What is document sighting? Rules of Sight

The activities of enterprises and organizations are subject to certain laws. Violation of them is unacceptable. There are certain problems with this, which can be avoided by a special procedure - document sighting. This is a process aimed at identifying shortcomings in the project and eliminating them. Its order is usually determined by a separate rule. Let's figure it out.

sighting of documents is

What is document sighting?

It is only at home that you can solve all problems by talking with loved ones; at the enterprise, this procedure leads to violations punishable by fines, and sometimes even more serious measures. The thing is that today narrow specialization has been adopted. An accountant, for example, knows his part of the law very well, but gets confused in personnel documents. But the work of any organization is a rather complicated process, regulated by a bunch of decisions, orders and other documents. All the nuances of them do not know any of the experts, and it is not necessary for them. After all, everyone fulfills his duties prescribed in the job description. And many orders or orders of superiors are connected with several branches of activity at once. Therefore, the process of "knowledge reduction" of narrow specialists is needed. It was invented and called the sight of documents. This is a procedure for conducting an expert evaluation of a project by specialists, including making comments and suggestions.

order of sight of documents

Work organization

Any activity of the structural units of the enterprise is regulated by documents. In our case, an order is issued to endorse documents. Based on the text of this paper, the procedure is carried out. The order should contain the procedure for vising and a list of posts to which the project is submitted for examination or review. Without carrying out the procedure specified in the order, the document is not signed by the head, as it may contain errors. As a rule, the preparation of the draft of this document is carried out by the legal unit together with the head of the apparatus. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the organization, do not miss anything. The logic of the order is as follows: management issues orders for personnel and core activities. You should look at samples of each of these species and determine which posts they relate to. The latter follows from job descriptions. Let's take an example.

document sight sample

Sighting personnel orders

We will look from the most philistine point of view. When a person is hired, they establish the scope of work, payments, determine the order of instruction, subordination and more. For each of these steps, a separate specialist is responsible. The personnel officer should look at the qualifications, the accountant should check the salary and rating, another specialist should conduct a briefing, the head will determine the responsibilities. The example is simplified, but it is already evident that one employee should not be responsible for all the data listed in the project. It turns out that each part should be checked by an appropriate specialist. In addition, he is responsible for including the correct data in the project. For this, the documents are visually sighted in the organization. It should be noted that orders for core activities are even more complicated. But the essence remains the same. Sighting documents is a procedure for studying and confirming their correctness by officials.

document approval

Order of conduct

Those who have never encountered the operation of the apparatus are unlikely to imagine what the process of creating any important paper is. The project is prepared by one unit or specialist on behalf of the authorities. As a rule, this work rests on the shoulders of a person in whose duties it falls according to job descriptions. Next, you need to transfer it to other specialists. In the above example, they are: an accountant, a lawyer, a line manager and someone responsible for safety. Each carefully studies the project and makes its own conclusion. Consent with the text is confirmed by a signature followed by a date. If there are comments, they should be stated in writing, indicating the regulatory asset violated by the text of the project. When the specialist collects all the signatures, the paper is transferred to the chief's court. He decides what to do next. Based on this, we can say that document vising is a process of sharing responsibility between specialists in various industries.

When is approval

With the document, as we have already found out, the experts involved are working with it. This is done before it is signed. That is, experts check the project for compliance with legislation and local acts. This process is called reconciliation. As a rule, specialists put their signatures on the first copy of the order on the reverse side, unless otherwise provided by order. This document remains at the enterprise, subsequently submitted to the archive. The shelf life is determined by the nomenclature of cases. For example, personnel orders cannot be destroyed for seventy-five years. All this period they can be claimed and checked for legality. See how high the responsibility of those who agree on the text!

sight of documents in the organization

Sighting documents: sample

On the reverse side of the draft document, it is necessary to allocate space so that specialists can leave their data. These include:

  • position;
  • signature;
  • decoding full name;
  • date.

If the comments are voluminous, you should make a note that their text is attached in a special document. Quite often, all controversial issues are resolved in the process of processing the project. But it happens that you have to "correspond". Then the right to make a final decision is granted to management, which should study the comments, if necessary, listen to the explanations of specialists. Sight-approval of the document looks like this:

Head of Legal Department _________________ (Sergeev M.M.)

Date signature

Visa Visa

There is a different type of work with documents in production. It is called familiarization. This is a process involving the receipt of written confirmation that employees understood the meaning of an order or other paper. The procedure for vising documents in this case is different. First, it is signed by the head, only after that the appropriate specialists get to know him. In addition to the data already indicated, this type of sight must contain a special phrase confirming that the person understands the meaning of the paper. For example, you must write "I have read the act." Next, list the position, signature, decoding and date. Thus, the specialist confirms that he has read the document and agrees with it.

document sighting procedure

Complicated Orders

State institutions involved in the preparation of normative legal acts also carry out the endorsement of documents in organizations. Only often it takes much more time and effort. The fact is that administrative documents must receive an expert assessment of many departments, sometimes third-party institutions. The project is sent in order to each. After waiting for comments, the contractor sends both documents to the next expert. And so it goes on until everyone expresses his opinion. Their notes need to be processed, the text should be adjusted, and everything should be done anew from the very beginning. The adoption of documents is delayed for a long time. However, this must be done, as state institutions issue binding acts. And this applies to the lives of many people. Frivolity and haste in such an important issue are unacceptable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21620/

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