Which laminate is better? Choose the right one

During the repair, questions are often asked: "What is better to do? What material is more reliable? What can be saved?"

The list can be written indefinitely, because there are a lot of such issues, but it’s not about that now. Next, we will tell you which laminate is better and about all its features.

Flooring selection

Which laminate is better?
Thanks to modern technology, people today have a large selection of materials that can be used both for residential premises, and for office and industrial. And if in the latter case linoleum is suitable for reliability and price, then, for example, a laminate is most often chosen for home areas. It has not only become affordable nowadays, but also offers an equally large selection of shades and colors in its design: you can choose a laminate for oak, beech or maple, wenge or cherry.

In general, laminated flooring is a fairly strong and reliable material. Its structure and properties make it easy to withstand various indirect impacts, accidental contacts with sharp objects - all that can happen when there are children at home. Even if a scratch suddenly appeared, then a lot of paints and waxes specialized in the removal of such defects are sold in stores. It is only necessary to gloss over - and the surface is like new.

It should be remembered that after the choice of which laminate is better took place, you need to know the country of the manufacturer. If suddenly it is China or Russia, it is worth considering. Yes, goods of this class are much cheaper, but the guarantee for their reliability and service life is very shaky. It is better to overpay a little and look at European brands, popularly called 32-33 class. Such products undergo various certifications, and therefore are kept on the laminate market more stably and confidently.

Which laminate is better - brand choice

It’s not always worth paying for a famous brand because it is famous. The domestic market is crammed enough with products so that every person always has a choice. And this should not be neglected.

Parquet laminate
Quick-Step and Tarkett are certainly industry leaders. Promoted campaigns, which are already taken far from for quality, but most likely for the name on the package. When such a laminate is laid on the floor, no one will distinguish it from the products of MAXWOOD or Aberhof. But is it worth it to overpay for the name of an organization that no one will ever see? Therefore, before making your final choice, check out the EPI and Praktik product catalog. They also offer parquet laminate and many different color variations.

However, in most cases, when the buyer is chasing quality, he forgets about the proper care of the floor covering, which he is going to lay himself. A month or two will pass, and his angry screams will be heard in the store where the laminate was bought. But this is not the fault of the sales consultants and not even the workers who laid the floor, namely the lack of care of the landlord.

Oak Laminate
Here are some tips for surface care.

If water has got on the laminate, it should be removed immediately, otherwise moisture will leak into the joints, where it is absorbed into the base. Small drops will not lead to anything terrible, but a spilled mug of water will raise the edges.

If you need to drag the furniture, it is better to lift it, otherwise there may be grooves on the floor, which can not even be waxed up. Moreover, do not put anything heavy with sharp legs, it is better to put something.

During installation, it does not matter which laminate it is; it is better to lay it on a flat surface. To do this, it is necessary to fill the screed, otherwise the joints may disperse over time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2159/

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