Gay clubs of Moscow: addresses, photo

Not all people prefer to spend their free time on social networks in the evenings, many crave active fun, musical drive, new acquaintances and dances in decline. These desires are easily realized in nightclubs, where a noisy holiday without a reason often continues until the morning.

From the article you will learn why there are and where are the most non-standard clubs in Moscow, gay nightlife entertainment.

Cinema and reality

In the famous television series Queer as Folk ("Close Friends") you can see an entire quarter with places for recreation for non-traditional people. Is there something similar in the Russian capital? There is no need to talk about the whole area, but Moscow's gay clubs exist in quite a wide variety and open doors in the evenings in front of their visitors.

gay clubs in Moscow

However, in the series and films such institutions are rarely portrayed reliably, while real gay clubs are just fun and noisy places where people come to dance to energetic music, watch shows on stage, meet the same lovers of unbridled fun, have a drink , relax and get rid of everyday problems. In general, gay clubs in Moscow are practically no different from other entertainment venues in the capital. The difference is only in visitors, but there may be surprises.

Not just gays

In clubs designed for gay men, you can often meet companies of gay heterosexual girls. But they go to such places not at all with the goal of meeting someone, but quite the contrary - to take a break from the annoying attention of the "traditional" guys, just have fun and dance to their heart's content. Often young ladies gather there for hen parties.

In addition, the very atmosphere of a gay club, free, laid-back and devoid of pathos, attracts people who are alien to conventions, regardless of their preferences. After all, here you can look as you like and not think too much about what impression you make.

gay clubs of Moscow photo

Representatives of a non-standard orientation feel like fish in the water here: no condemnation or oblique glances, which helps to fully relax and relax, enjoying the noisy fun, relieving stress and forgetting about all the problems. For the same reasons, heterosexuals often go to such clubs. After all, the show program, which can be seen on stage in thematic institutions, is truly unique.

Rampant holiday

Entertainment programs that gay clubs in Moscow offer their visitors are widespread and diverse. For the entertainment of the public, male strip shows are held on stage and incendiary contests are held. Almost every night you can see bright and bold travesty shows, as well as sparkling musical parodies of pop stars. From time to time, visitors can dance to the performances of real singers and singers, including Sergey Lazarev, Boris Moiseev, Eva Polna, Zhanna Aguzarova, Lolita, the Mirage group and many others. In general, musically, gay clubs in Moscow often offer time-tested disco hits by foreign and domestic artists. However, in elite establishments it is not complete without fashionable club tracks performed by invited DJs.

Legendary places

The first metropolitan institution for lovers of club life with a non-traditional orientation was the Premiere that opened in 1994. A year later, the Central Station gay club appeared. Moscow gradually became the center of party life in all directions.

Moscow night clubs gay

Legendary category also includes a thematic institution called "Chance", which repeatedly moved to other addresses and later opened as "Soul and body", and then "Nebesa". The club is currently closed.

Another of the oldest gay establishments was “Three Monkeys”, which moved from place to place many times and, most likely, closed in 2014. A similar fate befell many metropolitan gay places, only a few from the previous dozens of clubs remained afloat. bars successfully operating in the 1990s and early 2000s.

However, not everything is so bad, and most often the closure of an institution means that it is no longer necessary. In an era of ubiquity of the Internet, residents of megacities no longer use clubs to find a couple. Most often, people get acquainted on sites, and then go hang out in their favorite places, not necessarily of a narrow focus. In other words, orientation clubs over time are replaced by interest clubs: music, cuisine, style, etc.

Top five

Over time, out of several dozen “non-traditional” clubs and bars in the capital, no more than ten remain. Reviews allow you to highlight the top five places. This list includes not only individual large clubs, but also small gay bars and regular theme parties. This is due to the fact that truly large institutions of such a narrow focus are almost gone.

gay club central station moscow

So, the first place in the unofficial rating of "The Best Gay Clubs of Moscow" gets a small institution called "Mono Bar", located on Pokrovsky Boulevard. At the moment, this is the place where visitors leave the most positive reviews on social networks.

In second place - the famous club “Central Station” (Central Station), which replaced in 2014 the interior and location. Now it is located on Leninskaya Sloboda street.

The third place goes to the cheerful gay town of China Town, which takes place invariably on Sundays at the Propaganda Club.

The fourth place is occupied by the cozy "Our Cafe" on Tverskaya, working from evening to morning.

And in fifth place in the rating was the cafe-club "12 volts", also located on Tverskaya Street.

Now more about all the institutions chosen by visitors as the best thematic bars and gay clubs in Moscow. Photo and video shooting during parties is usually prohibited.

Mono bar

There is an atmosphere of relaxation and carelessness. The interior is pleasing to the eye, the music is cheerful, the staff is friendly. You can eat and drink inexpensively. The audience is motley, but adequate. Many visitors who first came here do not even immediately realize that they are in a gay bar. Among the shortcomings stands out that the girls are not allowed to go especially willingly, only accompanied by a young man.

“Central Station”

Once a cult metropolitan place now begins to lose ground and receives high marks mainly due to regulars. In general, the club is no different, as noted by those who are there.

the best gay clubs in Moscow

A beautiful interior, including a summer terrace, spoils the hostility of the staff and not always high-quality alcohol. Despite the great popularity of the club, not all evenings you can see many visitors here.

China Town in Propaganda

For more than ten years now, a fun and fashionable gay-style party has been attracting party-goers from all over Moscow, as well as guests of the capital, including foreign ones. Several DJs are responsible for the mood of the public, including the famous Tony Key. All this creates a great mood for lovers of club holidays. The downside is that girls without male escort are not easy to get to this party.

Our Cafe

There are two halls: one with a bar, the other with tables and a stage on which nightly travesty shows are held, which are one of the highlights of the institution. In general, the entertainment program for visitors is well thought out, a variety of parties are organized, and actions for food and drinks are constantly operating.

12 volt

This cafe-club pleasantly surprises its visitors with affordable prices and a cozy, friendly atmosphere. It is too crowded on weekends, but overall the atmosphere is calm. People come here to relax and spend time in comfort.

Thematic cafes, bars and gay clubs in Moscow: addresses

This list includes the most visited and popular establishments.

  • Mono Bar - Pokrovsky Blvd., 6/20.
  • "Propaganda", China Town party every Sunday - Big Zlatoustinsky Lane, 7.
  • Central Station - st. Leninsky Sloboda, 19, bldg. 2.
  • Ice Club - Stoleshnikov per., 7, p. 2.
  • "Bar 911" - Glinischevsky Lane, Building 11.
  • "12 Volt" (12 Volt) - st. Tverskaya, 12, p. 2.
  • "Our Cafe" - Tverskaya St., 25/9.

gay clubs Moscow addresses

In the Russian capital at the moment there are not so many gay establishments, but the existing ones are in demand among completely different categories of visitors. Indeed, the desire to have a good time, dance, get to know each other and have fun in every way is common to many people, and often regardless of their wealth, social status, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation and any other factors.


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