What is staff

“More stuff, less tobacco,” the famous artist sings. And often the layman does not think about the meaning of the words spoken, but simply shakes his head to the beat of his favorite song. Many do not know what staff is, and, thank God. Indeed, most often this word is called a narcotic substance or smoking mixtures with a stupefying effect. Sultan, plasticine, snowball, resin - behind these harmless words lie the most common and dangerous substances. An outsider will not understand that this is the name of drugs. The advice “more stuff, less tobacco” means that a person needs to knock out most of the tobacco invested in an ordinary cigarette, replace it with marijuana, for example, and then smoke weed

However, this word has other meanings. If you ask an American: “What is stuff?”, You will hear several answers. For example, staff is a word for something that is popular. Phrase: “I have a lot of stuff”, it can mean that a person has a lot of popular CDs, fashionable rapper clothes or the same grass. This word has several indecent meanings, for example, an act of violence in prison committed by one man over another. In addition, the staff refers to the sexual act itself as such, not only as a literary word, but as an element of profanity. Male genitals, ejaculation, and also a person passively used during sex can also be called this word. This word also has more pleasant meanings, for example, the filling of something. You can fill the bra with tabs for breast enlargement, a cake with filling or an upholstered chair.

If you ask a question about what staff is in our country, then there will be much fewer answers. As already mentioned, this word means narcotic herb. Among gamers, staff call game accessories, a variety of devices. Among rappers - new works, discs, tracks, compositions. In performances, performers call this attribute props, in particular, a stick with wicks at both ends, used in a fire show.

The most pleasant answer to the question of what is staff, or rather, who is staff, may sound like this: American Staffordshire Terrier. This wonderful breed is distinguished by courage, fearlessness and a very seasoned character. A well-bred and restrained dog turns into a real devil when he sees that his owner is in real danger. He will be happy to accompany his owner on foot and bike rides, summer swims in the nearest river and even on hunting. Dogs of this breed freely find black game on the trail. Staffs are easily trained, which is used by employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, rescue and search services, as well as instructors training guide dogs. Such dogs are not for lodging - an active, mobile dog always needs daily long walks. But for lovers of an active lifestyle, this is a real treasure. Many people choose staffs when they buy a dog, just because they want to get a pet that is unpretentious in grooming. The size of an adult dog at the withers does not exceed 50 centimeters, and therefore, you can take it to a city apartment and send it for a walk with a child of 10 years old, without fear that a healthy dog ​​will break out of his hands. Short hair and lack of smell, as well as unpretentiousness in food facilitate pet care. Throughout his not-so-long dog life, he remains a loyal assistant and friend to his master.

Now, knowing the meanings of this buzzword, you will understand what is being discussed in the society of gamers, dog breeders or at a party of rappers. And on occasion, you yourself can successfully screw it into a conversation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21693/

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