How to calculate the area of ​​the house on the walls

During the construction of a private house there are many difficulties that often have to be solved before the start of construction work. First, you need to draw up a detailed plan for the future structure, indicating the exact dimensions of the walls of the house, the premises, the size and location of windows and doors. After that, using these data, you can calculate the area of ​​the house on the walls. This is necessary for compiling a passport of the house and other regulatory documents during the design of the building.

What is a living room

Before you calculate the area of ​​the house on the walls, you need to clarify a few nuances. First, you need to know the definition of a residential building. Secondly, it is necessary to determine what is meant by residential premises.

So, according to the law, a residential building is a separate building in which one family lives. It includes residential and other premises designed for a comfortable stay. Residential are all heated rooms. Unheated rooms, such as balconies, are not residential.

Calculation of the area of ​​the house on the walls

When calculating the area of ​​a residential building, the areas of all residential (living rooms, bedrooms, offices and so on) and auxiliary (kitchen, toilet, bathroom, bathroom, boiler room and so on) premises are taken into account.

How to calculate the area of ​​the walls of the house

Often you need to know the area of ​​the walls. This can be useful when drawing up a house plan, buying wall material (bricks, blocks, and so on), insulation, materials for interior and exterior wall decoration. Calculating the area of ​​the walls of the house is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to measure each of the walls and calculate their area, and then add the obtained values.

Consider a simple example of calculating the area of ​​one room. Let it have a rectangular shape. One wall will have a length of 6 meters, and the second - 5 meters, the ceiling height - 2.5 meters. Since the room is rectangular, it will have two pairs of identical walls. Therefore, we only need to calculate the area of ​​two adjoining walls. We get the area of ​​the first wall - 6 x 2.5 = 15 square meters, and the area of ​​the second - 12.5 square meters. Since there are two identical walls, the area of ​​the walls of the room is 2 x 15 + 2 x 12.5 = 55 square meters.

Wall area of ​​the house

Using these values, you can calculate the volume of the room. This is necessary when calculating ventilation and heating systems. The volume is calculated as follows: 5 x 6 x 2.5 = 75 cubic meters.

If you need to find out how much wall material you need to buy, then the area of ​​doors and windows should be subtracted from the area of ​​the walls. Suppose you need to buy wallpaper in a 5 x 6 meter room. It has two windows of 1.5 square meters. m and the door - 2 square meters. m. Thus, for gluing the walls you need 55 - (1.5 + 1.5 + 2) = 50 square meters. meters of wallpaper.

Calculation of the inner walls

Since the area of ​​a residential building is the sum of all the areas of residential premises, it is necessary to calculate them without taking into account windows and doors. It should be borne in mind that the area under the stairs to a height of 160 cm is not taken into account. They are also not included in the total area of ​​the parts of the attic rooms with a ceiling height of less than 160 cm (if the angle of the ceiling is less than 45 °) and up to 190 cm (if the angle of the ceiling is more than 45 °). For the rest of the attic rooms, it is customary to apply a coefficient of 0.7. That is, the resulting floor area is multiplied by 0.7.

Now let’s take a closer look at how the calculation of the area of ​​the house on the walls inside is carried out. The area of ​​a rectangular room is the product of its width by length. With the area of ​​the walls of the room, having the shape of a parallelepiped, we are already broke.

how to calculate the area of ​​the walls of the house

Let's move on to more complex forms. We calculate the area of ​​the walls of the attic. For this, it is also necessary to calculate the area of ​​each wall and add the obtained values. For simplicity, we take the attic of a house with a symmetrical gable triangular roof. The area of ​​the walls along the slopes is calculated according to the ceiling height standards, as indicated above. The area of ​​the triangular walls is calculated as follows: the length of the wall on the floor is multiplied by the height of the room (in the ridge) and is divided into two. Consider an example: the length of the walls along the ridge along the floor is 10 meters, the length along the slope is 5 meters, the width of the triangular walls is 8 meters, and the height along the ridge is 3 meters. Thus, the area of ​​all walls is 124 square meters.

Calculation of external walls

If the calculation of the area of ​​the house on the walls is done outside, then it is carried out as follows. The total area of ​​the house is calculated. The area of ​​the walls is subtracted from it, and without taking into account door and window openings. Here all walls are taken into account - both bearing and partition walls. Parts of the premises (under the stairs or the slope of the roof) and the area of ​​non-residential premises are deducted from the remaining area.


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