Application "Vegetables": what you need to know when embarking on creativity?

Applications for children 3-4 years old are very important. They help the child improve fine motor skills, learn how to use glue and scissors, and develop imaginative thinking. In pre-school institutions, creative classes are mandatory and should take place 2-3 times a week. The application “Vegetables” will help children familiarize themselves with general terminology, and teach them to understand geometric shapes. The lesson should be interesting and informative. How to achieve these goals, we will discuss in the article.

paper applique vegetables

Defined for the purpose of the lesson

So, before you start implementing the idea with application in kindergarten, you need to understand the purpose of the lesson. There may be several:

  1. Get familiar with the basic geometric shapes.

  2. To teach children the correct handling of objects (scissors, glue, brush).

  3. Understand the concepts of "less" and "more."

  4. Fix and repeat the color of a vegetable.

Undoubtedly, it all depends on the topic of the lesson. The application "Vegetables" is quite interesting in terms of creativity. The lesson can be held in the form of a game. This is true for children of the younger and middle groups. Due to their age, babies cannot take information seriously. It would be logical for them not just to cut out the elements of vegetables and combine them together, but to offer to cook an impromptu borsch or soup. To do this, create and cut in advance the layout of the pan and put vegetables there already.

Necessary tools

Many educators are interested in: what tools are needed to make an application from the paper “Vegetables”? For this creative assignment you will need:

  1. Paper blanks. These may be parts of vegetables that the child needs to combine.

  2. PVA glue. In the younger groups, it is recommended to cook the closter from flour and water. Firstly, it is completely hypoallergenic. Secondly, it is well washed off clothes. After all, children at this age still cannot clearly outline the boundaries of objects.

  3. Scissors. Allowed only in senior groups. It is better to purchase special products for children with rounded ends so that they do not hurt themselves and their comrades.

  4. Paint and brush. Perhaps the teacher will suggest that the children decorate the vegetables, thereby reinforcing the concept of color.

These are the main items and elements that the educator will need. Application "Vegetables" is common in preschool institutions. This topic involves a creative approach to the task. It all depends on the ingenuity of the teacher and the perseverance of children.

applique vegetables

Should pay attention

Educators, choosing the theme of applications as a creative lesson, should take into account such moments:

  1. Children's age. In the older group, the topic of vegetables will no longer be interesting.

  2. Toddler Skills. Children 3-4 years old should not be forced to cut elements with scissors. They can injure themselves and others. Better to do the workpiece in advance.

  3. All creative activities should be carried out in the form of games. So the children will be much more interesting to complete tasks.

    volumetric application vegetables

We do at home

Many are used to the fact that the application is made of paper or thick cardboard. But it’s much more interesting and pleasant for children to work with fabric materials, such as felt.

The voluminous application “Vegetables” can be performed by the child at home, under the supervision of adults. Mom first needs to sew a basket to which the child will attach the elements. If the crumbs are very small, Velcro can be glued to the vegetables. To play such a game will be interesting, and most importantly, completely safe. In addition, vegetables can make eyes, nose, mouth. Let them become fabulous heroes.

The application “Vegetables” is interesting for children. You can beat the lesson in the form of a fairy tale, pick up the musical accompaniment. This is a rather important topic, because a child from childhood absorbs information like a sponge. By the age of 3, he should already know the main names of vegetables, understand their colors and geometric shapes.


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