Vertical layout and engineering preparation of the territory

Vertical layout is considered one of the main elements of the engineering preparation of the territories of settlements. This is a key element in changing the natural landscape to improve housing conditions or create a landscape project.

road plan

Item Assignment

The layout consists of several parts, each of which is responsible for a specific task. The main goal of the vertical layout is to create slopes on the surface that will be used to divert rainwater into special drains or natural bodies of water. The peculiarity lies in the method of removing moisture on the surface, therefore the topography and type of soil are also important.

Key Goals

These include creating favorable conditions for pedestrians and traffic, preparing the territory for possible developments and expanding the infrastructure of the site. In the decorative plan, the vertical layout should consist of solving compositional and landscape elements and creating the style of the chosen place.

landscape bumps

With the correct formulation of the tasks, the minimum use of transport services for moving land and maximum savings in terms of spending resources are achieved. In other words, the negative, destructive impact on the environment in the process of work should be minimal. Vertical layout comprehensively solves these problems.

Important points in the projects

When creating the first sketches, designers should strive for the most natural relief without harming nature and changing the vegetative soil cover. You can’t plan the change in large parameters of the green zone. Most often, the vertical layout of the territory affects those areas near which there are various transport connections, access to the city or buildings with utilities.

Planning is being carried out in areas with a building density of more than 25%. During work, the upper fertile layer of land must be removed and stored in a separate place, so that later the soil can be used for landscaping. This point is also provided for in the project.

If the site was previously flooded with flood waters or land sprinkling is required for other reasons, this should be indicated in the document so that it is possible to predict the level of subsidence of the upper layer and the creation of a reliable foundation for buildings. Before developing a vertical layout of the territory, it is necessary to study in detail the features of the relief and its composition, only then draw up a plan for changing the site.

Relief study

Deficiencies in the research process or incorrect conclusions in the project can lead to difficulties in work. For example, there will be a need for additional building materials, there will be problems with the placement of buildings or roads.

The terrain determines not only the appearance of the city, but also predicts the conditions for its future development. The vertical planning project should begin by determining the type of terrain.

geodetic designations

Spacious land without hills and slopes belongs to the plain. A striking example of this is St. Petersburg. In the middle relief, there may be small hills, pits and irregularities. This adds to the uniqueness of the place and allows you to design different elements of the infrastructure.

In a complex relief there are both steep slopes and hills. Designing sites is quite difficult, because it is necessary to provide for natural factors and possible floods. For example, a vertical layout on this type can be attributed to Kiev.

The geodetic camera and the creation of the project in horizontal lines are used for determination, where lines are indicated that are equally spaced from each other. Each line corresponds to a plane on the relief. Different in height lines in the plan do not intersect.

Project drafting

The marks that are measured from the level of the Baltic Sea (absolute zero) are inscribed above the horizontal. They are called high-rise. If there is no preliminary data, then the marks made will be called relative.

Designers call the distance between two horizontal lines a step, and the distance between them in plan - laying. With a vertical layout of the site, these data are of great value, because they allow you to draw up an accurate project with subsequent computer visualization of all elements.

If the angle of incidence of the relief is the same, then the distances between the horizontals will be equal. If there is a slope, then the distances increase, thereby showing the actual roughness parameters on the site. Calculations help predict the location of objects.

As for the detail of the relief image, it depends on the stages of the project. The closer to the building, the more accurately it should be compiled. The terrain conditions depend on the presence of slopes and their directions, which are necessarily prescribed in the vertical layout of the site.

vertical layout

Process stages

When developing a layout, three key methods are distinguished.

The primary planning method may not be key in the process of creating a project. Using the so-called red marks, certain distances between the horizontals are plotted on the general plan diagram with a geodetic base. Most often, marks of this type indicate irregularities or the location of future objects.

The method of longitudinal and transverse profiles is more detailed, since it indicates the intersection of streets and roads, as well as slopes and irregularities. The difference between design and existing marks is usually called working. This type of planning is used for the construction of new roads or the correction of already established transport routes.

Its effectiveness lies in the ability to reflect a large territory, taking into account all the bumps and deviations that create additional obstacles to the path. One of the effective methods of vertical planning is the red horizontal method. It clearly demonstrates, on the basis of the geodetic type, the changes that will be made according to the planning requirements. New horizontals are drawn in red to highlight.

marks on the plan

Layout of populated areas

The scheme determines not only the general changes in the relief, but also the presence of drains and sewers. In the case of adding plots for residential buildings, it is also necessary to register a network of drainage collectors, which should be routed to lower places according to the occupied territory.

Depending on the type of terrain, the areas selected for design are given a single-pitched, double-pitched or four-pitched surface. This is done to determine the rate of runoff of surface water and drying of the site.

A good example of a vertical layout will be the harmonious number of embankments and pits that will appear in the process. A zero balance of excavation is important to create natural flow.

geodesy of the territory

Additives or cuts are marked in the project by working marks and can be adjusted if necessary. The presence of arrows along the axes of streets and roads may indicate the placement of longitudinal slopes. Sometimes they are indicated by numbers that correspond to the approximate length of the bumps.

Special conditions

In the case of complex terrain, fundamental changes will not always be the right decision. Here, the location of future objects is adjusted taking into account the selection of a suitable site. Designers mark the tops of bumps for this, so that the gutters do not increase the level of humidity, there is no stagnation of water due to the barrier in the form of a building.

Placing buildings on steep slopes requires additional terracing to stop soil erosion or subsidence of natural rocks. If we are talking about single-section houses, then they can be placed without it. To protect against the negative impact of natural factors, it is recommended to use additional supporting walls or slope methods.

Preparation tasks

The vertical layout and engineering preparation of the territory set itself the fulfillment of a number of tasks. Firstly, it is the drainage of marshy areas and flood protection by drawing up a plan for the placement of natural-type drainage systems.

surveying instrument

Secondly, the preparation of the territory for the construction of small architectural forms, roads and highways, the maximum strengthening of the banks and slopes of the rivers, if such are in the zone of the design work. Technical and biological remediation helps to see the final stage of preparing the territory for construction work.

Elimination of mudflows, karst and landslides is considered the pre-final stage. High-quality performance of tasks will help create the ideal territory for the construction of buildings or the implementation of a transport project.


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