Bench-top vertical drilling machine 2M112: specifications, reviews

The 2M112 drilling machine , the technical characteristics of which are given below, has compact dimensions and wide functionality. This allows you to use it as desktop equipment. Excellent value for money makes this device popular in various industrial sectors, as well as a direct competitor among other domestic and foreign counterparts. Consider its characteristics in more detail, as well as consumer reviews.

drilling machine 2m112 specifications


Technical characteristics of the 2M112 drilling machine allow it to be attributed to equipment of the middle category of a vertical-drilling type. Its production was started in 1980. During serial production, the unit has gained recognition and popularity. It is especially in demand in private workshops and in small manufacturing enterprises. The main purpose of this machine is to train young specialists in schools and technical schools.

Due to its functionality, the unit can be used for the following purposes:

  • Drilling holes of various diameters.
  • Drilling blanks.
  • Deployment and countersinking of parts.
  • Performing internal thread.

Design features

The 2M112 drilling machine, the technical characteristics of which allow processing plastic, metal and wood, has a rather simple design. The device of the unit provides the ability to adjust the rotation speed of the working cartridge in five ranges. This option is provided by changing the position on the pulleys of the corresponding gear. The drilling depth during operation of the machine is regulated by a flat scale or stops.

2m112 bench drilling machine specifications

Simplicity of design is the main advantage of the device, as it is reliable and simple in use. The compact size and light weight make it possible to transport the unit to any suitable place. The technique in question can be mounted on the surface of a bench, drill string or cabinet.

2M112 bench-drilling machine: technical specifications

A feature of this unit is the ability to adjust the diameter of the drilled hole. According to the instruction manual, nests with a diameter of up to 12 mm can be made on the machine. This range is quite enough for work in home workshops. On industrial analogues, an increased diameter of the produced holes is provided.

The following are the technical specifications of the 2M112 drilling machine:

  • The maximum drilling diameter is 12 mm.
  • The difference in distance from the spindle axis to the rack is from 0 to 400 mm.
  • Departure of the guide element - 190 mm.
  • The width of the working surface is 250 mm.
  • The number of grooves is 3 pieces.
  • Spindle sleeve stroke - 100 mm.
  • The number of speeds is 5.
  • Maximum revolutions - up to 4500 rotations per minute.
  • Drive type - an electric motor with a power of 0.55 kW.
  • Length / width / height - 0.79 / 0.37 / 0.95 m.
  • Weight - 120 kg.

vertical drilling machine 2m112 specifications


Vertical drilling machine 2M112, the technical characteristics of which are given above, according to the instruction manual is capable of operating at speeds up to 4500 rpm in 5 gears. The spindle of the unit is classified in class B-18, adjustable from 0 to 40 centimeters.

The minimum dimensions of the machine for convenient operation should be at least 25 cm, equipped with T-grooves, used to fasten parts or locks. The convenience of this device additionally lies in the possibility of mounting on a special cabinet, which makes it possible to drill holes in the ends of workpieces up to one meter long. For the operation of the unit meets the electric motor with a power of 550 watts.

Despite its compact dimensions, the 2M112 drilling machine, the technical characteristics, the photo of which are given in the article, is designed for long-term and intensive use. In many respects, this is due to the simplicity of the design and the high quality of the material.

drilling machine 2m112 technical specifications photos

Device and control

The main components of the unit:

  • Working column for moving headstock with spindle.
  • Clamping device.
  • Drive with electric motor.
  • Headstock head assembly .
  • Base in the form of countertops.
  • The protective cover of the drive mechanism.
  • Spindle type headstock.
  • Tensioning unit for controlling elasticity of belts.
  • Bracket for fixing the base of the column.

Technical characteristics and features of the 2M112 drilling machine determine the presence of the following control and management elements in the design:

  • The handle of the mechanical feed spindle.
  • Handle for belt tensioning.
  • Special adjustable headstock lock on the work string.
  • Control buttons that start and stop the motor drive through an electric drive.
  • Sub-engine mount handle.

The manufacturer of the equipment in question provided for the installation of the main parts in a cast iron casing, which allowed for reliable protection of the components from mechanical deformation. For greater comfort when working with the machine, a lighting system for the working processing zone is provided.

drilling machine 2m112 technical specifications repair


The technical characteristics of the 2M112 drilling machine, the repair of which is very simple, were developed several decades ago. However, this unit remains popular until now. This is due to its reliability, ease of execution and high precision processing, as well as an affordable price.

To fix or replace items in the domestic market, it is easy to choose domestic or Chinese counterparts. The advantages of the unit are in the following parameters:

  • High working resource, endurance, the ability to operate in various climatic zones.
  • Ease of maintenance and operation of equipment, including unit repair.
  • Maintainability and availability of spare parts.
  • Electric motor power is sufficient not only for schools and private households, but also for small production workshops.

Of course, along with reliability and practicality, the main advantage of this machine is an affordable price.

drilling machine 2m112 technical specifications and features


Like any technique, the device in question has several disadvantages. Among them, users note such moments:

  • Obsolescence of the device.
  • Losing the unit in accuracy and quality of processing to modern models from other manufacturers.
  • Reduced recoil efficiency and efficiency during intensive work.
  • In addition, this machine is inferior in some respects to modern models, including compactness and reliability, along with ease of maintenance.

Drilling machine 2M112: specifications and reviews

The parameters of the technical plan of the equipment in question are given above. Next, we consider consumer reviews.

According to the responses of the owners, this tool, bought in good condition, is quite capable of satisfying the wishes of private users and small manufacturing enterprises. Despite the rather large mass and dimensions, the unit proved to be mostly positive, especially compared to the Chinese counterparts of the same price category.

Most of all, consumers note the reliability and practicality of the device, as well as its maintainability. Although it is slightly noisy and a bit uncomfortable, it is designed for many generations. If necessary, and accurate operation, such a unit will be able to work for several decades without much modernization.

2m112 drilling machine specifications and reviews


The 2M112 vertical drilling bench machine is definitely one of the leaders in the domestic market in its class. Value for money, quality and ease of maintenance are the main reasons for the popularity of this unit among the population. In addition to use in schools and colleges, this equipment proved to be good in private courtyards and small industries. Over the three decades of its existence, the machine in question has proven its efficiency and practicality, even compared to more expensive foreign counterparts.


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