Ivory - what color is it? And this is ivory

Ivory is what color

If you translate "ivory" from English, it means "ivory". But this is also the name of the color. A completely logical question arises: "Ivory - what color is this?", And a completely logical answer: "This is ivory." This is one of the shades of noble white, it is exquisite and is associated with something luxurious. Even in primitive society, ivory was used as material for the manufacture of tools. People made knives, arrowheads, and even needles from this soft material. With the advent of civilization, masters began to use this material. They first used it to create simple works of art, and later - to make paintings and statues. In rich houses, it was customary to have ivory masterpieces. But the times have passed when this material was mined in such quantities in which it was necessary. Now people have defended the animals that provide us with ivory. This created a shortage and increased the value of products made from this material.

Ivory is what color

Ivory color - what is it?

Ivory is a majestic color, it means abundance and captivates with its appearance. It is not expensive because ivory is expensive, it is simply expensive on its own. He is not sharp, unlike white, he is refined, caresses his eyes, glossy. White color has many shades. Ivory is different from white in tone. It also has many shades. Mostly warm. Usually their tide is yellow or brownish. But there are pinkish, milk, cream shades of ivory.

Ivory color is what

Ivory: dress color

White color is considered wedding, and ivory is no exception. This is an alternative, and very sophisticated. No violation of traditions when using this shade does not occur. He only gives the triumph of greatness, grace. This color is not so common in everyday clothes, but in the manufacture of wedding dresses it is especially popular.

Ivory color dresses
Today, about forty percent of wedding dresses and suits are ivory. And branded wedding robes use this shade even more often, in seventy to eighty percent of the total release. Undoubtedly, each person considers this color when he wants something special.

Ivory - what color is it, fashionable?

Ivory is always in fashion along with such classic colors as beige, black, red. The shadow looks on the ivory outfit more impressive, soft, majestic than on white. This shade does not cease to attract fashion designers, especially when they want to create something touching or excite others with their creation.

Ivory what color is it really moody?

Yes, very moody. If your skin color is colder than your ivory dress, then this contrast will not be in your favor. The skin will appear paler than it actually is. Therefore, if you still opted for this color, you should carefully approach the choice of shade. The main variations in ivory are suitable for people with a golden tint of skin.

Ivory color dresses

And yet, ivory is what color?

Of course, to a greater extent, ivory takes over the properties of white: purity, innocence, greatness, beauty, solemnity, righteousness. But, taking over the properties, he adds to them his own meaning, his own meaning. With all this, the color of ivory always gives yellow, sometimes yellowness tends to beige, and sometimes to pink.

Ivory color dresses
But, anyway, yellow is always present. It means extraordinary intelligence, developed intuition, perception of objective reality. Ivory people prefer creative, extraordinary. But the most important point - in this case, you can not save. Cheap options will not work here. They will look simple, to say the least. It is necessary to fully match the color of the sewing and the quality of the fabric.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21707/

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