Chitin is ... Chitin in the cell wall

Not all people know what chitin is. Few people from biology lessons remember the information about this element. Where does it occur in nature? Why is the body needed? The answers to these questions are presented in the article.

Description of the substance

Chitin is a natural compound of nitrogen-containing polysaccharides. It is found in nature in the skeletons of crustaceans, wings of insects, tissues of fungi, as well as in the stems and leaves of plants.

chitin is

Until recently, chitin was considered waste material, because it can not be dissolved in various alkalis and in water. However, this element is of great importance to many living things. It is worth considering that chitin is a substance that is part of the human body. Thanks to him, we have very strong nails and hair.

Value in wildlife

Chitin is the main part of the external skeleton of many arthropods. These include crustaceans, spiders and some insects. Since the bodies of such inhabitants of our planet are devoid of internal skeletons, something must protect their internal organs from damage. Therefore, we can say with confidence that chitin performs a protective function.

However, this element does not exist by itself. It is combined with other substances, for example, with proteins, and this allows it to be harder, or vice versa, more flexible. First of all, the chitin cover is intended to protect internal organs. But besides this, it also protects the body from drying out and dehydration.

The disadvantage of this shell is that it cannot increase in size. Therefore, the animal is forced to dump it and wait until a new protective shell is formed. This does not take much time, but the representative of the fauna at this time becomes defenseless.

chitin in mushrooms

Chitin is a substance that is part of the shell of only small animals. Such a shell will not be able to protect large individuals. It is not suitable for terrestrial invertebrate inhabitants. Over time, the outer skeleton begins to become heavier and coarser, which means it becomes more difficult to move in it.

Role in the human body

Chitin is responsible for the binding of lipids in the human body. This suggests that the intestine becomes easier to work, the level of cholesterol and other harmful lipids in the body decreases. Digestion is normalized, the work of the stomach improves. This element also stimulates the mineralization of bone tissue in the human body. However, you can’t take it for a long time, as this can disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system and lead to the multiplication of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic flora in the body.

Chitin is a source of fiber, and also helps to fight excess weight. With it, you can strengthen the bones of the skeleton, as well as increase the number of bifidobacteria in the body. When exposed to the skin, chitin has an antimicrobial effect, promotes the rapid healing of wounds, abrasions and cuts. The element also has a positive effect on nails, skin and hair. Therefore, it is part of many cosmetics and vitamin supplements.

Chitin in mushrooms

Mushrooms are a valuable product for the human body. They contain a lot of useful substances, such as selenium, potassium, zinc, copper, as well as a large number of B vitamins. However, this is not all. The composition of such products also includes chitin. Mushrooms are considered a unique variety of organisms due to a special fleshy tissue called mycelium. This structure gives it the chitin that is part of the mycelium. It is not surprising that fungi occupy a special place between animals and plants and fulfill their unique role for the human body.

Chitin in mushrooms will benefit the body only if you consume a moderate amount of this product.

chitin consists of
Do not forget that this element is not absorbed and is not absorbed in the intestine, although it improves digestion. Chitin in the cell wall of the fungus is fiber for the human body. However, scientists do not recommend eating mushrooms very often. They can be included in the diet only occasionally, not more than once a week. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms for children under 7 years.


Scientists have proven that animal chitin introduced into the diet has a positive effect on the digestive system. This substance is able to fight excess weight, as well as reduce blood pressure. When used correctly, it will relieve stomach and intestinal ulcers, provide easy digestion of food. The use of chitin will relieve constipation, diarrhea, and also remove toxins from the body.

Scientists have proven that eating a moderate amount of chitin will provide an increase in the intestines of certain groups of beneficial microorganisms. Taking such a dietary supplement, you reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors and polyps.

Eating insects

As mentioned above, chitin consists of nitrogen-containing polysaccharides. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of Africa and the Middle East have eaten a large number of insects. Moreover, such a dish was not considered a dessert, but was a full meal. This is evidenced by ancient records. For example, in some nations, locusts with milk were eaten. For other peoples termites or boiled ants were a real delicacy.

cellulose chitin

However, today you can taste dishes made from insects. Of course, scientists were interested in eating insects by natives, so various scientific studies were carried out. It was found that eating insects is very good for human health. First, chitin is part of the cell walls of insects, which is already a definite plus. However, this is far from all. For example, the body of a grasshopper contains almost the same amount of protein as beef meat. That is why insects are considered complete nutritious food products.

Chitin deficiency

Cellulose, chitin are substances that are similar in composition and function. However, the first of them is part of plant cells, and the second part of the cell wall of arthropods.

chitin animals

The first thing you should pay attention to is the increased level of cholesterol in the body. Another symptom indicating chitin deficiency is malfunctioning of the kidneys. However, these are far from all the signs. Very often, people with a lack of this element suffer from decreased appetite, weakness, improper bowel function, slagging of the body, frequent allergic reactions, joint pain and obesity.

If you notice the above symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. If the doctor establishes a chitin deficiency, he will select the right diet for you, and also include multivitamin complexes in it.

Scope of use

Chitin is very actively used in many areas of human life. For example, with its help strong and reliable surgical sutures are made. It is also able to quickly absorb liquids, so it is used to make various sponges and tampons. Do not forget that chitin has antibacterial properties. Therefore, it can be used for the manufacture of various dressings.

cell wall chitin

In addition, chitin found its application in cosmetology, in the manufacture of animal feed, as well as in agriculture and microbiology.


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