Since how many years you can buy a SIM card: tips and tricks for buying SIM cards

More and more often teenagers are interested in the question: how old can I buy a SIM card? Indeed, for most operations (for example, restoration of a number) it is necessary that the true owner of the SIM card leaves an application for the implementation of the action. Therefore, you must initially enter a mobile phone number so that you do not have to change it in the future. After all, SIM cards are not reissued from person to person. So, to whom the number is registered, that is its sole owner.

since how many years can I buy a sim card

What do you need to buy?

To answer the question posed, you need to understand what documents a citizen will require to issue a number. Already awareness of this fact will help to understand such a difficult topic. When purchasing SIM cards from a citizen, they only require money for the purchased number, as well as an identity card. More precisely, a civil passport. Other documents are not needed. They are not accepted by mobile operators.

In Russia, a passport is first issued at the age of 14. Accordingly, many believe that it is from this age that you can conclude a contract for the provision of services with a mobile operator. But is it really so? Is a teenager entitled to buy a SIM card on their own?

From what age can I buy a SIM card

Everywhere rules

Understanding this issue is not as easy as it seems. The thing is that each mobile operator has its own rules regarding the task. And so you have to ask the question of how old you can buy a SIM card from every mobile phone company. They will tell you exactly what rules apply to them when concluding a service agreement.

In some organizations it is allowed to buy SIM cards from the age of 14, in others - from 16. But, as practice shows, there are very few such operators. And if we are talking about large companies of all-Russian scale, then we have to think even more about when a citizen will be able to purchase this product without outside help. How many years can I buy a SIM card?

You can answer this way - the leaders-operators in Russia at the moment conclude contracts for the provision of mobile communications services, not only with a passport, but also subject to full legal capacity. She comes at age 18. This means that it is after adulthood that a citizen has the right to purchase SIM cards. At the same time, the population begins to use the mobile network long before the age of 18. What to do in this case? Are there any tricks to get around the rule?

Room Secrets

Yes, some secrets do exist. But they do not always work. Accurate information should be found in each city from a particular mobile operator. In order not to have to think at what age it is allowed to buy a SIM card, it is recommended to carry out the process together with parents and immediately when the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is issued. That is, you can only issue a room if the mother or father of the child is present at the conclusion of the contract. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that they must inform the employee of the mobile communication office of their consent to the design of a SIM card for a child.

The second technique in practice almost does not take place. How many years can I buy a SIM card? From 14 with an identification card, but provided that the parents give written consent to carry out the operation. Operators usually require notarization. It is because of this that the technique is not used.

From what age is it allowed to buy a SIM card?

Early and by law

How many years can I buy a SIM card? In some situations, it is proposed to do this from the age of 16. Without the permission or direct presence of the parents. When is this offered? It's about emancipation. In Russia, full legal capacity can come from 16 years. For example, if a child in court achieves legal capacity. Or get married. Then you can easily buy a SIM-card and issue it for yourself 2 years before adulthood.


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