Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter: rules, tips and tricks

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? Many lovers of this transport are puzzled by this question. Indeed, in the summer, in the heat, riding a motorcycle is very comfortable and not hot, but is it possible to use it in the winter season, when the streets of the country are cold and icy? You will learn about this in the process of reading this article.

Bike - winter transport or not?

motorcycle in winter

For many people, a motorcycle is the very vehicle that you don’t want to part with, not only in warm weather, but even in cold winter. However, not all citizens use the bike in the freezing season. For most, the motorcycle just stands in the garage and awaits the onset of spring. This is due to the fact that this vehicle is still not intended for movement in winter. Firstly, it is very cold to ride on it, and you need to select special equipment, and secondly, it is very dangerous. These factors must be taken into account.

Still, is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? The answer to this question is very simple. Currently, traffic rules do not prohibit the use of a motorcycle as a means of transportation, even in the cold season. Therefore, in winter you can ride it, the main thing is to comply with traffic rules.

Operation of the motorcycle in the cold season

riding a motorcycle in the cold season

Here it must be said that a change in temperature greatly affects the operation of this vehicle. In winter, the motorcycle engine starts much worse than in summer, and the battery sits too quickly. Therefore, any experienced car owner can say that operating this vehicle in the cold season is much more difficult than in summer.

After all, if in winter you do not pay attention to the incorrect operation of the motorcycle engine, then this can lead to serious damage. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that this vehicle is always easy to start.

Few rules

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? The answer here will be yes. Nevertheless, you need to monitor your vehicle. When using a motorcycle in winter, you need to remember a few important rules:

  • every week you need to fully charge the battery (in the cold, it sits much faster than in summer);
  • you need to choose a motor oil of lower viscosity (because in the cold it thickens even more), in summer you need to replace the oil with ordinary oil, because winter is no longer suitable for using a motorcycle in the warm season, it will be very liquid;
  • all cables must be well lubricated, otherwise the possibility of their freezing cannot be ruled out (it is best to choose a silicone-based lubricant);
  • on the carburetor, you need to put covers, if they were not in the kit, then you can buy them or do it yourself;
  • a shield should be installed to protect the engine from strong winds;
  • tires should be studded, because only in this way riding a motorcycle will be safer in icy conditions and in snow;
  • It is also necessary to install special spark plugs (the so-called hot).


Some people are sometimes surprised that after prolonged storage of this vehicle in the garage, they cannot start it, although there is gasoline in the tank. This is due to the fact that fuel can stagnate during prolonged non-use and the motorcycle will not start. Nothing wrong with that. You just need to pour fresh fuel into the tank.

winter on the track on a motorcycle

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? This question is often asked by many fans of fast driving on this type of transport. Yes, the rules of the SDA riding a motorcycle in the winter is not prohibited. Nevertheless, many bikers are very careful about this. After all, in winter, the probability of a motorcycle skidding is not excluded, and therefore, serious injuries can be obtained. But, despite this, many citizens use such vehicles all year round even on public roads, and not just in villages and towns.

Attempt to ban

Deputies proposed to ban motorcycle riding in the winter. This was due to the fact that recently, road accidents involving this type of transport have become more frequent. Indeed, in winter, riding a motorcycle is not only cold, but also unsafe. At the suggestion of the deputies, the local authorities should deal with the ban on driving this vehicle based on the weather conditions in the region. Because in some regions of the country climatic features allow you to ride motorcycles not only in summer but also in winter.

However, to date, this issue has not been resolved. Therefore, when answering the question of whether it is possible to ride a motorcycle in winter, it is only necessary to give a positive answer. But despite the absence of a direct ban, it is better to refrain from such trips in the cold season and use the bike only in the warm season. This must be taken into account.

Some nuances

motorcycle on the road

So, at present, lawyers are often asked questions regarding the movement of a vehicle such as a motorcycle. In particular, this concerns the management of this transport in the winter season. Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? Traffic regulations currently do not prohibit this. In other words, from the point of view of the law, riding a bike in winter, like in a car, is allowed. But is it safe? Unfortunately not. Because the motorcycle does not have a good grip. Despite the fact that the stores now have a large selection of studded tires for this vehicle, it is better to wait until spring. It’s safer.

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter by law? What documents are required for this? As previously written, traffic rules allow riding a motorcycle even in the cold season. The main thing is to follow traffic rules. You must have a driver’s document with you, allowing you to move around on a motorcycle, and insurance. This should not be forgotten.

man on a bike in a winter forest

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter in Russia? Yes, according to traffic rules, driving such a vehicle in cold weather is not prohibited. Nevertheless, the use of a motorcycle in winter will cost much more than using a car. Therefore, it is worth considering whether to do this. Indeed, to use a motorcycle in winter, you will need to purchase special equipment and, moreover, install new parts on your "iron horse". All this is quite expensive. For example, in the winter you will need to put a windshield on the motorcycle, make a heated handlebar, and also get studded tires. Therefore, managing a bike in the cold season is not cheap, not everyone can allocate funds from the family budget just to experience the pleasure of extreme driving on an icy road. Moreover, it is unsafe.

Riding in the winter in the capital

Many bikers are now also wondering whether it is possible to ride a motorcycle in winter in Moscow or is there any ban. It should immediately be said that the roads in the capital are much cleaner than in other cities and regions of our country. Therefore, you can ride motorcycles in Moscow in winter, there are almost no snowy roads there, and asphalt is everywhere. Nevertheless, this must be done carefully and very carefully.


bike on the road

Once again, for those citizens who doubt whether it is possible to ride a motorcycle in winter, it must be said that according to the rules of the movement this is not prohibited. The main thing is to comply with traffic rules and have good warm equipment. After all, riding a motorcycle in winter is significantly different from summer. Moreover, you need to be very careful and try to avoid drifts, you only need to use studded tires.


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