Game characters: "Stalker". List, characteristics of the characters of the game "Stalker"

The trilogy "Stalker" was a real breakthrough in the domestic gaming industry. Unfortunately, today there are not many computer games that were produced in the CIS - most high-quality projects were done either in Europe or in the United States of America. But sometimes such masterpieces as “Metro” or “Stalker” appear, which are to the liking of the whole world and become real bestsellers. And if we look specifically at the Stalker trilogy, then there is an impressive number of reasons why this game has become one of the most successful. Firstly, it is an open post-apocalyptic world. The action takes place on the territory of Chernobyl, only in an alternative reality, where the consequences of the explosion of the reactor were not eliminated. The world is dead, and separate groups travel through the radioactive deserts, who fight among themselves, and also try to cope with the threat of mutants who constantly attack survivors. Each of the three games has its own main character, and this is the second advantage of the series - this is an incredible plot. Each game tells its own exciting story, which can end with different endings, depending on what choice you make during the passage. Well, and, of course, we must not forget about the enormous variety of everything - weapons, items, locations, monsters, plot and secondary tasks, and most importantly - characters. There are a rather impressive number of heroes in the games - there will be at least 400 of them in the entire trilogy. The characters of Stalker are very diverse and interesting. Of course, it makes no sense to describe each of them, because many are secondary and not so attractive. But there are those heroes who should be paid special attention to. This article will describe the characters of "Stalker" who won the most sympathy for gamers, played the most important roles in the development of the storyline, and were simply the most impressive.


stalker characters

The shooter is the hero who, most likely, is the most interesting in the entire trilogy. During the passage you will meet different characters - "Stalker", as you already understood, has their full scattering, but the shooter stands out from the rest. Why is he so attractive? Firstly, by the way it was used in various games. In the first part of the trilogy, the player had to take on the role of the Shooter, that is, you yourself play this character. No matter what ending you get based on your decisions, in the second part of the game Shooter becomes the main antagonist, and you will have to try to get to him and defeat him for another character. Well, in the third and final part of the trilogy, Shooter no longer plays such an important role, but he will still meet you on the way, since he is part of the story campaign. Shooter is a true legend of the world of "Stalker", it is known to every person who at least once visited the Zone - what can we say about seasoned stalkers who only talk about Shooter. All survivors unanimously recognize him as the greatest stalker in history. He earned this title largely due to the fact that he became the person who came as close as possible to the solution to the emergence of the Zone as such. Unlike many stalkers who spend most of their lives on the outskirts of the Zone, fearing to go even a little further inland, Shooter several times got almost to the very center, it was he who caused many global cataclysms caused by the discontented Zone. It is also worth noting that he is the founder of the Strelka group, which included many other eminent characters of Stalker.


shooter stalker

One of the most interesting characters in the game is the Tramp. You already realized that one of the most legendary heroes of the Zone was the Shooter - stalkers, however, not all are legends. For example, the Tramp appears in the second part of the game, where he is a rookie stalker, whom everyone considers to be hopeless, unable to achieve good enough results. To prove to everyone what he is capable of, the Tramp goes to fight with a flock of mutants on his own, and it is here that you meet him - you have to help him fight off the mutants, for which he will not even thank you, exposing events so that he could to cope without your help. At the end of the events of the second part, the stroller Tramp goes to the center of the Zone, where he is influenced by the Monolith group. When you get into the shelter of the Monolith in the third part of the game and destroy the control panel, the Tramp and other stalkers who have come under mental control gain their own will again. You have to find them refuge and help join one of the Zone factions. All Monolithian stalkers calmly settle in a new place, but the Tramp cannot sit still and after a while goes missing. In the third part, the Tramp is no longer a beginner and a loser, he is an experienced and professional fighter, a high-class sniper and a recognized specialist. Until the end of the game you will not hear about him anymore, but from the final credits it will become known that he organized his own group, consisting of stalkers, just like he had previously been influenced by the Monolith. They went to the center of the Zone to find out exactly what happened to them. As you can see, the Tramp is far from Shooter, stalkers can be very diverse, which makes them even more attractive and interesting.


stalker ghost

There is another legend in the game "Stalker" - Scar. This character is found exclusively in the second part of the game, where he is the main protagonist, that is, you will play it for him. Scar was originally an ordinary stalker who performed certain tasks for money in order to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. But during the performance of one of the tasks, a cataclysm happened, which was called the Outburst. The goal of Scar's task was to accompany a group of scientists from one point to another, and when the hero came to his senses, all scientists were dead. He was found by members of the Clear Sky group, and he decided to help them by going with them to the outpost in the Zone to fight the mutants. Another Outburst suddenly happened - again, everyone who was around the Scar died, and he woke up on the basis of "Clear Sky", where it turned out that the Outliers gave rise to a kind of superpower by the stalker - he became faster, stronger, more resilient, but it turned out that Emissions also affect his mental state, so he slowly began to go crazy. He joined Clear Sky to sort out what Emissions are and stop them once and for all. It is in the role of Scar that you have to hunt for the Shooter, whom you controlled in the first part of the game, but the details of this will not be indicated here, because they will spoil your impression of passing the Stalker game. The scar is the hero of the Zone for a reason, he has done a lot for the "Clear Sky" and for all survivors in general.


stalker scar

Nimble is not one of the leading characters in the Stalker series of games, but at the same time he is still considered a unique hero. Due to what? The fact is that, in addition to Strelka, in the trilogy there is only one character that is found in all three games - and this is Shustry. The stalker got his nickname for the reason that he always moves quickly, deftly and silently, which allows him to cope with tasks that other stalkers cannot do. If we look at his biography in chronological sequence (that is, starting from the second part of the game, which is the background of the first), then first Shustry served in Clear Sky and there was a guide there, he interacted very little with the main character - he could have something to learn, as well as get a couple of tips on hiding places. After the destruction of Clear Sky, Shustry went to Cordon, where he began working for Sidorovich and other merchants, earning a living. During one of the tasks, he was ambushed by the bandits who took him hostage, but after some time you will be able to save him during the assault on the bandit base along with Petruha and his squad. As for the third part of the game, here Shustry is announced only after the destruction of the Monolith control panel - together with a group of stalkers, he goes deep into the Zone, where he establishes his own camp and begins to earn his living there by searching for rare equipment. In the game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”, the characters are also more colorful, but Shustroi was worth noting because he made history in his appearance, participating in the events of all three games.


Sidorovich stalker

It's time to draw a line under the protagonists of the games - if in the first part the Strelok was the main character, in the second - Scar, then in the third Degtyarev acts as the leading character and your alter ego. This is not an ordinary stalker, but an SBU major undercover, who ended up in the Zone in order to find out the reasons for the fall of SBU helicopters. During the game, you will find these helicopters, find out that their crews mysteriously disappeared, and also look into the very depths of the Zone, thanks to which you will be promoted to the rank of colonel. However, Degtyarev refuses office work and prefers to stay in the Zone in order to be a constant observer from the SBU in the dangerous territory, as well as to provide all kinds of help to his friends among the stalkers, thereby becoming a free stalker on his own. This character is the last one you can play in the Stalker trilogy, but this does not mean that the other characters are less important or interesting. If you continue to read this article, you will understand why they can attract your attention no less than the three main characters of the entire trilogy.

Ghost stalker

black stalker

The Black Stalker is one of the most mysterious characters in the trilogy, because no one knows if he really exists or not. Initially, his name was Red, and he was one of the first stalkers in the Zone, he quickly became a legend and gained immense popularity. But once, together with his friends and comrades, he made his way deep into the Zone and reached the Reactor itself, located right in the center of the Zone. There was a serious skirmish between them, and friends suddenly turned out to be enemies who brutally bricked Red into concrete right at the bottom of the reactor. However, due to the incredibly high level of radiation, Rad, who died on the spot, has risen in the form of a spirit who now travels throughout the Zone and makes sure that the people there follow his unwritten rules. He can destroy someone, and save someone from a hopeless situation. However, not a single stalker could prove its existence by one hundred percent. Therefore, the legendary Black Stalker remained a legend after his death.


flint stalker

The doctor is a stalker, who is one of the key characters in the first part of the game, where he was in the Strelka group. It stands out from the rest of the heroes in that it is the best physician in the entire territory of the Zone, so many stalkers turn to him. There is a legend according to which the Doctor became the first stalker to reach the “Monolith” and to find the Desire Artist, from whom he received his gift of healing. However, the Doctor himself during the game refutes this allegation, saying that not a single person who went to the Monolith returned from there alive. Being the best medical specialist of the entire Zone, the Doctor is also considered a legend, moreover, he is also a long-time friend of Strelka, whom, according to some versions, he saved several years ago from certain death, after which he kept an eye on him.


However, not all key characters in the game are stalkers. The most striking example is the merchant Sidorovich. Stalkers know him and respect him, because he became the very first trader who dared to move closer to the Zone to trade with stalkers, helping them in their activities and, naturally, earning a living. For all the years of stay in the thick of things, Sidorovich has gained an impressive reputation. Most of all, he is respected because he steadily gives out tasks to beginners, young stalkers, who without his help would have been extremely difficult to start activities in the Zone without any basic training. With the help of Sidorovich, they receive simple tasks, complete them, gain experience, and at the same time earn a little. Thus, it is simply impossible to overestimate what Sidorovich gave stalkers - although stalkers make fun of him for his short stature and impressive belly, they also do not always love him very much for his selfishness and greed, but absolutely everyone respects him.


Another legendary stalker is the Ghost. He was Strelka's best friend and his loyal comrade. The ghost was distinguished by its understanding of tactics and was the best strategist of the Zone, held one of the most important positions in the Strelka group. It was he who was one of those who, together with Strelok, entered the reactor - the third person was Fang, another legendary stalker. Trinity was not able to open the door of the bunker, which could hide the secret of the Zone, so the stalkers decided to return and create a decoder that would open this door. However, at the exit they were waiting for the Monolithians, who severely wounded Strelka. The Ghost and Fang managed to take the Strelka away and deliver it to the Doctor, which saved the life of the most famous stalker. The Phantom continued to work on the decoder with Fang, but a sudden assault took Fang's life, after which the Phantom, having lost two of his friends, decided to become a mercenary and began working for the Yantar group. During one of the tasks, the Phantom had to take one scientist to an abandoned object in order to make certain measurements of psi radiation. The sudden attack of the crowd of mutants ended in failure - instead of turning off the psi emitter, the scientist escaped, leaving the Phantom in a trap where he died. Shooter subsequently discovered his body, but did not recognize his friend, as he had lost his memory. The Stalker Ghost has become one of the favorite characters of the fans of the series.


Zulus is a stalker who was one of the key characters in the Debt group. It was he who played a key role in the salvation of the members of the army of “Debt” and “Freedom”, who clashed among themselves in the Zone. Zulus sensed the approach of the Outburst and said that everyone needed to take refuge, thanks to which a large number of stalkers survived this anomaly. As a result, Zulus and other activists agreed that the battlefield would become the neutral territory of the Zone, where "Debt" and "Freedom" should forget about their dismantlings and be neutral in relation to each other. However, after some time, he left Duty for unknown reasons, became a free stalker and took a direct part in the events of the third part of the game, worked closely with the main character Degtyarev and influenced the events taking place in the game world. His fate is unresolved - this means that depending on your decisions that you will make during the game, he can either survive, return to Duty and take one of the leading posts there, or die and get one of the most worthy posthumous Zone medals.


So far, it has been mainly about positive and legendary characters, but there are not the most pleasant personalities among them, such as Flint. This stalker does not have any outstanding features, he is always listed as a beginner, but he constantly comes up with various stories about how he performed real miracles in the depths of the Zone. Moreover, he appropriates the merits of others, in the end getting to your deeds. He meets in the third part of the game, where you have to expose him, because, in addition to harmless, in general, lies, he did something terrible - being on a sortie in a quarry along with other stalkers, he was attacked by a chimera. Throwing his colleagues to certain death, he escaped, thinking that he alone defeated the chimera when all his comrades were already dead. You have two ways to expose him — you can press on his lies about your achievements, or you can find a dying member of the group Flint was with — he will tell you the truth. Be that as it may, a coward, a liar and a traitor will be punished.


Stalker Voronin is one of the most prominent personalities in the trilogy, as he is the leader of one of the most influential groups called “Debt”. You can take various quests from him for cleaning up territories, killing bandits and other tasks.


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