Why the sewing machine does not sew: causes, possible breakdowns, troubleshooting methods

A household sewing machine is an indispensable tool for a housewife. This little helper is on the shoulder. Hem pants or a skirt, replace the zipper on the jacket, overcast the edges of the curtains and even embroider - all this is possible for a housewife if she knows how to use a sewing machine. But, unlike other household appliances, a sewing machine is a very moody unit, sometimes just turning out to be sewing. In order for the device to be your reliable assistant, it is useful to know why the sewing machine does not sew. In this article we will analyze all the main malfunctions of such devices and give tips on how to fix them.

Sewing machine repair

Main malfunctions of sewing machines:

  • presser mechanism does not feed or poorly feeds material;
  • thread breakage;
  • the needle breaks;
  • the fabric does not move;
  • shuttle malfunctions;
  • drive belt loose.

The machine does not feed the fabric well

Such a malfunction is very common. With proper operation of the machine, the fabric should move jerkily, evenly, at the same speed. If this is not so, then, most likely, the tissue feeding mechanism is faulty. It happens that the mistress herself is to blame for such a breakdown, which, for speed of sewing, stretches the fabric, helping the machine with her hands. As a result, there may be malfunctions in the feed conveyor. In addition, by pulling the fabric with force, you can bend or even break the needle.

Sewing on a sewing machine

If the fabric feed mechanism is faulty, you will need to adjust it. The feed rail of the feed mechanism does not fit snugly enough on the presser foot, causing the fabric to slip. Setting up a rail is a rather troublesome business, and in this case it is better to contact a professional installer. It happens that after prolonged use, the teeth of the feed rail become blunt. To avoid this, the sewing machine is not allowed to work idle, without fabric.

Thread break

There are a number of reasons why the sewing machine does not sew a line and tears a thread. One of them is incorrect adjustment of the tension of the upper thread. The thread is simply tightened and breaks when feeding, not having time to follow the needle. To achieve proper operation, you must first fully loosen the upper thread regulator, and then, gradually increasing the tension, achieve the correct operation of the machine, in which the thread does not break.

Thread breakage on a sewing machine

Another reason is a crooked needle. In the process, it can bend and touch the needle plate or the presser foot that presses the fabric. As a result of this, the thread clings to the edges and breaks. The sewing machine "The Seagull" is especially prone to this. Why do not sew other machines, consider further.

Often a thread can break, oddly enough, due to its quality. Threads for sewing machines and for manual sewing or embroidery differ markedly. For manual sewing, they are cotton, have an uneven structure, and when working, they velvet. If such threads are put in a sewing machine, then they will quickly become loose and break. It is important to choose high-quality threads for sewing machines. They are thin and elastic.

The needle breaks

This is also a serious malfunction, because of which the sewing machine does not sew. Why does the needle break? There may also be several reasons. The first one is the incorrect installation of the needle itself in the needle bar. If it is not inserted all the way, then in the process it can hit the shuttle and will inevitably break. The position of the needle must be constantly checked. If its fastening in the needle bar is weakened, then you need to tighten it by first inserting the needle up until it stops.

Often a needle breakdown occurs due to improper selection. If, after sewing thin fabrics, you decide to sew jeans with the same needle, then this will inevitably lead to breakage. The needle must be selected in accordance with the thickness and type of fabric. For coarser fabrics, there are special needles that differ in thickness and sharpening. There are universal needles suitable for all types of fabrics. In addition, the needles may break due to the poor quality material from which they are made. Do not buy cheap needles from unknown sellers, and you can avoid wasting money.

The shuttle is defective or its adjustment is violated

Why does not manual sewing machine "Podolsk" sew? Most likely, this is due to the work of the shuttle. The quality work of these machines often depends on its condition. What can be the malfunctions? Dirt can get in the shuttle or moisture can get in, then it can turn tight, and in some cases even wedge. Because of this, a manual sewing machine does not sew. Why it happens?

Shuttle Sewing Machine

Long-lasting simple typewriter

If you have not used the sewing machine for a long time, then moisture can get into the shuttle, which will inevitably lead to corrosion. To avoid this, you need to periodically lubricate the machine, even if it has been idle for a long time. How to do it right is written in the instructions for your sewing machine.

Another thing is if the shuttle is full of dirt. This can be, on the contrary, from prolonged and continuous operation of the machine. The threads you sew are not perfectly clean: there may be dirt on them or dust may accumulate. Together with the lubricant, all this forms a viscous mass, which clogs the shuttle. To avoid this, periodically shuttle must be disassembled and cleaned by adding new grease.

Drive belt loose

Another reason why the sewing machine is not sewn may be a weakened drive belt. This can be noticed immediately after you turn on the machine and press the drive pedal. The motor can spin idle, but the machine will not sew. This is easy to fix without calling a wizard. It is necessary to loosen a couple of bolts on the engine mount and slightly lower it, hand checking the belt tension. As soon as he is pulled, secure the engine in this position. Do not forget to disconnect the machine before this operation.

Electric driven machine

If you have an old machine with a foot drive, then the above action will not work. These devices do not have a belt tensioner. In this case, the belt must be removed and shortened by about one centimeter. Then brace and install back. It must be remembered that it is also impossible to pull the belt. This can cause heavy travel of the machine and damage to the pulleys.

This article gave the basic answers to the question of why the sewing machine does not sew. Most breakdowns can be fixed on their own. But with such as fine-tuning, it is best to contact the master or the service center. No need to save where you can lose more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21628/

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