The meaning of the name Taras. The fate and character of its owner

All parents, before calling a child one way or another, want to know how the choice will affect their fate. The meaning of the name Taras: "troublemaker", "restless." It may interest moms and dads who want to see their son in the future resolute, purposeful, able to insist on his own. So, what kind of life awaits the boys, who are so called, what are the positive and negative sides of such a decision?

Name origin

The most popular version says that it came from the Greek version of Tarasios, however, historians make other assumptions. Some of them recall a beautiful legend, which claims that the boys were given the same name in honor of the mythological hero Tarento. This young man was born from the young nymph Satyrion, who was in a forbidden love affair with the sea god Poseidon himself.

the meaning of the name taras

This is not all possible explanations of where the name Taras came from. The origin and significance of it, according to another version, has nothing to do with mythology. It appeared from the Latin word, the translation of which sounds like โ€œoxโ€, โ€œbullโ€. This theory has strong evidence, since it is Taurus - the Latin name for the constellation Taurus.

The meaning of the name Taras is currently most interesting to residents of countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, where it is most widely used. But in recent years, interest in him has also returned to Russia, which is due to the appearance of fashion for everything rare, ancient. Once the name was very popular in our state, as evidenced by the prevalence of the surname Tarasov. However, now it belongs to the category of unusual.

The meaning of the name Taras: childhood

From the very first years of life, a child named in this way displays the character traits inherent in his namesake. The boy will grow up energetic and able to insist on his desires, it is almost impossible to manage. Such children are not able to be silent if they face injustice.

Taras meaning for boy

Parents should weigh their abilities before giving the child the name Taras. The meaning of the name and the fate of such babies are closely related. Their naturally brilliant abilities may turn out to be useless if mother and father are not able to teach their perseverance, help translate into reality numerous ideas.

Sociability cannot be called typical for the owners of this name, Taras, as a rule, has few friends. Such a boy is inclined to plunge into his thoughts, speaks little and only on business. Often his favorite pastimes are books.

Growing up

The meaning of the name Taras for the boy continues to influence him in adulthood. Such men retain an unbending will, the ability to think outside the box. Stubbornness gives them the ability to easily bear failures, victories are perceived by them restrained. Being the owners of numerous talents, they often miss the chance to succeed due to the lack of ambition.

name taras meaning of name and fate

It is extremely rare for Taras to acquire the ability to look into the future, the situation is mostly seen by him only one move ahead. Such guys have a negative attitude to intricate problems, trying to deal with them with a determination that borders on recklessness. The habit of always telling others a discouraging truth prevents them from gaining popularity in the team.

Pros and cons

The meaning of the name Taras is able to influence the fate of its owner both positively and negatively. If in childhood, parents are able to explain to the boy that his straightforwardness harms him, he can make a strong-willed leader. Men whose name is inherent in a certain charm, others can attract their decisiveness, the ability to achieve their own.

taras meaning name character

Of course, there are a number of negative features inherent to the owners of a rare name. For example, they often have difficulties with a sense of humor, they get angry if they become the object of jokes. Sullenness is a โ€œcalling card" by which they are easy to recognize. The assertiveness inherent in them can not only fascinate, but also repel, if they do not master the art of containing it.

Work, business

Is a successful career for the Taras holder awaiting? The meaning of the name, character influence this sphere of life. The man whom his parents called him is capable of self-giving, starting a business. Unfortunately, this attitude may not last long, since he quickly raises doubts about the need to achieve the chosen goal.

name Taras origin and meaning

From the first years of his life, sport is of great importance to Taras; he is often interested in wrestling and boxing. Therefore, the holders of the name are suitable professions related to saving people, military affairs, they make good coaches. Such a man can safely choose for himself any sphere where he will get the opportunity to show his best qualities: energy, assertiveness.

Should Taras do business? It depends on whether he learns in childhood to smooth out sharp corners, interacting with others, to finish the work that has begun. More often than not, men who have received a rare name are excellent performers, not leaders.

Love family

Will Taras be successful in the love field? The meaning of the name, character and fate, which is predicted to its owner, say that it depends on the correct choice of a girlfriend of life. A woman who marries him will need the ability to take the initiative. Decisive in other areas, he tends to avoid serious relationships for a long time.

Taras meaning named character and fate

Patience should also be inherent in the wife of Taras. It is possible that almost all household chores will fall on her shoulders. In addition, men who are so named tend to be a bit stingy; they carefully monitor household spending. But they are not characterized by the acquisition of bad habits, they rarely suffer from alcoholism. Another plus - they are extremely good as parents, they are happy to take care of children.

Indecisive, when it comes to marriage, in love relationships, name holders prefer to dominate. They easily break the bored connection, require admiration and submission.


The meaning of the name Taras has a direct impact on the health of its owner. In the first years of his life, he is very susceptible to infectious diseases, seems to be a fragile surrounding child. Having matured, he turns into a strong guy, whom it is extremely rare to see in a hospital bed. Nevertheless, he should pay maximum attention to the state of the digestive system, which remains almost the only weak point. In addition, the back can become an object of concern.

Hobbies, hobbies

Taras is not one of the people who cannot live without outdoor activities. It is much easier to find at home lying on a sofa than at a ski resort. This does not mean that he has no other hobbies besides the TV and books. The name owner may be attracted by archeology or history. He likes to study the inner world of others, he is not indifferent to natural beauties, he is interested in animals. Of the boys named so, philosophers often grow up, since they pay a lot of attention to their own inner experiences.

Having appreciated the advantages and disadvantages that the name Taras brings, parents will be able to decide for themselves whether to give it to a newborn.


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