How to water cacti

Plants of the cactus family, so beloved by many flower growers, differ both in appearance and content in the apartment. The growing area under natural conditions in cacti is very extensive, so it is impossible to give unique advice on growing for all species: you need to consider each species separately. Perhaps the only requirement that can be attributed to all plants of this family is how to water cacti.

Cacti should be irrigated with soft water without the admixture of chlorine, which is necessarily present in tap water. In addition, it should not contain salt or any other impurities. Of course, the ideal solution would be to use rain or melt water, but this requires a lot of time and patience. Therefore, the rational way how to water cacti is to use the same water, settled at room temperature for at least a day. During this time, chlorine, which has volatile properties, will disappear. You can also use filtered or boiled water at room temperature or slightly above temperature. How to water cacti - from above or through a pallet? Among amateurs and specialists involved in the cultivation of these plants, there are disputes related to the fact that the absorbent part is located in cacti in the lower root zone. Each of these two methods has its own advantages. It is convenient and habitual to water from above, water flow is visible , the earthen lump is completely saturated, but with this method the substances that feed the plants are washed out of the soil. Watering the lower way through the pan does not erode the ground, preserving nutrients that are washed out of the soil much longer. But in this case, the water flow is not visible, it is difficult to understand how much fluid is needed. This method is suitable for more experienced lovers of these unusual plants.

How to water cacti, through the top or through the pallet, in fact, does not play such a big role. It is rather a matter of taste. In watering these plants, it is more important to observe some other points. One of them is that water cannot be allowed to enter the plant stem. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the water in the pot does not stagnate. For this good drainage is done, and when pouring from a sump, it is necessary to drain the water after the roots have absorbed the required amount. It is important to remember that an excess of water for any cactus can be fatal, while a plant can tolerate a lack of water. The frequency of watering and the amount of liquid depend on humidity and air temperature. On hot, dry summer days, cacti need to be watered daily. On a rainy and cool day, it is better not to water the plants. The best time is in the early morning or evening. The opinion that it is better to water cacti in the evening in the summer, and in the morning at other times of the year - is unreasonable and does not matter.

Despite the fact that dry air is well tolerated by cacti, one should not forget that under the natural conditions of growth, these plants are freshened with dew. Daily spraying in the morning or in the evening from a pulverized fine spray, preventing water from draining along the cactus trunk, will be very appropriate. The water temperature should be slightly higher than room temperature, warm (about 30-40 ° C). Spraying on hot summer days must be carried out when direct sunlight does not fall on the plant . On rainy autumn days, it is best to stop spraying the cacti. And resume again in the winter at the end of daylight. Leaf cacti such as epiphyllum or ripsalis can even take a shower, not just spray. Due to the sharp difference in day and night temperatures, it is undesirable to spray plants closer to night.


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