Books about fellow travelers to other bodies: list and description

Books in the fantasy genre are always of great interest to readers. Here are adventures, and mysticism, and elements of history, and parallel worlds, and even other planets. And all this is skillfully woven into an intriguing plot. Especially popular among fans of the fantasy genre are books about fellow travelers to other bodies. The hero suddenly ceases to be himself, being in a strange body. His sensations are especially unusual if the soul of an adult enters the child’s body, and the woman is in the man’s body and vice versa. In the article, you can find a list and description of the plot of fantasy books about hitans in other bodies.

about fellow travelers in other bodies

Cycle “Dragon Heart” by Cyril of Cleves

The protagonist of this book cycle is a disabled boy from an orphanage who became a traitor to another body. Once he agreed to the implantation of a neural network. As a result, his consciousness was transferred to a newborn prince from another world. Subsequently, having learned about the existence of military equipment based on the energy potential of the body, Hajar set himself the goal of mastering them. However, he was prevented by a palace coup, making him a legless cripple. For a decade, he eked out a miserable existence. A meeting with a captive dragon changed his life. The dragon placed his heart in it, having reborn the youth.

traitors in another body

The entire book cycle consists of seven volumes. The division into volumes is very conditional, since in the center of events is the story of one hero. Each volume is the boundary of a new plot.

Hajjar, who now obeys the call of his dragon heart, has gone through many trials. He fought for the throne of his country. He won in battles with enemies and monsters, holding many generations in fear. He crossed the path through the Sea of ​​Sand, finding a ghostly city. I watched the fragments of an ancient civilization collapse. He visited the monastery of the strongest warriors - in the capital of the Empire, Daanatan.

He goes in search of knowledge and strength. The next point of his quest is the Land of Immortality. Hajjar is purposeful, fearless, has an iron will. Unaware of fear, doubt and fatigue, he moves forward at the call of his dragon heart.

"Rock" by Sergey Erlenekov

She continues the list of fantasy books about fellow travelers to other bodies. In the center of the plot is a brutal hero surrounded by many beautiful women. Magic, robinsonade, intrigue, war - all this creates conditions difficult enough for survival.

"Knight Shestoper" Fedor Sokolovsky

This is another series of books about fellow travelers to other bodies, consisting of two volumes. In the first book, the hero, after a shameful death, is reborn in another world. Evil sorcerers, intrigues, mysticism, harsh conditions of existence become part of the hero’s new life. Only self-awareness saves.

“Knight Shestoper. New Home ”- the second book of the author. Shestoper is a victim of slander. He is in prison, where he hardly survives in conditions of cruelty and lawlessness. His saviors are a faithful brownie and a prisoner who decided to escape. After escaping, he is forced to wander with them through the forests in search of treasure, periodically fighting with all evil spirits.

fantasy books horsemen other bodies

"Practical psychology. Comte »Irina Uspenskaya

This is another fantasy about a traitor to another body. The plot is based on the story of fifty-year-old Victoria Viktorovna Vavilova, whose soul was sent to the late Middle Ages. The body into which her soul fell belonged to a man - the king's disgraced bastard, Comte Alan Wallid, a bandit, a rapist and a murderer. How the heroine dealt with this problem can be found by reading the book.

"Yin-Yang" Evgenia Shchepetnova

This cycle of fellow travelers to other bodies consists of four novels. The protagonist is a former police captain, an experienced opera Sergei Sazhin. His wife left him, and he washed down. He understood how dear to him life was only when a killer attacked him. And suddenly fate sent him a second chance at life.

His adventures begin with his soul getting into the body of a model beauty. Sergei woke up in a different world and in a different body. The body turned out to be female. How to survive if you are a poor girl? But the life experience of the police captain provides answers to this question. The development of the plot is quite interesting and intrigues the reader throughout all volumes.

“Country Armagnac. Rutier »Alexandra Bashibuzuk

The plotline is based on a fellow in another body, fencing coach, Olympic champion Alexander Lemeshev. By chance, he finds himself in a body previously owned by the bastard Jean d'Armagnac. Having lost the support of people loyal to his late father, Jean alone confronts the French king Louis XI, who was called the World Spider for his cunning.

The main character became the commander of the rutiers - a detachment of hired gunners. He fights with the troops of the Holy Roman Emperor on the side of the Duke of Burgundy Karl the Bold. Jean wants military success to regain the fame and position stolen by the French king. He believes that the reckoning for the king’s atrocities is inevitable, he will get what he deserves, and justice will prevail. Intrigues, dangers, adventures, love await the hero on the way to achieving the main goal.

about fellow travelers in other bodies

"A russian bear. Tsesarevich »Mikhail Lantsov

Changing the course of history is not so simple. It’s hardly possible for an ordinary fellow soldier to another body. Another thing is to control the consciousness of the great sovereign. A paratrooper from the 21st century manages to infiltrate the body of the young Peter the Great.

His goal is to suppress bloodless rebellion bloodlessly, to avoid execution. The reconquest of the Crimea a hundred years earlier, the effect of the Petrine reforms without sacrifices, the need for a “window to Europe” - a circle of issues that the hero is trying to solve. The interweaving of real history and mysticism maintains the reader's interest throughout the book.

"Back to Youth" by Alexander Saparov

By chance, a military surgeon, a disabled person, enters his teenage body. He returns fifty years ago and lives his life in the boy’s body. He is not indifferent to the history of his country. Knowing which way the Soviet Union went, and wishing to change it, the hero understands that for this he must become a very significant figure, capable of influencing events. Work on yourself and high goals set help the protagonist overcome all difficulties.

military doctor

The Black Lord by Alexei Shekhovtsev

The king of Abyssinia complained about fate. After all, his eldest son was deprived of the mind and wisdom that their great ancestor Solomon possessed. His prayers were answered, and one day a man from a distant future appeared in the body of the heir Yagba Zion, who fell from a horse.

It was a Ukrainian citizen who emigrated to America. He had a great dislike for African Americans. However, fate decreed that he was in the body of the Black ruler. Practical, with rich life experience, he glorifies the leader of blacks with his actions.

“Phebus. Trapper of people "Dmitry Staritsky

The protagonist of the plot is an intelligent lonely old museum worker. Nobody needed, sick, he gets into a car accident, and his soul moves in the fifteenth century into the body of Prince Phoebus, who was the heir to the throne of Navarra. From an old, lonely man, he turns into a handsome, young, adventurous leader of the Vaskons, the conqueror of new lands, who patronized art and sciences, as well as beautiful women.

book fellow travelers to other bodies

“Boar. Fierce beast "Konstantin Kalbazov

The story tells about the ordinary guy Viktor Volkov, who fell into the body of the buffoon Dobrolyub in the late Middle Ages. Here he found a hearth, started a family. The bitterness of loss turned him into a fierce beast. The meaning of his life is hatred and a desire to take revenge. Can he become a man again, find peace in his soul? This reader will be able to find out by reading an extraordinary book.

Goodbye Guard! Dmitry Dashko

There is a terrible year for the country in 1735. The disappearance of people, the instruments of torture of the executioners of the Secret Chancellery are becoming commonplace. And in this troubled time, the soul of our compatriot Igor Gusarov enters the body of Baron Dietrich von Hoffen.

books about fellow travelers in other fantasy bodies

He is ready to change the course of history, prevent bloodshed, and avoid a palace coup even at the cost of his own life.


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