcontrollers and other electronic elements are very sensitive to frost. When choosing an inverter for a summer residence, be sure to consider this factor. It is worth noting that each part has its own limit. For this reason, the range of operating temperatures can differ significantly between modifications and brands of units.


The manufacturer of the product in question most often refers to GOST. For domestic brands it is R IEC 60974-1-2004, for foreign analogues - EN 60974-1. Compliance with these standards indicates that the device can be operated at a temperature of –40 / + 40 ° C. However, this marking does not guarantee free start-up of the unit at –15 ° C. This is due to the fact that electronics does not like low temperatures, and at a critical range the overload indicator usually lights up.

If you continue to load the equipment with work in frost, condensation will form due to heating, which settles on the inside of the device, which negatively affects the elements. If the instruction manual does not indicate that the device is designed to operate at low temperatures, it is better not to risk it.

choose a welding inverter for a summer residence


Having studied these recommendations, you can understand which inverter to choose for a summer residence. In conclusion, it is worth paying attention to several key points. Firstly, the units under consideration are divided into household, professional and intermediate modifications, depending on the scope of application. Secondly, home variations have less power, can work without interruption for no more than 20-30 minutes, after which they need time for cooling (45-60 minutes). "Professionals" are equipped more productively, designed for 8 hours of almost continuous operation. In terms of their technological parameters, both categories are identical, therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to focus mainly on the scope and conditions of use.


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