"Garnet Bracelet" - a summary of a difficult story

The play by A. Kuprin “Pomegranate Bracelet”, a summary of which is given in our article, is a small literary work. According to the plot, the case takes place in the fall, at a resort located on the northern Black Sea coast. At the cottage, two sisters meet - Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina and Anna Nikolaevna. Faith lovingly refers to her husband, not having children from him. Anna, in marriage, gave birth to a girl and a boy, but is indifferent to them, and to her life partner - a rich and stupid junker camera. Women enjoy the beautiful views of the surroundings. Then they go to a dinner party on the occasion of Vera 's birthday, to which distinguished guests gather.

garnet bracelet summary

During the meal, the princess receives a package with a messenger. It contains a note and a garnet bracelet. The summary of the message to the princess comes down to the fact that she is congratulated by a secret admirer and presents a family decoration with a rare variety of semiprecious stones that belonged to several generations of women in his family. Vera Nikolaevna does not know whether to tell guests about the gift or not. During a dinner conversation at a dinner, the princess’s husband begins to show the guests a homely humorous album in which he ridiculed previous episodes of an unknown fan’s written addresses to Vera. The prince believes that some telegraphist in love is writing to his wife. The countess does not like the discussion of letters. After dinner, guests disperse and household members learn about the gift.

A brief summary of the “Pomegranate Bracelet” can be continued with the episode when the princess’s brother and her husband are outraged by the presented gift - such offerings were not accepted at that time with respect to married noble ladies. In addition, men suggest that an unknown fan could have committed some embezzlement to buy jewelry. And if such actions are discovered, the princess's name can be made public. They decide to find him on the initials indicated in the note and talk seriously. The next day they find a certain Zheltkov - an official of low rank.

garnet bracelet summary
The work “Pomegranate Bracelet”, the summary of which can only give a general idea of ​​the essence of events, as a continuation includes an unpleasant conversation between the princess’s brother and husband and Zheltkov. During the conversation, the men convince him not to write to Vera Nikolaevna anymore.

Zheltkov reports that he has been in love with the princess since those times when she was not married, and asks permission to write her the last letter. Prince Shein gives him this opportunity. In a letter to Vera Nikolaevna, a fan reports that he cannot imagine life without his beloved woman, but promises that she will not be bothered anymore. The next day, the Shein family learned from the newspapers about the suicide of the official. Vera receives the last letter in the mail.

pomegranate bracelet summary

Excited by the message, she asks her husband for permission to go to say goodbye to Zheltkov, and the prince gives her permission. The princess brings her dead admirer a rose and a final kiss. She finds out from the woman who rented the apartment to Zheltkova where now is the piece of jewelry that the fan tried to present to her. It turns out that he bequeathed to hang a garnet bracelet rejected by his beloved next to the icon.

The summary of the story can be reduced to the fact that in the life of every person there can be sincere, selfless love, and one can understand its value only when a person experiencing such feelings leaves his life.

Kuprin's work must be read in its entirety. Since the summary of the play “Pomegranate Bracelet”, the summary cannot contain all the wealth of the Russian language, which the novel demonstrates. The original contains beautiful descriptions, dialogs, additional plot lines and nuances that cannot be conveyed in a compressed form.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21610/

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