Change houses country wooden: appointment, device

When a garden or summer cottage plot is purchased somewhere far enough outside the city, where there is nothing but the land itself, it becomes necessary to store things and garden tools, to provide temporary shelter from bad weather and to relax and even spend the night. Wooden cabins are very suitable for this case, the prototype of which is an ordinary building trailer. When a real summer house or garden house is built on the site , this simple construction will provide a service here, turning into a very useful utility room that can be used for a variety of purposes. The fact that this building is necessary, says a large number of offers of such cabins on the Internet.

Change houses country wooden

Why are makeshift wooden?

Wood is still the most affordable material. It is perfectly processed. It has excellent thermal insulation properties. There are no equal in this tree. In a wooden room it is always cozy, as this material breathes. It does not have dampness in winter, and stuffiness in summer, which compares it favorably with brick. In addition, wooden summer cottages are very light buildings that do not require an expensive foundation. With proper care of this building, it can last quite a while.


Wooden change houses are arranged almost identically, with slight variations in the materials used. The price varies depending on the configuration. For example, wooden country cabins are offered, delivered ready-made, the outer and inner walls of which are lined with clapboard.

wooden country change houses

The length of the building is offered in different ways - from 3 to 6 m. The width of the room is 2.3 m. Height is 2.45 m. Such dimensions will allow transporting the building by transport to the installation site. The basis for the entire building are two beams of 150x100 mm. The floors are made of unedged boards 20 mm, from a layer of steam and waterproofing, a layer of insulation in the form of mineral wool and the upper layer from a trimmed board 20 mm. Double-wing windows - 850x850 mm with single glazing. The roofing material for it is sheet metal coated with enamel, which has anti-corrosion properties. Wooden change houses for a fee can be equipped with a shower cabin, install metal doors, conduct electrical wiring and lay linoleum, make double-glazed windows. It is also proposed to carry out the installation of the building on concrete blocks as a foundation. The cost of such a construction is slightly more than 40 thousand rubles. Many companies offer to carry out the device of a change house according to the individual project. Country wooden change houses can be carried out with a single or a gable roof. In other versions of these temporary buildings, a wiring device, a double window, partitions are included in the price of the entire project.

Country wooden change houses

Other use cases

Change houses country wooden can be used in different ways. If it is equipped with special equipment, then you can arrange a bath. If you wish, you can make a summer kitchen out of it, or you can make an extension from it to a summer house or garden house.


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