Gas mower trimmer: advantages and disadvantages

A gas mower trimmer is a reliable assistant when processing overgrown grass and tall bushes on a lawn or garden. Thanks to this device, you can instantly turn the overgrown garden into a real luxurious lawn. In addition, due to the lack of wheels, this tool can process even the most embossed areas. However, this is not all the features that the trimmer has. What this mechanism can and what are its features, you will learn in the course of our article.

mower trimmer

Gas mower trimmer: reviews and operating experience

Many owners who have at least once worked with this tool, first of all, note the universality of such devices, because thanks to the special placement of the engine and the telescopic adjustable boom, almost any piece of land can be processed.

  • Territories near shrubs and trees.
  • Edges of lawns and flower beds.
  • Ditches or slopes.

In addition, the owners note the possibility of grass mowing near concrete walls and poles, where an ordinary wheeled lawn mower will not pass. Regarding the speed of work: the mower trimmer is able to process a fairly large area in the shortest possible time. This is facilitated by a powerful and efficient engine, which can be two- or four-stroke.

lawn mower trimmer reviews

Advantages over electrical counterparts

Firstly, it is worth noting the power of such a tool. Electric trimmers are not as productive as their two- and four-stroke gasoline "brothers." Such devices have a significantly higher rotational speed, which, in turn, significantly reduces the duration of the processing of garden land. However, such tools are easy to repair. You can change any part at home with a minimum set of tools. And the spare part itself can easily be found in almost any garden equipment store. In addition, the mower trimmer is very mobile in terms of long-distance use. Electrical devices, on the other hand, require constant cable connection. With electric trimmers you have to constantly get confused in the wires and pull them along, while making sure that they do not undergo mechanical damage. And the electric motor itself will absorb much more energy than gasoline.


The main disadvantage of this device is its increased noise and vibration. During operation, the mower trimmer produces tremendous decibels, while the speed of the small engine is noticeable from the first seconds of operation. In addition, the gasoline engine has a significantly greater weight. Electrical devices operate silently, and most importantly, they do not create exhaust emissions that are harmful to human health. With a gas trimmer, you will have to constantly inhale the exhaust gases, therefore, when working with such an instrument, it is important to alternate the hours of work and rest, so as not to get poisoning.

mower trimmer Price

How much does a mower trimmer cost?

The price of these devices on average is from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.


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