Cement mortar for floor screed: proportions

The device of the screed for the floor can be considered one of the most critical tasks when repairing premises.

The need for proportion

mortar for screed

It is during the preparation of the solution that a huge number of errors are made. Moreover, they are most often associated not with improper preparation of the solution, but with non-observance of the necessary proportions of sand and cement, which is precisely what leads to the result that the master did not expect to see. It is worth remembering that the quality of the final coating depends on the ratio of ingredients.

Screed mortar composition

mortar for floor screed proportion

If you decide to prepare a solution for screed, its proportions must be studied in advance. The mixture consists of sand, fiber, plasticizer, as well as cement. The first ingredient must be sifted before use, which allows you to remove debris, foreign elements, small stones. Among other things, use exclusively dry aggregate. Most often cement M400 is used for work. Plasticizer is used, as a rule, by professionals. However, home masters should also pay attention to this component, which is able to improve the quality characteristics of the monolith. When you are preparing a cement mortar for screed, the proportions of the composition must be observed, since this is an important component. Quite often, fiber is added. It is a polypropylene fiber. If you plan to make repairs some time later, it is recommended to abandon the early purchase of cement. This is due to the fact that during storage it loses its qualities. That is why experts advise using only the cement that was stored correctly and was made recently.

Solution proportions

how to make a solution for screed floor proportions

If you want to make a mortar for screed, the proportions must be studied in advance. The final brand of concrete will depend on them, as well as on the brand of cement . Thus, in order to obtain a mixture of the M300 brand, it is necessary to add one part of the M600 cement, as well as 3 parts of sand.

For M200 mortar, it is necessary to use one part of M600 cement and 4 parts of sand. M300 will turn out if you add one part of cement M500 and 2 parts of sand. It is worth noting that to obtain all subsequent grades of concrete, 1 part of cement of different grades is used. For M150, cement M400 should be used , as well as 3 parts of sand. Before making a mortar for screed, the proportions of the master should be considered. It should be remembered that you can not fill the floor with a solution that has a brand below M50. Most often, M200 is used for such work.

Mixing Features

If you decide to prepare a solution for screed, you can find out the proportions by reading this article. However, it is important to know how the ingredients are mixed. It should be noted that dry and liquid components should be mixed in different containers. Initially, it is necessary to combine all dry components, including fiber, cement and sand. Use a mortar of cement grade M 400, mixing it with sand, while it is necessary to use a ratio of 1 to 3. Thus, 50 kg of sand will require 16.7 kg of cement. Dry elements must be mixed for 5 minutes. Next, go to another tank in which plasticizer and water are added. About 50 grams of plasticizer should be added to a 50 kg bag of cement. Water should be added in the amount of 1/3 of the mass of cement.

cement mortar for screed

On the third part of the bag of cement you will need to add 5.6 liters of water. When mixing the mortar for screed (the proportion of each brand is indicated above), it should be noted that 0.6 liters will be required for the plasticizer. If you decide to independently prepare a solution for screed, the proportions for it are presented in this article. After completing all the above steps, you can start mixing the liquid components, for this you need to gradually add the dry mixture into the container with the liquid, while stirring it well. If you pour the liquid into a dry mixture, then lumps will form, getting rid of them afterwards will be very difficult.

Specialist advice

mortar for screed underfloor proportion

If you decide to prepare your own mortar for screed, the proportion presented in the article will help you carry out the process without errors. It should be remembered that it is very difficult to perform manual shuttering, among other things, such manipulations take a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to use a construction mixer or drill, which is equipped with a special nozzle. You must remember that using a power tool will allow you to carry out these works in a much shorter time, as well as better. On this we can assume that the preparation of the mixture is completed. It should be remembered that working with a viscous solution is much more difficult, but there will be much less cracking on the base after solidification. To eliminate or minimize the number of cracks on the surface after solidification can be a method that involves spraying the floor with water at the drying stage.

Determining the amount of mortar for screed formation

If you will independently prepare a solution for a rough floor screed, you need to study the proportions in advance. However, it is also important to calculate the amount of mortar to form the floor. Initially, it is necessary to determine the volume of building material, for this the coating area should be multiplied by the thickness of the proposed screed. For example, if the surface area of ​​the floor is 40 square meters, while the layer thickness is equivalent to 5 centimeters, then 40 must be multiplied by 0.05. This will allow you to get the number 2. That is how many cubic meters of solution will be needed to form the floor in the described room.

how to prepare a solution for screed floor proportions

But it is necessary to study, before preparing a solution for screed, the proportions of the composition. The next step is to calculate how much cement and sand will be needed. For the reason that the solution is made on the basis of a ratio of 1 to 3, 1.5 cubic meters of sand and 0.5 cubic meters of cement will be needed. A cubic meter of cement has a mass equal to 1300 kilograms. This indicates that 650 kilograms of cement will be needed to work, this figure is calculated by multiplying 0.5 by 1.3. The above method allows you to calculate the flow rate of the solution, which goes to the formation of floor screed of a certain area. The master will be able to prepare in advance all the right amount of building material.

Features of screed pouring

mortar for rough screed

If you are thinking about how to make a mortar for screed, the proportions you should be well studied. Among other things, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology of work. Initially, the surface is treated with a primer, then beacons are installed, at the next stage, mixing and pouring is carried out. Priming is necessary in order to provide the substrate with excellent adhesive characteristics. This approach allows you to normalize the structure of the roughing slab. If the surface has a porous base, then it is best to use a primer, while for a denser base you must use undiluted composition.


If you are thinking about how to prepare a solution for screed, the proportions were indicated above. They will allow you to carry out the work correctly. It is important not only to comply with the ratio, but also to establish beacons. They will ensure evenness of the screed. The solution is prepared immediately before pouring.

For their installation, it is necessary to prepare a gypsum mixture, which is laid on a rough base with small tubercles. The solution for screed underfloor heating, the proportions of which were indicated above, should be prepared immediately before pouring. This will allow you to slowly work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21696/

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