How to get a residence permit in Russia: a necessary list of documents

Residents of any country who do not have Russian citizenship can obtain a residence permit. The period for which they have the opportunity to live in our country is five years. The document is aimed, first of all, at confirming that a foreigner has the right to stay permanently in the territory of our Motherland and at the possibility of free entry into Russia and exit outside the country.

How to get a residence permit in Russia
After the end of the five-year period, citizens may wonder how to obtain a residence permit in Russia again. Extension is carried out for the same period, moreover, it can be implemented many times. In the event that a stateless person owns this document (if, for example, obtaining citizenship at this stage is difficult or completely impossible), then a residence permit is used as an official identification document. Upon receipt of a residence permit , a special note is put in the passport.

Let's look at how to get a residence permit in Russia.

Firstly, a foreign citizen must be in Russia for at least one year. In this case, on the basis of a temporary residence permit.

Secondly, the subject is obliged to provide a number of documents that are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Obtaining a residence permit is possible with the following package, which includes:

  • documents containing information on citizenship and personality of the subject;
  • a document aimed at confirming the applicant’s real estate in our country;
  • obtaining a residence permit
    a permit granting a temporary right to stay in Russia and stay here;
  • photograph (4 pieces) 3.5 by 4 centimeters;
  • identity documents of the applicant’s children;
  • a document confirming that the subject himself and his family do not pose a danger to those around them with their state of health (there are no patients with drug addiction, infectious diseases indicated in the list approved by the Government);
  • in the event that the subject has children over 14 years of age, their written, notarized consent to live in the Russian Federation is required;
  • certificate confirming that there are no HIV-infected among the family members of the subject;
  • document confirming the ability of the subject to support his family.

In addition, in search of an answer to the question of how to obtain a residence permit in Russia, it should be borne in mind that all documents submitted must have a Russian translation and be certified by a notary.

The issued residence permit contains the following information: first name and surname, place and date of birth, citizenship of the foreigner and his gender, number and date when the decision was made to issue this official paper, validity period, the executive authority that was also to be indicated issued a document.

In addition, when deciding on how to obtain a residence permit in Russia, the subject should know that he is obliged to confirm annually that he lives in Russia, to the territorial migration authority at the place of receipt of the document. The notification can be either provided in person or sent by mail. It should contain the following information: name, surname, place of residence, place of work and how much time labor activity is carried out for the period the subject is outside our state, size and source of income.

Thus, we examined the question of how to obtain a residence permit in Russia. However, it is worth knowing that if the submitted documents are framed in violation of the law, they will not be accepted for consideration. Therefore, in some cases it is advisable to seek the help of professionals.


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