Ivanov Georgy Vladimirovich (1894-1958) - Russian poet and prose writer: biography and creativity

Some said that the verses of George Ivanov were written by the devil, while others called for his talent to be valued almost as the messiah of God on our mortal land. Born in 1894, he became famous not only for his poetic creations: he translated famous works, wrote prose. Among all Russian emigrants, it is he who is usually remembered among the first. It is believed that he was one of the most iconic personalities among those who left the state during the period of the change of power.

How it all began

Years of life of George Ivanov: 1894-1958. He was born on the territory that now belongs to Lithuania, in the estate of Puki. The renowned poet made his last breath in the French city of Hyères-les-Palmiers. As a young child, George lived near Kaunas. The estate in which he grew up was called Studenki. Even then, he had to get used to radical changes: soon the estate burned down, the family lost all its fortune.

The father of the author of numerous poems, Georgy Ivanov, during his lifetime received the status of artillery general. Despite the high appreciation of his merits and recognition of society, when a tragedy occurred and the family was left home, he could not cope with the misfortune that had befallen his shoulders and committed suicide. The poet's father was called Vladimir.

poems about autumn

Many generations of Ivanov family men received military education and built their careers in this area. Such a fate did not bypass the future poet. He was sent to study in the cadet corps. True, neither the nature of the child, nor his physical data allowed us to assume that the young man was destined to become a successful military man. And so it happened - the future of George was in literature.

First steps

As is known from the biography of George Ivanov, for the first time his poetic work was published in 1910. He chose one of the modern, relatively small magazines, where he sent a proposal for publication, which was soon accepted by the editors. Only a year passed, and the young promising author managed to publish a book. It was decided to name the collection “Departure to the island of Tsiteru”. Then he made a decision in favor of the Northerner and was amiably greeted by this literary group, which recognized the like-minded young poet.

The Severyanin group considered themselves self-futurists. Appreciated by this becoming increasingly popular current in Russia, George Ivanov. Ego-futurists are known to have praised each other's works. Then the young man was offered to change his surname, to take the pseudonym "Tsitsersky", but he decided to remain faithful to his family name. Mostly followers of the Severyanin were published under bright, fake names, designed to attract the attention of the public, to catchy sound.

Proceedings and their assessment

The very first book of the writer George Ivanov attracted the attention of critics. The poetic collection was met extremely friendly, and the young poet, impressed by the successes achieved, completely abandoned the educational institution, having left for creativity with his head. He will be left twice in the second year, but this will not help in establishing discipline, and soon George will be completely expelled. This allowed him to reconsider his life, throw all his strength into the literary field - he will deal with this field until the last day. In the 12th year, it was decided to say goodbye to the ego-futurists. Acmeists led by Gumilyov became a new stage in his creative career, which was why the young man met in the Stray Dog, a cafeteria that was popular in the literary milieu of that time.

George Ivanov in exile

The author of numerous poems about autumn, love and beauty, Ivanov was able to release four books of his creations for the revolutionary year. As he later said, the poetry of that period was weak, almost worthy of creations. Gumilyov's parting words were written for each of his collections.

About times, about manners!

The revolution in the 17th year for the poet George Ivanov turned out to be an event that literally turned life upside down. He was shocked by what had happened. At first, it seemed from the outside that nothing new had appeared, but the crisis was deeper, covering the spiritual environment. Trying to cope with overwhelming feelings, without feeling understanding and support from the closest people, the poet divorces his wife Gabriel. Soon, he takes as his wife Odoevtseva, a young and promising poetess, whose talent seemed to many a radiant star. Unaware of what was happening, even then George was gradually preparing to leave his homeland. His main work and life are connected with literature, he earns money by translations, and holds the post of secretary in the Union of Poets. Following the results of his many years of work, he publishes the collection Lampada, which to some extent draws a line under the period of stay in their native places.

The poet George Ivanov leaves the territory of the union state in the 22nd. He is sent on a business trip to German lands. At the same time, the wife moves to Europe - she crosses the Latvian border. In the German capital, the family reunites and lives here for about a year, then moves to Paris. Ivanov soon becomes a member of the circle of the local literary Russian-speaking elite, establishes mutual understanding with the French diaspora of Russians. Since the 27th, the Green Lamp community has been accepting him.

Success and Opportunity

In exile, George Ivanov gets a good chance of becoming even more popular. Emigrants publish numerous newspapers in which Ivanov’s works are published with pleasure. In 1931, the collection “Roses” came out from under his pen, which made a splash in the literary environment. Many say that he is the first Russian poet in exile, that he is unique, the second such talent was not and never will be.

In the 37th, the author publishes a selected collection of his creations. A little later, the audience saw the work “The Decay of an Atom” that made him famous. For the first time, Georgy Ivanov publishes serious prose, which brings him unprecedented success. However, the author himself is in no hurry to use it, despite the wave of popularity: the next decade he will not publish anything. During World War II, the writer lives on the French Atlantic coast, and in 1950 publishes a new collection of poems. The book was decided to be called "Portrait without similarities." The collection is published by Parisian printers.

george ivanov atom decay

The end is inevitable

In 1953, the author of famous poems about autumn, love and beauty decides to move permanently to a special institution for the elderly. In it, he lives until his death. The writer will die in the 58th. A few months after the tragic death, New York publishers will publish a large collection of his poems. A larger book of Ivanov’s works simply does not exist.

In 1963, the writer's remains were transferred to Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois - a churchyard, designed specifically for the Russians. The place for this is acquired by the wife of the deceased poet. After a while, she herself decides to return to her native land. The famous author has no direct relatives. For some time, rumors circulated that Georgy Vladimirovich Ivanov allegedly had a daughter in his first marriage, but there was no official confirmation of this fact and did not appear.

Friends and compatriots

Many prominent figures of literature, thanks to whom a certain period in the history of our country received the name of the Silver Age, have lived all their lives at home, and died here. That is precisely the fate of Akhmatova, whose monument tragically and helplessly looks at the Crosses from the opposite bank of the Neva. Esenin will live his entire short, rich, tragic life in his native and beloved country, Mayakovsky will spend his life here. Many of their contemporaries chose for themselves a complex and problematic existence in their native state, filled with adversity, even having the opportunity to leave for emigration. Others, however, after the revolution decided to leave Soviet territory, rightly believing that their homeland was Russia, not the USSR. Emigrants had no easier time than those who remained at home: they suffered hardships and disasters, worked hard, and others - beyond strength. How then they will talk about each other, everyone always had a place in their hearts for their homeland, Russia never let go for good. In those days, the friend of the author of poetry about love George Ivanov - George Adamovich. For close friendship, contemporaries called them Zhorzhiki.

One of the poems of Georgy Vladimirovich Ivanov in the future will be put to music by Vertinsky. This man, both during his life and after death, remained a model of literary talent. His contemporaries said that there was something demonic in him. The vices with which he was forced to fight helped him create some of the most beautiful poems of his period. Others noted that the “demon" had a radiant wife, who was direct and until the last years of her life kept something childish in herself.

georgy ivanov poet

Love and life

The author of many books, Georgy Ivanov, met with his future wife in St. Petersburg. Maybe the poet’s life would not have happened the way it had happened, maybe he would not have written the soulful lines that are valuable today if Gumilyov, who had become a mentor to a young man, had not introduced him to his student. He showed Irina a pleasant young man, urged him to pay attention to the participant in the “Poets' Workshop,” at that time the youngest. Gumilev emphasized his wit and ability to create a public image and destroy the reputation of anyone. Gumilyov immediately advised the girl to please Ivanov - and she followed the recommendations of the teacher.

At first, as the poet’s wife would later recall, it seemed to her that Georgy Ivanov would make her an object of ridicule. She was burry and young, freckles adorned her face, and a bow adorned her head. With her future spouse in those days, she accidentally crossed paths only a few times, determining for herself that the person is too venomous, a true snob - and therefore, absolutely not in her taste.

St. Petersburg winter has passed. Georgy Ivanov wrote poems, Irina Odoevtseva built her life. And then, as she recalls, Gumilev absolutely suddenly told the girl that Ivanov liked her. At the same time, he advised me not to hope much, recognizing that George was not in love, and that you would not have to wait for him. Later, when the strength of the feelings that the poet had eaten up became obvious, Gumilyov asked his student to refuse marriage - no one understood if he was joking. However, regardless of how comic the proposal was, Irina was not going to listen to it - she agreed to marry the writer.

Life: personal and social

By the time of marriage, George Ivanov was already divorced. His first wife was a Frenchwoman. By the time of the new marriage, his first chosen one had left for France, the man was absolutely free. It was rumored that he had a daughter, but there was no official evidence of these rumors. In the fall of the 21st, Irina and George entered into a marriage that would last 37 years and end only with the death of a man. When he dies, she will continue to say that her life was very happy - after all, she managed to become the wife of an extraordinary man. Having studied her chosen one thoroughly for almost four decades, she will say more than once in her old age that this man was special, mysterious, there was something in his personality that even her could not put into words, despite her literary talent. She will tell you that even during a life together she very often felt him as a living mystery. The husband was strange, close to her, but so often baffled that it seemed that this multifaceted person was simply impossible to understand.

However, this will all happen later. When George Ivanov only married his life partner, she packed up and moved to live with him, in an apartment that her husband shared with a close friend and namesake Adamovich. Life was not easy. A husband's friend missed him in the daytime, wandered around the rooms, and at night they both were awake and translated poems, receiving money for living on this. For a young hardworking girl, such a being seemed beyond the bounds of reason. She did not understand how to shape her life this way. While still a student of Gumilyov, she was used to understanding the composition of verses as work, and her husband and his namesake believed that the work should appear on its own, there was nothing to do.

Ivanov George

Miracles and Reality

As his wife will later talk about George Ivanov, one morning when they were drinking tea, suddenly the husband said thoughtfully: “Wait, wait.” After a short pause, he said aloud a magnificent in its clarity, sonorous and impeccable poem. It was then that her beloved realized - the ingenious poems that the spouse creates are really born instantly. More than once, she will talk about the perception of each such moment of the appearance of a new brainchild by a miracle.

Rumors and new milestones in life

Many people know where Georgy Ivanov is buried - in the French Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois. The public is well aware that the poet lived in exile, and this is largely due to the bitter tragedy of the creations he created. But far from everyone knows about the problems and difficulties, the numerous rumors associated with the period shortly before departure from their native lands. As they say, at a certain moment Ivanov began a conflict with his contemporary Khodasevich. Terapiano wrote about the events taking place and the rumors circulating in his letters. He recorded Khodasevich’s assumption about the illegal activity of Zhorzhikov and Otsup. Presumably, the men lured a certain rich man into a common apartment for two Georgians, whose money they later used to travel outside the homeland. The man was killed, the corpse was divided into parts and disposed of in the Neva. Khodasevich tried to disseminate his theory as widely as possible, sent out letters with its description to all the writers familiar to him, as well as to many people far from literature.

Rumors created a bomb effect. They began to talk about them both in the homeland of poets and abroad - wherever the Russian diaspora was more or less strong. Khodasevich vowed that everything he told him was pure truth. He assured everyone who was ready to listen to him, that the Soviet police had already asked French officials to extradite the criminals, but was refused, because it was decided that men were in fact requested because of disagreement with the policy of the allied authorities. However, when these murky rumors reached the law enforcement agencies of the USSR, Ivanov was already living in exile, and the police really did not have access to him.

Lifelong honeymoon

As Aryev later suggests in his writings on Russian literature, it is likely that Ivanov and Odoevtseva, traveling outside the Soviet Union, did not plan to stay abroad for very long. At that moment, almost everyone was sure that the Bolsheviks would not remain in power. Traveling for the spouses seemed a kind of adventure, a great honeymoon, a voyage that will allow you to get a new experience and experience. Odoevtseva herself will later say that this trip was at first a honeymoon. However, the couple deserved happiness: the first joint year of their life in their homeland could not be called honey.

At that moment, Ivanov was sent on a business trip to Germany. The reasons for her, as many would later say, were frankly ridiculous. Allegedly, the man was invited to work on the repertoire of the guest theaters. Odoevtseva, in turn, went to the family - her father lived in Latvia, did not stay long with him, made friends with Bashkirov-Verin. Largely thanks to this acquaintance, soon her husband will have the opportunity to publish his creations in periodical emigrant magazines and newspapers.

ivanov georgy vladimirovich

Rumors and intrigues

Others said that in the German capital the couple did not meet for long, and soon the husband went to France. Others argued that the relationship with the philanthropist at Odoevtseva was deeper than mere friendship. Evil tongues were found that said that Ivanov went to France not to meet with Balmont at all, but to find his first wife. If you believe the assumptions made by critics, Ivanov probably had the opportunity to stay in France, but he did not want or could not use it for reasons hidden from society. Soon in Berlin, he will publish the book Heather, dedicating it to Gabriel. As idle minds immediately notice, just before that, by publishing "Gardens", a man takes away his dedication to his wife. This becomes the foundation for gossip and rumor. Many people begin to wonder why the family left their home country separately, whether it was done only out of caution, or if they had deeper motives - and conflicts.

However, as far as all these stories are based on real ground, reliably outside observers will never know. According to information compiled by the biographers, Gabriel soon married again. Many persistently talked about her joint child with her first husband, but no traces of the girl were found. The alleged father and his second wife also never admitted that there was once a child. In 1952, when Ivanov filled out a personal questionnaire, he would put an expressive dash in the column dedicated to the offspring, which, it would seem, should finally calm down the reasoning of others.

Together for life

Odoevtseva and Ivanov reunited in the German capital, in 1923 it was decided to go to French lands. Deprivations and difficulties were in no hurry to leave them. As the writers themselves will later recall, in France a lot of things happened to them that at the same time made them laugh and cause tears in their eyes. It is not always clear what really happened and what was only invented by the inquiring minds of the masters of the word, but contemporaries like to recall anecdotal situations from the life of a couple.

They say that one day Adamovich came to them. He said that he received money for the purchase of housing, which means that friends can live together again. They found a suitable place, a poet appeared with money, which he, however, had much less than was originally planned. It turned out that Adamovich lost part of the amount. He asked the namesake's wife to play instead of him - they said that once she had already intuitively saved the loser in cards, returning him all the money. Trinity went to Monte Carlo, where the woman really won successfully, but at the last moment Adamovich decided to take everything into his own hands, and lost all the money. True, this did not stop them from living together. I managed to find a home near the Bois de Boulogne, rent it and hire a footman, furnish the house with the latest buzzword.

george ivanov poems

Subsequently, talented people will encounter troubles and difficulties that will haunt them for many years, but talent and ability to be critical, humorous and relate to what is happening will help the couple, and the world experience they have gained will allow us to create works that are valued to this day as a real literary treasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21595/

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