What is TER. Territorial unit rates

Information about what TEP is relevant for estimators. Get to know her. The abbreviation stands for “territorial unit prices”. Estimates are in TER, FER, GESN. Territorial developed for each subject individually. The entry into force is organized by the local administration. Registration of TER in RosStroy is obligatory, after which prices are included in the list of regulatory documents.

how are estimates in tera

TER: where and how is it applied

Territorial unit rates are valid until canceled. GosStroy can do this by issuing a decree. The current collection is necessary to form an estimate for the object under construction. If the construction is connected with state bodies, TEP accounting is required. For non-governmental entities, rates are recommended, but they will have to be taken into account.

Working for itself, the company has the right to set its own prices. Participation in state auctions requires compliance with TEP. Since the standards are adopted in accordance with the prices in force at the time of approval, an index is used to obtain the actual amount of expenses. A monthly list of indices in force in the near future is published. Knowing what TER is, owning the index reissued on the 25th of the coming month, they make up a correct, accurate estimate for any construction.

Practical use

To know how estimates are compiled in TEPs, it is necessary if you have to:

  • government order;
  • commissioning ;
  • construction;
  • participation in the tender;
  • mounting;
  • design and survey work.

The ability to use TEPs is appreciated by the contractor.

Estimates: theory and practice

When building a building, you can’t do without estimates. As follows from article 743 of the current code, the key documents for any facility under construction are:

  • work agreement;
  • basis for payment;
  • estimate.

Knowing what TEP is, an estimate is drawn up correctly.

The estimate fixes:

  • marginality;
  • cost price;
  • price of materials;
  • cost of equipment;
  • construction terms;
  • equipment costs.

An estimate is made taking into account the nuances:

  • region specifics;
  • job title;
  • scope of work;
  • the correctness of the coefficients (season, tightness and others);
  • valid index.

The estimate is based on:

  • defective statements ;
  • list of works;
  • volumes of work.

ter concept

With a properly formed design sheet, data on the composition and scope of work is given to the estimator in advance. Repairing a building, an estimate can be made without the involvement of professionals.

Working with the municipality, the federal client, the contractor uses the TER of the customer’s region. Even if the company is based in another area, and the work will be carried out in the third region, the indices and coefficients of the area where the organization in need of services is registered are taken into account.

In the case when the work is financed from the federal budget, and the construction site is located in Moscow, the price index is used. This indicator was created only for construction and repair in the capital. When a developer works in Moscow on finances allocated by the municipal budget, an estimate is developed taking into account TSN-2001.

Unit Rates

Regulatory base - unit prices, arranged for ease of use in reference collections.

Unit prices are financially expressed resources that are essential for the success of planned work.

territorial unit rates

TEP are compiled for the following directories:

  • construction site;
  • repair;
  • mounting;
  • commissioning;
  • improvement;
  • technical support.

Computers to help estimators

Mastering the estimated business is not easy, even knowing the terms of this area and having a sample in front of your eyes. Computing systems have been developed to help estimators calculate objects. Using them, you still have to know what TEP is, but the process is greatly simplified. The program already includes standard amounts, there is a function to update the index, a finished document is formed on the accepted form taking into account state standards.

“On the knee” it will be possible to calculate the construction in TEPs in Excel, but the use of special software guarantees the accuracy of the numbers obtained. The estimated program will save time, on the basis of the entered data will be able to quickly generate documents of several samples. Daily automatic updates guarantee the relevance and correctness of the result.

what is ter

To summarize

So, we can safely say that the concept of TERs is necessary for any self-respecting estimator. This helps to correctly compile the documentation accompanying the construction. Using TEP expands the capabilities of the company, allowing you to participate in auctions.

what is ter

When hiring a surveyor, it’s in the interests of the employer to test a specialist. Skills for using TEP, the ability to distinguish territorial and federal rates, the ability to master new software systems for calculating construction are the key skills of a skilled worker.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21703/

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