Bylina "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber": analysis, characterization of heroes and description

Bylina “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, the analysis of which is the subject of this review, tells about the times of Kievan Rus. A series of works about this hero was very popular among the Russian people, and is now part of the school curriculum in literature. These works of folklore reflect the historical realities of Ancient Russia, therefore they are interesting not only from an artistic, but also from a literary point of view.


One of the most famous songs about the heroes is the epic "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber." An analysis of this popular composition should include both a review of literary devices and a description of the historical context of the narrative. The legend begins with a description of the journey that the hero took to the capital city of Kiev. Having defended the morning church service in Murom, he decided to keep up with the mass in the capital. His description is fully consistent with the language of folk songs. The hero is called a remote, powerful, glorious warrior. The next few lines are devoted to the places in which he operates. Students should focus on describing the surroundings of the city of Chernigov, where, according to an unknown author, there is black power.

epic by Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber analysis

Forest Description

The Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber is distinguished by a concise but detailed description of events. An analysis of an old song should include a detailed analysis of nature, which will allow students to better understand the environment in which the main event of the work took place. An unknown author uses colorful sayings, telling that no one walks on a path near the city and does not ride a horse, and even animals and birds do not live here. These epithets, listed in song form, perfectly convey the gloomy atmosphere of the dense forest that the hero rides. The following is one of the important points in the work: this is a description of the hero’s battle with the enemy.

analysis of the bylina Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber

The image of a hero in battle

Bylina "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber", the analysis of which, following the composition of the song, needs to be divided into several semantic parts, focuses on the military feats of the hero. In the lines devoted to the battle, the author repeats the word “power” several times, using it in different ways, wanting to convey in the most expressive form the power of the enemy army, which was defeated by the hero. In an effort to emphasize the character’s feat, he speaks in detail about how the warrior destroyed the enemy by beating, trampling him with a horse and a spear.

comparative analysis of the bylina Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber

Character disclosure in conversation with residents

Analysis of the bylina “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” must be continued by a thorough analysis of the hero’s behavior during a conversation with the Chernigovites, who, for his military feat, asked him to become his governor. Here it is necessary to note the historical realities that were reflected in the song: the title of governor at that time was military, his functions included the duty of defense and defense of the city from enemy attacks, sieges, leading troops into battle or organizing a people's militia. Therefore, such a request from the residents means recognition of his military merits and military prowess. Analysis of the epic "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber" should include the disclosure of the character of the hero through his speech, language. He speaks a simple folk language, in his words sound the epithets familiar to the reader, which brings him closer to ordinary peasants from the city of Chernigov. The second important point in this scene is the straightforwardness and modesty of the hero. The warrior does not talk about his exploits, about the danger that awaits him on the way to Kiev, he is only interested in the way to the capital, and he asks his interlocutors to explain the way to him.

Description of the bylina ilya muromets and the nightingale the robber

The first mention of a negative hero

The description of the epic “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” allows one to understand the peculiarities of Russian folk art. It reflected the historical thinking of ancient Russian society, in particular, the way people of that time imagined the enemies of their native land. Therefore, despite the fabulous and fantastic appearance and behavior of the villain, it undoubtedly guesses the collective image of the enemies with whom the Old Russian princes with their brave squad fought beyond the borders of the young state. From the story of the inhabitants of Chernigov, the reader first gets an idea of ​​what the future main opponent of the hero looks like. The characterization of the epic “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” will help schoolchildren understand the peculiarities of the enemy’s vision of the Russian people: he whistles like a bird and growls like a beast, lives in an oak tree, and from his cries, all nature literally shudders, and the passing one dies.

characteristic of the epic Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber

Characteristics of a hero in battle

Central to the work is the scene of the battle between the hero and the villain. In this case, students should pay attention to the behavior of two wrestlers. An unknown author describes the leisurely actions of a hero who slowly took a bow, put an arrow into it, carefully aimed and knocked out his eyes. Thanks to this calm, measured narrative, the epic “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” sounds very epic. The characterization of the heroes is fully revealed precisely in this confrontation. And if the main character is calm, confident, firm, his opponent, on the contrary, acts quirkyly like a beast. No wonder he is endowed with animal traits: he whistles like a bird, screams like a wolf. Such a contrast focuses students on the courage of a hero and the predation of a robber.

bylina Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber characterization of heroes

Incident in the field

Further, the epic narrates how the villain's relatives wanted to release him. It turned out that the Nightingale had daughters who ordered their husbands and sons-in-law to catch a knight in a field. The author focuses on the huge number of enemy gatherings. Here, students should be pointed out to the fact that they did not even manage to try to take his prey from the hero. Thus, the epic as if emphasizes that it is useless to fight him, and if he won, then no enemy force can prevail over him.

In the city of Kiev

The next important point in the work is a description of the capital, where the hero arrived with his terrible, but defeated captive. In this scene, reflected the historical realities of life of that time. The reader is faced with pictures of urban life, princely chambers, mansions, courtyard, retinue, a brave squad. One of the main places in this scene is occupied by Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, a beloved hero of folk tales. It is to him that the hero comes to the palace and talks about his feat. Listeners are amazed at what has been said, and then Ilya Muromets leads them into the courtyard, where his bound opponent is. He orders him to demonstrate his strength, and then the villain in the presence of the prince and his squad again whistles and screams like an animal. Then the head cuts off his head. A comparative analysis of the bylina “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” with other works about this hero shows that this beloved folk character was described in different ways in the songs. He is called either the old glorious Cossack, the brave warrior or a simple villager. However, the main feature of this hero is his indestructible strength and his willingness to selflessly protect the Russian land from enemies through a red thread through a cycle of legends about him.


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