Beautiful signature. How beautiful to make a signature? Examples of beautiful signatures

Sooner or later, each of us thinks about how to come up with a beautiful signature so that it becomes a reflection of his style, character and profession. Suddenly, you will become some famous or important person, you will leave your signature on the things of your fans, books, and you have it - the usual, ordinary squiggle, invented in a hurry when receiving a passport and used further out of habit! You can change the usual squiggle for a spectacular and original signature at any age, but it is better to do this only once, otherwise you will create yourself many problems associated with important papers.

A beautiful signature is a peculiar image of a person, his statement about himself, an important success factor, a formula for expressing essence and character. That is why her choice should be approached with all seriousness.

A dot, a dot, a comma - the painting came out ... Oh, curve!

When choosing a signature, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The signature must necessarily contain the initials or initial letters of the surname so that it can be associated with you and immediately understand that it belongs to your hand.
    Beautiful signature
  • Ease of signature is another important condition when choosing it. A sophisticated facsimile with special effects worthy of a CIA agent will cause you a lot of trouble. In addition, you can forget the technology of its implementation, issuing each time a different signature. The painting should be thought out so that you can remember it even with your eyes closed.
  • The basis for the creation can be someone’s beautiful signature, examples of original autographs and murals.
  • Beware of short and too simple signatures, even if they turn out to be very beautiful. Such a painting is a godsend for scammers who can easily fake it.
  • According to Feng Shui, it is better to write upward, firmly and confidently - this is the key to your success and prosperity.
  • Girls are advised to tie their painting more to the name than to the surname, since when changing the girl's status to married one will have to change the signature.

Learning to create a spectacular signature

Write your last name, first name, and patronymic on a piece of paper and carefully look at them - try to see something new in them. Perhaps after sitting on this lesson for two hours, you will come up with an original idea. If the inspiration has left you, we suggest you turn to our tips.

Beautiful signature examples

  • One of the most common options is to use the first three letters of the last name or capital letters of the initials. Such a painting is found all the time and is unlikely to claim the title of unique and original.
  • Try writing letters on top of each other. This is not the easiest option, but rather serious and concise. A beautiful signature will be obtained by the owners of initials starting with the letters "O", "C", "E", "Yu".
  • Experiment with a beautiful combination of letters in the signature so that they smoothly pass one into another - the painting will be dense, incomprehensible and mysterious.
  • You can make two uppercase letters in the painting - name and patronymic, in case you do not want to focus on your last name.
  • Another interesting option is the use of the Latin alphabet, Chinese characters and Cyrillic in the signature. For example, half of the facsimile is executed in Latin letters, the second in Cyrillic, and everything is supplemented with a hieroglyph. The signature will look luxurious and unique.
  • As for the curlicues with which the signature usually ends, it all depends on your imagination - it can be an ordinary circle, a broken line, a "cardiogram", a sinusoid. The main thing is not to overdo it using curls, otherwise the signature will turn out tinsel and screaming.

If you doubt how beautiful it is to make a signature and whether it will be effective, turn to the help of special programs or graphic studios that will familiarize you with examples of beautiful signatures and help create a similar one.

Passport painting: this is serious

So, the solemn moment of obtaining a passport has arrived, and you have not yet figured out how you will sign it. After all, the autograph left in this most important document, you will not be able to change, and, moreover, it is desirable that the signature be beautiful and like you.

Beautiful passport signature

When preparing important documents, for example, a contract of sale, the signature on them must be identical to the signature in the passport. Therefore, it is better to take up the creation of a signature in advance in order to get used to it and learn to reproduce it even with your eyes closed.

In order for you to get a decent and beautiful passport signature, use the above tips. Remember that the male signature is more serious and concise, unlike the female one, for which frivolous curls and roundings are permissible.

Psychological portrait of the author of the signature

Each person has a certain handwriting.

How beautiful to make a signature
However, when spelling words, he obeys the spelling rules inculcated in the school, tries to write smoothly and accurately, which makes it difficult to determine his character and temperament. You can not say about the signature, which involves a flight of fancy, giving a complete picture of the inner world of the author. With a signature, a person seems to show his essence, draws his psychological portrait.

Stroke direction

If the end of the signature is directed upwards, its author is an optimist, his soul is filled with surging energy, inner strength, confidence. He easily and simply walks along the path of life, without fear of difficulties and hardships.

The signature, going down, indicates the opposite temperament. A person is depressed, pessimistic, prone to frequent diseases, insecure and angry with others.

A direct and even beautiful signature tells about a man of the “golden mean”. He is both a pessimist and an optimist, has a balanced character, is used to doing everything accurately, accurately and correctly

Signature Length

A long signature is created by people who are accustomed to approach everything with seriousness and pedantry.

How to come up with a beautiful signature
These are people for whom the opinions of others are fundamental, they are incredibly stubborn and persistent.

The short facsimile belongs to people impatient, nimble and a little superficial. They do not like slowness, are inattentive and changeable.

A person’s signature can tell a lot about him, about his values, worldview, character, being a mirror of his inner world. Do not rush when choosing a facsimile, constantly train to remember it and give it individual touches. After all, a beautiful signature is a personal brand that will be a kind of advertisement for your inner self throughout your life.


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