Who wrote Uncle Styopa? Who is the author of Uncle Stepa?

In the Soviet Union, any kid, starting from a very young age, could answer the question of who wrote the work "Uncle Styopa". And the point is not at all that the author was loyal to any authority. You can’t fool children. There are good poems, but there are those from which parents can wedge their tongues.

Wonderful children's writer

who wrote uncle step
Poems for children of Sergei Mikhalkov are talented, full of wit and sympathy for those for whom they are written. They have their own atmosphere, which you enter with pleasure. Therefore, the four-footed trochee of this work is easy to remember. Anyone can remember the lines about Stepan Stepanov. And at the same time he will smile.

Someone complained that Mikhalkov and Aleksin did not let anyone into children's literature. Maybe this is so. But if they would have let me go, then all the same now, in 2014, the distribution of popularity would not have changed, because reading Mikhalkov and Aleksin is pure joy. "Everyone knows Uncle Stepa!"

Human dignity

Who wrote Uncle Step? Sergei Mikhalkov is a nobleman, smart and just handsome. In Soviet times, dynasties of working people (miners, mechanics, milling workers, etc.) were welcomed, but in the field of literature and art, it was the other way around. The assertion that nature rests on the children of geniuses was persistently declared, therefore, it is possible to count on the fingers of the family whose members have increased the glory of Russia from generation to generation. For some reason, under the tsar, they were considered representatives of "good Russian families."

Soviet cartoons - the best in the world

uncle stepa policeman
The drawn film “Uncle Styopa” was very popular, the author of which, or rather, its external features, was transferred to the cartoon hero. Then it was a peculiar device - an old man from a fairy tale about a goldfish was copied from a very popular artist Chirkov. It was very nice, in addition, it created a special joyful atmosphere of recognition.

Of course, most of today's children, having seen enough of the disgrace about ninja turtles, will not appreciate the charm of these works. But there is a statement that sooner or later everything returns. We hope that good literature will become fashionable again.


"Uncle Styopa", the author of which is S. Mikhalkov, is now in demand. The hero of the work is “familiar to everyone”, otherwise there would be no jokes like “Uncle Styopa is a policeman?” That is, everyone knows that this handsome guy served in the navy and in the police, that he has an enviable growth.

“Uncle Styopa” (author - Sergey Mikhalkov) is currently a household name. Phrases from the work went to sayings.

Uncle Stepa author
Dibrov once said during an interview with Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky that he does not like Gorky. To which the son of the poet replied that he does not like until he begins to read. So with the verses of the author of two national anthems. Lucky, rich, beautiful, tall, talented and well-educated are irritated by the very fact of their existence. Undoubtedly, it is worth reading the works of Mikhalkov Sr., watching films of his children from beginning to end. Many poems and films like.


The one who wrote Uncle Styopa knew how to hold the blow - much more mud spilled on him than on those whom he oppressed. And this is far from the triumph of justice. But Sergei Mikhalkov absolutely does not need protection. He was a strong man, he was surrounded by loving and understanding people.

The beginning of professional activity

who is the author of uncle step
Sergei Mikhalkov (the one who wrote Uncle Styopa) was born in 1913. At the age of twenty-two, he published his first poems for children. A very young guy writes the poem "Uncle Styopa", which is reprinted 78 years in a row. It is still in demand and loved.

Artworks with continuation

The one who wrote Uncle Styopa created a unique, memorable image for quite some time. To this he was prompted by questions from young listeners about whether Uncle Stepa had children, and indeed, what his marital status was. The meeting with a very high servant of the law, who, as it turned out, served in the Navy, prompted him to write a sequel. Thus, the work "Uncle Styopa - a policeman" saw the light. It was first published in 1954. His beloved hero was destined to live to a very old age - in 1968, Uncle Styopa and Yegor was published, and in 1981, Uncle Styopa is a veteran. For decades, the glorious image of a police defender has enjoyed constant sympathy among people of all ages.

A spoon of tar

who wrote uncle steppe giant
The one who wrote Uncle Styopa is a giant did not think that his hero suffers from gigantism. Readers do not think so, because the “most important giant” is perceived as a defender, and not as a freak suffering from a disease found in people with open epiphyseal growth zones. It’s interesting, what would Little Red Riding Hood get sick in the post-perestroika years, write it to Mikhalkov, whose Uncle Styopa cannot be healed? Although the doctors examining Stepanov at the military registration and enlistment office before being drafted into the army stated that he was absolutely healthy, and his heart was compared with a working clockwork.

Yuri Polyakov says, and rightly so, that a writer and a poet is the one they read. And if you re-read it several times, it is not at all necessary to be a Nobel Prize laureate. Once V.A. Soloukhin, referring to the portrait of A.N. Tolstoy with big fish, said that the author of "Going through the agony" had sold himself to the Soviet government for salmon. An unflattering statement, nevertheless, everyone has their own point of view and the right to express it. Who is really talented will show time. If the author is interesting, then he will be in demand anyway. And the one who wrote Uncle Styopa is on a par with the unsurpassed masters of the word.

Professionals will decorate any business

Mikhalkov Uncle Stepa
Of course, patriotism can be instilled in different ways, including in poetic form. It also deserves praise, but it's good when talented people do it. Children need to read works written in good language at night, Selinger asserted this, saying that the melody of talented, very serious works calms babies.

Wonderful dynasty

Sergei Mikhalkov himself, Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya (beauty and smart girl, his first wife), sons Andron and Nikita are very talented people, marked by God's grace, like some other representatives of this notorious family. Natalia Petrovna's paternal grandfather is an artist Surikov. There were Trubetskoys in the family. Is it not annoying that all the descendants of Kutuzov live abroad? The Mikhalkov family is an exemplary example of the continuity of generations. It is wonderful that they survived all the troubled times, always served Russia.

S. Mikhalkov - children's writer. And is it not good that the question of who the author of Uncle Styopa can be answered is that he is a person who wrote the texts of two national anthems and an epitaph on the grave of an unknown soldier.

Good to write a positive image is difficult

They say that to describe and play the role of a scoundrel is much easier than a decent person. It is necessary to possess undoubted talent so that the collective image of a positive hero, who selflessly performs exclusively the right actions, possesses such appeal. At the front, the protagonist of a poetic work defended Leningrad, being a sailor on the battleship Marat. The author himself was also at the forefront. He was on the battlefield until the shell shock he received near Stalingrad. Maybe the popularity of Stepanov Jr. by the name of Yegor is inferior to the glory of his father, but he is also a worthy son of the country - an astronaut, while he is handsome as an epic hero - blush, broad shoulders, has unprecedented power.

Beautiful old age

who wrote the work of uncle step
The general cycle of the above works ends with the fact that Yegor had a daughter, therefore, everyone’s beloved uncle Styopa became a grandfather. In Soviet times, it was customary to give guests gifts - nesting dolls and malachite boxes. In the last part of this cycle, Uncle Styopa gives Russian Communists dolls, and everything looks so cute and not at all annoying. And how well, in two phrases, gossip neighbors are described, claiming that Stepanov looks young especially for them in spite.

True popularity

Monuments were erected in honor of Uncle Stepa in Moscow and the Kemerovo Region. Is this not popular love and popularity? It is impossible to list the state awards of Sergei Mikhalkov - two printed pages will not be enough. He was the author of popular fables, the chairman of the Writers' Union, an honorary member of various organizations, but in the memory of generations Mikhalkov Sr. will remain as the author of hymns, epitaphs to the monument to the unknown soldier and a children's writer, who wrote the immortal work "Uncle Styopa".

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21699/

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