Who is Pihto's grandfather - the secret is revealed!

"Who, who? Grandfather Fir!" A familiar expression, isn't it? We hear it from an annoyed friend or neighbor, we often pronounce it ourselves. Sometimes in our sayings the unknown grandfather is accompanied by an elderly lady with a firearm (a woman with a gun). These words are so familiar and ordinary that sometimes we don’t even think about the origin of these mysterious personalities. In the article we’ll try to figure out who Pikhto’s grandfather and his gray-haired companion are?

Mysterious old man

From an early age, curiosity awakens in a child. He looks at the outside world with inquiring eyes, asking parents a lot of questions: “Mom, who is this?”, “Dad, and who is that?” Parents come off from work and patiently explain that this is a cow, this is the sun, this is a bee, and I already told you that. This happens many, many times. One fine day, on his burning question, the baby hears the annoyed answer of his too busy parent: "Who, who, grandfather Fir!".

mysterious old man

The kid is at a loss. Who is Pihto's grandfather? What kind of person is this? Grandfather Vanya is there, they were visiting, Uncle Lesha brought a lollipop, and Grandfather Misha, a neighbor with a wand, walks and always scolds. And who is this then? And why didn’t they talk about him before? And they do not want to continue the story about him.

Who, who?

Who is Pihto's grandfather, our article will give an exact answer. Grandfather Pihto is a fictitious personality created for a response phrase. This replica was invented when he did not want to answer the asked question. When he is tiring or inappropriate for the one whom he is being addressed.

This phrase firmly entered into colloquial speech, as it compensates for the lack of obscene speech in the conversation. An annoying tone instead of indecent words gives an emotional splash in a simple and interesting phrase. And it immediately becomes clear to everyone who "Pikhto's grandfather" is. This is an image symbolizing unwillingness to talk.

And grandfather Pihto went on a journey

Many prose writers used this remark in their works for an interesting and sparkling dialogue. Who is Pihto’s grandfather, even in fiction. Mention of the notorious old man with this name can be found in such stories:

  • "In our yard" (V. Avdeev);
  • "Stepan Kolchugin" (V.S. Grossman).

There is gunpowder ...

If it is good to delve into the historical wilds, then you can find more information about who Pikhto's grandfather is. There are sources indicating that the name of the strange old man is an abbreviated form from the word “shove”, and the gray-haired character indicates a masculine beginning.

romantic grandfather and woman

From the modern replica, we know that as soon as Pihto's grandfather appears, a grandmother with a gun will drag along. That’s the complete phrase. And before they said: "Grandfather Fir and grandmother Tarahto." And this expression had far from innocent meaning. A couple of elderly "voluptuary" hinted at an intimate conversation.

Another version

Another version of the expression "grandfather Pihto" has a cute childish context. With New Year's notes. It turns out that "Fir" - meant "fir", that is, coniferous tree. Grandfather Fir and grandmother with a gun, most likely, meant spruce and a thirsty hunter. The meaning again takes a strange turn.

Grandfather Pihto began to appear in fairy tales, New Year's performances in the image of a goblin with a green beard. Later it was declared with respect and honors, explaining to the children that Grandfather Pihto is none other than the spirit of the taiga.

grandfather with a green beard

In one of the New Year’s plays, this character manifests himself as a strict huntsman who monitors the safety of the forest in the summer, and hibernates in his hole in the winter. Like a bear. This is a mischievous old man with ancestral roots.

Jokes on the topic

How many jokes and jokes come up with this interesting and unfamiliar person!

For example, one of them:

The funny thing is the intercom. Today I had to let into the porch: "a horse in a coat," Grandfather Pihto "and" Agniya Barto!

And here's a pretty funny joke:

- Lyusya, I know everything! You cheated on me! I know who it was!

- Yes, and who?

- Who, who, Grandfather Fihto!

-Ah, do you know about grandfather ?!

Logical chain

It became known for certain who Pikhto’s grandfather was. This is a venerable pensioner named Pikhto, who, on a visit, to the question "Who is it?" answers: "100 grams." Like this. They say 100 grams is Pihto's real name.

It was also easy to find out the place of residence of the old man. It is known where - of course, in Karaganda. How did we find this information? Well, of course, from a camel! Incidentally, he lives with his grandfather Pikhto and grandmother with a gun.

horse in coat

The camel is known throughout the district for its talkativeness. He constantly tells someone something. And grandfather Pihto leaves his possessions on horseback. An ungulate animal is often put on a coat. Why grandfather Pihto does this, no one knows. Probably for fun.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21593/

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