Social and humanitarian knowledge: subject and concept

Public consciousness is an objective reality, even if we assume that an individual can be the creator of history. Features of social and humanitarian knowledge in its external accessibility and internal complexity. You can say a lot, but not everything should be trusted.

social and humanitarian knowledge

History has repeatedly shown to humanity what follows from the disruption of the normal functioning of social relations and what threatens the neglect of the humanities. Society is like an ocean, there will always be waves in it, sometimes a tsunami. But in the ordinary state it is a peaceful living space, dynamically and continuously developing. A calm and orderly existence is ensured by the natural and objective laws of the universe. Violations of these laws always entail an adequate inevitable reaction.

Society - the reason for the formation of the spectrum of social and humanitarian sciences

Usually, socio-humanitarian knowledge is referred to the sciences of society, man, history and culture. It is believed that the subject here is an analysis of the laws of social life.

Life is inextricably linked with the processes of cognition and thought activity, as a result of which information appears, concrete actions are performed, cultural values ​​are created, food and products are produced that are necessary for life and work, and scientific and technological progress is developing.

the concept of socially humanitarian knowledge

Man alone is a complex system. And he lives in a world of a huge number of other systems, of which the most complex and largest is social. Moreover, society accessible to man is not only multifaceted. It appears to a person as a system of accessible levels, which are not only embedded in each other, but can also be built as independent pyramids of levels in arbitrary relationships with similar and separate personalities.

If you imagine an individual as a point, then the surrounding social environment is a strictly tuned system of points, each of which is connected to a mass of others. A connection between points can arise, an abyss and form again.

General social structure

A person can be born, and another point will appear, another reason to form a new bunch of social ties. When a person dies, the social spectrum of relations formed by him collapses.

If the general laws of the structure of society work in the formation of social ties (birth), then in the destruction of the created spectrum of relations (death) the social result of human life in society takes a noticeable part. This is a system of social and humanitarian knowledge: social science in practice.

Stars never fall from heaven, planets never change their trajectories. The forces of gravity are so great that it is impossible to change anything in the structure of the Universe. Society is a social universe. A person, or a group of people, or a state can consider that they can change something in the social space. But, when the society calms down, everything returns to its place.

features of social and humanitarian knowledge

Unlike real stars, social upheaval is the norm in society. Weakly believe that society will come to a state of eternal tranquility. For living organisms, this means death.

Society is a living organism, not a mass of planets that strictly observe the laws of gravity. And it will always think, seek, make mistakes and act. This is the practice and characteristics of social and humanitarian knowledge.

Relation to social and humanitarian knowledge

You can say a lot, but not everything should be trusted.

Social consciousness is a system of feelings, views, ideas, theories, in which social being is reflected.

Classics of the genre. There is nothing to add. The public consciousness of any country heard such and similar words, and least of all paid attention to them.

It is good that there is religion and an idea of ​​the characteristics of a religious worldview. This positions the rest of social consciousness as a philosophy of material existence and dialectics.

But religion was never a dogma, even when it tried to convince itself of this and made everyone around it believe in torture, bonfires, inquisition and other by no means noble deeds.

social and human sciences

Philosophy never yielded to religion, but made its mistakes to its taste, misleading the scientific world. All other social and humanitarian knowledge in all of their disciplines was also mistaken, this is natural. There are no fewer white spots and black holes in society than in the entire Universe.

It is not so important whose idea is more correct. Neither one has any relation to public consciousness, since to the extent that each of them corresponds to the objective law of the universe, they simply form part of the current state of social consciousness.

We can say that public consciousness is the sum of the existing consciousnesses of all people living in this society, adjusted for social ties with other societies.

But nothing follows from this either. No one will argue with this, as well as:

  • no one will believe;
  • no one will check.

Yes, this is the sum, and so what? If not even a sum, but a composition, intersection or union of many private consciousnesses, what does it change?

Levels and forms of public consciousness

Usually, determining, as indicated above, what is public consciousness, there are three levels:

  • ordinary consciousness;
  • social psychology;
  • social ideology.

Also distinguish such forms of public consciousness, such as:

  • political;
  • legal;
  • moral;
  • aesthetic;
  • religious;
  • philosophical
  • scientific.

All these forms vary in:

  • subject of reflection;
  • form of reflection;
  • its functions;
  • degree of dependence on social being.

The fact that public consciousness is determined by social being, few will dispute, but is it not public consciousness that imposes on each born person how exactly he should send his being, and why he is not allowed to change anything.

The characteristic features of social and humanitarian knowledge consist in the fact that from the school desk, each person should be imposed his own social considerations and look at how this person will try to change something in his own way.

Public consciousness and personality

The destiny of every individual is to go with the flow or to take his own unique position in public consciousness. Both that and another - a normal state of affairs. Public consciousness is a self-organizing system of social relations. And the chances of an individual to destroy or change him are negligible.

social and humanitarian knowledge system

But the individual always has the right to agree. Even in those societies in which the most cruel dictatorship reigns. Society can be destroyed only by destroying all its personal consciousnesses. But personal consciousness lives a strictly defined period.

A person who is under the pressure of a dictatorship thinks only of himself (maximum of his relatives). And it’s normal and natural, but it’s wrong. You need to think about society. The dictatorship is not eternal, another person will be born and continue what was started by those who decided not to think about themselves, but about society, that is, about the future. If the public mind allowed a dictatorship, there was probably a good reason. But since the dictatorship appeared, it means that there was no power capable of protecting society.

Social Laws and Society

Science as a practice and theoretical concept, social and humanitarian knowledge as a system of sciences - have always been and will be the most important component of public consciousness. Do not interfere with ordinary consciousness with social psychology and ideology. A detached scientist can understand this and is interested in discussing something with colleagues, but a tractor factory worker will not even hear what has been said.

However, the subject of social and humanitarian knowledge is absolutely clearly laid out in disciplines and has long been understood not only by the tractor factory worker:

  • philosophy;
  • sociology;
  • ethics;
  • right;
  • history.

There are so many humanities and humanitarian areas, and social and humanitarian knowledge has so amazingly developed into a well-built socially secured infrastructure that only the blind can mentally not see the beauty and strength of the whole picture of the existing social consciousness.

Artificial social laws

History recalls the many great empires that have ever existed. Archeology is recognized as a historical discipline, that is, it is also partly social and humanitarian knowledge.

The results of archeology testify to the actual presence in the past of monuments of law, social management, philosophy, ideology, morality.

features of social and humanitarian knowledge

The results of recent social upheavals are not only remembered by modern public consciousness, but they are also in some way impressed. Few will argue that a healthy body lives and lives, and the patient in every possible way seeks healing.

Society is a holistic system of relations. And this is a living organism, which is deeply indifferent to its fate and health. This is primarily reflected in social and humanitarian knowledge: social sciences always keep up with their own societies, they are an important part of it.

If something goes wrong, it means that an objective artificial law was not formulated. By the will of the authorities or money, or some other reason, this law was forcibly or peacefully introduced into public relations, but caused a proportional backlash.

The ocean of public relations stirred up, but followed the objective laws of social structure and returned to normal. It is interesting that medical workers, for the most part, do not consider their important business a science, and even not everyone refers it to practice. Doctors divide themselves into specialists in preventive medicine and medical. Some distinguish in a separate group of therapists - advisers from medicine. But every medical worker swears an oath — not to harm, and knows clearly that the body must recover by itself, first of all. Only in extreme cases, tablets and a surgeon's scalpel are needed.

Mathematics of Public Consciousness

If the meaning, logic, and the actual concept of social and humanitarian knowledge are correlated with programming, it is more accurate to take for granted that the concepts file, folder, and working with them are one field of a berry, then a negative balance is immediately formed.

It was like mathematics once challenged the crown of all sciences in philosophy. Then everyone peacefully decided that to each his own, and each went about his own business.

Programming, of course, is a powerful thing, and it’s not a couple of social and humanitarian knowledge. But what lives longer, lives in this world and sees further: a machine that has nothing in the nature of it, or a social consciousness that has been forming for centuries?

subject of social and humanitarian knowledge

An interesting regularity of the social sciences and humanities, primarily philosophy and sociology, an amazing ability to influence everything that happens. When computers first appeared, no one thought that they would easily perceive and shape images, translate texts into other languages ​​and evaluate human behavior.

But all this is now not just in demand, it is all extremely relevant. A mass of computer specialties has appeared, the training course of which does not just include modern social and humanitarian knowledge, but offers them in the format of really working ideas.


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