Global problems of mankind

The scope of human activity at the current stage of development covers the entire globe and even goes beyond its borders. Given the heterogeneity of mankind, its activity simply cannot but be accompanied by certain contradictions. If they cover the entire planet and near-Earth outer space, then these are global problems.

global problems

Global problems of the modern world cover all aspects of human life, concern all countries, peoples and strata of the population, relate both to the surface of the earth and to the oceans, atmosphere, space, and lead to serious economic and social losses. Therefore, the solution of these problems is the task of the whole world, requiring universal unification.

Global problems are divided into several types:

  • Environmental: includes ozone holes, the greenhouse effect, the disposal of industrial waste, environmental disasters. Solve these problems locally on
    global problems of society
    the level of one state is simply not possible.
  • Economic: within its framework, it is necessary to solve problems such as exhaustion of resources, sustainable development, redistribution of benefits.
  • Energy: the energy crisis, the problem of the safe operation of nuclear power plants and the disposal of their waste, alternative energy sources.
  • Space: peaceful exploration of space, space pollution.
  • Political: mutual understanding at the international level, peaceful resolution of conflicts, racial conflicts, the fight against terrorism.
  • Armory: the problem of disarmament of individual states, in particular the problem of nuclear and biological weapons.
  • Natural: food problem, ecosystem destruction.
  • Health: demographic issue, pandemics (AIDS), cancer.
  • Social: spiritual crisis, illiteracy, the formation of an ecological type of thinking aimed at harmonizing all spheres of human activity with nature.

Unfortunately, the global problems of mankind at the state and international levels are currently considered as something very abstract and requiring solution only in the distant future. As for the individual level, with rare exceptions, people take a position of neutrality, they say, this does not concern me personally. All this indicates a lack of understanding by the masses of the degree of seriousness of global problems.

Global problems of society have several characteristic features:

  • They are universal in nature, embracing the interests of all peoples (and sometimes even all living things) and each person, in particular.
  • In the absence of a solution, sooner or later they will lead to a global catastrophe and the death of mankind.
  • They require the joint efforts of all mankind.
  • They require an integrated, synergistic approach.

global problems of the modern world

In fact, the global problems of mankind reflect the unevenness and imbalance of its development. By developing industry, man has lost touch with nature, as a result of which environmental problems have intensified. The trend towards the creation of an information society and the dominance of capitalism has led to a spiritual crisis. The predominance of individualism and infantile egoism has highlighted political, weapons, and social problems. In this way, causal relationships between seemingly crises in completely different fields are realized. However, the solution of one problem will not cause, according to the law, a positive correlation of the solution of others: it requires a single integrated approach based on a global reconstruction of the consciousness of mankind in favor of a collective mode of existence, effective interaction and harmonious development in connection with nature and the next and previous generations.


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