What to sew a sleeping bag from?

Tourism has always occupied an important role in people's lives. In the realities of our state, the so-called “wild tourism” is especially popular - hiking in pristine areas, spending the night in the woods and mountains, staying away from civilization on the shores of lakes and rivers, etc. etc. It is worth noting that such an approach to organizing leisure allows you to get truly unforgettable sensations at minimal cost, improve your health, see a lot of new, unknown distances and just stay in good company.

One of the most necessary items for a tourist is a sleeping bag - a product that can give warmth even in bad weather, organize a full sleep and make staying away from home more or less comfortable. Of course, you can buy a sleeping bag in specialized stores, but here it should be remembered that for hiking in the mountains you can recommend only blanket bags made on the basis of various synthetic insulation. Such products are able to provide good rest during the trip. But a cotton sleeping bag is not an acceptable option for outdoor activities, it is very heavy, has a large volume and has a high hygroscopicity of the insulation. For those who are going on a trip to the highlands or planning to spend the night above the snow line, the only option is sleeping bags, which are based on natural fluff or equivalent synthetic fluff insulation.

You can not purchase a sleeping bag, but make it yourself. How to sew a sleeping bag will be described below.

It is worth noting that the designs and methods of tailoring at the sleeping bag are characterized by a wide variety, but one thing is certain for sure - in the vastness of the Global Network it is easy to find a pattern and method of manufacturing this necessary product, depending on the goals and objectives of the tourist. By the way, on specialized tourist sites it is easy to find such a necessary thing when preparing for a trip, which is a pattern of a tourist backpack .

In the manufacture of the bag is especially important materials that will be used as insulation. The greatest efficiency is characterized by fluff. It should be borne in mind that when making a sleeping bag out of fluff, it is necessary to take only the fluff of a waterfowl (for example, goose or duck, also eider down is suitable). As for chicken fluff, its use is impractical, since chicken fluff does not have a fatty coating, which leads to long drying after getting wet and an unpleasant smell due to decay.

Today, various synthetic materials represented by sintepon, nitron, etc. are very popular. These fillers for sleeping bags, although they have worse characteristics in comparison with fluff (weight, thermal insulation), are cheaper and less scarce. In addition, such materials are characterized by low hygroscopicity, durability, lack of prominence, and are able to protect well from the wind. It should not be forgotten that bags based on synthetics, when folded, occupy a larger volume than bags based on down.

As for the fabrics for making sleeping bags, there are not so many requirements for them. The main thing is that when sewing down bags, down-proof fabrics are used, for example, calendered nylon is a lightweight, durable, but at the same time inexpensive and affordable material. Thin cotton is usually used for the lining, and parachute nylon is excellent for stitching the partitions that form the down sections. By the way, a sleeping bag can also be sewn from this material if synthetic material is used as a heater.

Have a nice trip!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21662/

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