How to obtain Turkish citizenship: the procedure, the necessary documentation, the conditions for filing, the terms of consideration and the procedure for obtaining citizenship

Far from uncommon is the situation when people move to live from one country to another, and this happens for various reasons. And in order to live more comfortably in a new place, it is advisable to acquire the citizenship of this state. Russians are very fond of leaving for warm countries, one of which is Turkey. How to obtain Turkish citizenship, we will tell further.

Delve into history

Before you analyze in detail all the nuances and find out what you need to obtain Turkish citizenship, you should get acquainted with this truly amazing country. It is located mainly in South-West Asia and is relatively small, occupying only thirty-sixth place in the world in the world. In this state, washed immediately by four different seas and very young, founded only almost a hundred years ago, almost eighty million people currently live.

Geographically, Turkey is the closest neighbor of Georgians, Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Iranians. It owes its birth to the light of God in World War I, as a result of which the Ottoman Empire (namely, it was located earlier in the place where modern Turkey now lies) was defeated and divided. Meanwhile, the Ottoman state itself has been counting its days since the fourteenth century, and after a series of wars, omnipotently dominated the entire area of ​​the Balkan Peninsula. The Turks at one time even conquered Egypt, Arabia and Syria. It is no secret that the Ottomans were also in conflict with Russia, and this conflict was quite protracted (although it happened already at a later time, in the seventeenth century and beyond). It is precisely in these conflicts that experts see one of the reasons (almost the main one) for the defeat of the Ottoman Empire and its collapse.

Turkish species

The Ottoman Empire entered the war in 1914, and nine years later a peace treaty was concluded in Lausanne, which determined the borders of the new state - Turkey, or the Republic of Turkey.

Currently, Turkey has several fairly large cities, one of which, of course, is Istanbul. By the way, many people mistakenly call it the capital of the Republic of Turkey, since the largest number of people live in it (thirteen-odd million), but this is fundamentally wrong: the main city of the Turks is Ankara (for comparison: only four with a β€œtail” of a million inhabitants) . The main number among them is, of course, the Turks, but a significant proportion are also Armenians, Greeks, and Caucasians. There are a lot of Russian-speaking population in the state: people who once arrived to rest in this warm country often often do not want to leave it. Just now it will be appropriate to return to the question of how to obtain Turkish citizenship.

The benefits of living in Turkey

For what qualities and features, people choosing a place for a new stay, stop in sunny and hot Turkey? What is so special about this country?

Firstly, a friendly attitude towards everyone, whether you are a local resident or guest, an aboriginal or a foreigner. This is noted by almost all who have visited this state. Secondly, the high quality of the environment and cleanliness both on the roads and on the streets. People who have visited this country share their impressions that the roads and sidewalks are regularly washed there - and not just with water, but with shampoo. The presence of universally free toilets, many small shops and pharmacies with affordable food and medicine, good quality roads, police officers who are ready to help - these are just a few of the advantages that exist in the territory of the former Ottoman Empire.

How to obtain Turkish citizenship to a citizen of the Russian Federation

So, we firmly decided: we are moving! What needs to be done now before joyfully packing your bags?

Turkish citizenship

First of all, every person who wants to be called a Turkish citizen should remember that there are several ways to gain what you want. There are only seven options for obtaining Turkish citizenship. In the future, each of these methods will be discussed in more detail. But first, about what conditions and requirements must be met in order to have the right to apply for such a procedure.

Compliance with the requirements

So, below is a list of those conditions that a foreigner must fulfill if he wants to obtain citizenship of sunny Turkey.

Firstly, you should live in the aforementioned country for at least five years without a break (that is, if a person went home for the summer, for example, this is no longer considered a necessary time). Secondly, you need to be of legal age (if citizenship is required to be issued to a minor, his parents or guardians apply for him). In addition, you must provide a certificate of health and a certificate of income, as well as fluency in Turkish. Most importantly: a person should not have any problems with the law, either in the past or in the present.

Ticket to Turkey

If all these requirements are met and documents are available, you can apply. It must be indicated in it why the person lives among the Turks (on a student visa, on business, as a guardian, and so on). The application is considered by a special commission, and if it does not find any points that cause a complaint, they call the person for an interview. Based on its results, the application is submitted to the Ministry of the Interior. Then it deals with it.

What documents are needed

A person who asks how to obtain Turkish citizenship should know what documents must be submitted to the consulate. There are not so many of them. This, of course, is a passport / birth certificate (for minors), a residence permit (along with a copy), proof of residence on Turkish soil (visa), a marriage certificate for married women, a certificate of income, a certificate of language proficiency. If you have relatives in Turkey, you should also add a document that confirms their identity and indicate their full address. It is best to have copies of all documents, in addition, a marriage certificate must be translated into Turkish.

Turkish passport

It’s necessary to submit documents to the consulate - if the person is outside Turkey, or to the local civilian administration - if the applicant for citizenship lives in the country. They will consider the application from six months to a year, so you will have to be patient. And you can track the status of your own application on the website by the identification number.

How to obtain Turkish citizenship to a Russian citizen: first way

The first option to obtain a Turkish passport is, no matter how trivial, ordinary marriage. Having married a Turk / married a Turkish woman, one can quite legitimately expect the acquisition of citizenship of this country. True, there are several but: citizenship will be given in three years, provided that the couple lives together and did not question their marriage, and also did not harm public order.

Method Two: Special Circumstances

These are considered cases when a passport of a resident of a given country is received by people due to their merits in any field - cultural, industrial, social, scientific, economic and so on. So you can do something outstanding and - voila! - Turkish citizenship in your pocket.

The third way: investment and business

How to obtain Turkish citizenship to a Russian citizen in addition to the above methods? If a person is a businessman and starts his own business in the aforementioned state, if he invests in the economy of this country, he can count on becoming a citizen without undue difficulties and hassles.

Turkish citizenship

So for entrepreneurs considering how to obtain Turkish citizenship, this is a very good option.

Fourth Method: Filing an Application

This option applies to those people who have no other way to obtain Turkish citizenship. They collect all the above documents, submit an application to the consulate and, based on the results of its consideration, receive either a positive or a negative answer. This is not the easiest option for a Russian citizen to obtain Turkish citizenship, because the approving decision is not issued to all applicants.

The fifth method: recovery

In the event that a person previously had a Turkish passport, but then for any reason he was lost, the applicant for the title of Turkish citizen can resend the application. For such people, there are more relaxed requirements.

Sixth Method: Real Estate

When buying real estate, Turkish citizenship for Russians becomes automatically easily accessible. Of course, we are talking about a tidy sum. By investing more than a million dollars in real estate and undertaking not to sell it for three years, a person can obtain Turkish citizenship both for himself and for close relatives (parents, children, husband or wife).

Seventh Way: Birth

This is the easiest way for a child to obtain Turkish citizenship. If at least one of his parents has a Turkish passport, the baby automatically also claims to receive it. Thus, from the moment a baby is born, he may have dual citizenship.

Citizens of other countries

With the Russians sorted out. And how to get Turkish citizenship to a citizen of Azerbaijan, for example? The methods are all the same, but you should be aware that Azerbaijanis are forbidden to have dual citizenship, therefore, deciding to obtain a Turkish passport, a person should be prepared for the fact that he will be deprived of his native citizenship, and therefore all rights in his homeland.

Turkish flag

How to get Turkish citizenship to a citizen of Kazakhstan? Everything is simpler here. The methods of acquiring the desired remain all the same, but no one deprives one of their native citizenship. The same story with Ukrainians: any of the above options, the most optimal for themselves, they can achieve the desired Turkish passport.

Interesting facts about Turkey

  1. In this country were two of the seven wonders of the world. In part, they have survived to this day. This is the temple of Artemis and the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus.
  2. The black arrows on the ceiling in most public institutions in Turkey indicate the direction to Mecca. There Muslims turn when they pray.
  3. Ararat is located in Turkey, namely, it is known that Noah's Ark moored to it.
  4. Istanbul is the only city located simultaneously in Europe and Asia (3 and 97 percent of the territory, respectively).
  5. Tulips come from Turkey. Like cherry, by the way.
  6. Until the mid-thirties of the last century, the Turks did not have surnames.
  7. The Mediterranean Sea in Turkey is called White.
  8. The first Christian cathedral appeared in Turkey.
  9. It was the Turks who invented the cezve, in other words, the Turk, and in the seventeenth century, thanks to them, all of Europe learned about coffee. Not only that: coffee in Turkish is recognized not by anyone, but by UNESCO, an object of intangible cultural heritage and unique value. By the way, in the Middle Ages a Turkish woman could easily divorce her husband if in the morning he did not give her a cup of coffee.
  10. On the territory of this state, a great many ancient monuments and ancient Greek cities - according to some reports, even more than in Greece. This is due to the fact that earlier, a long time ago, the territory of present-day Turkey was distributed among several states, including Ancient Greece. Troy, about which legends were composed, by the way, was also located on this land.
  11. Snow-white handsome fluffies - Angora cats - come from exactly sunny Turkey. This breed acquired its name thanks to the ancient name Ankara - earlier it was called Angora. The breed itself is more than five hundred years old. Angora seals are a symbol of Turkey, in former times they were presented as the most valuable gift and they were allowed to all: for example, they walked freely throughout the territory of the Sultan's palaces and even entered the mosque.
Turkey Attractions

The above is information on how to obtain Turkish citizenship. Hopefully, she will be useful to someone.


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