When radish is planted: care, cleaning, varieties and useful properties

Many gardeners do not know how and when to plant a radish. However, this vegetable is very interesting and healthy. There are winter and summer varieties of culture. Each of them has its own growing characteristics.

when they plant a radish
When to plant black radish

Winter varieties are sown in the month of July. To do this, make grooves on the bed. When a radish is planted, the soil is first moistened abundantly, and then seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm. After that, they are watered again. The earth must be kept moist until sprouts appear. The first time the radish is thinned out when the seedlings rise. After about 3 weeks, thin out again. Gradually, this procedure will provide a spacing between seedlings of 15 cm. It is optimal. It happens that a radish starts to give an arrow. Such root crops should be removed. Throughout the growing season, the plant must be watered and fed with organic matter. After root formation, black radish will require a lot of water. When radish is planted, consider this. There is one interesting feature. After the formation of root crops, it is necessary to swing them to give greater juiciness. At the same time, the lateral roots break off, and the fetus receives more nutrition.

When to plant black radish
Cleaning, storage, useful properties

Root crops are harvested before the onset of frost in late autumn. After the radish is dug up, you need to cut the tops and the long root. It is stored for a very long time. Black radish has healing properties, which is why gardeners love it so much. It contains volatile, which kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Radish with honey is an excellent remedy for colds and bronchitis.

When to plant Margelan radish

Unlike black radish, Margelan has no bitterness, it is very juicy and precocious. The root crop is colored green.

When to plant Margelan radish
Many gardeners are interested in when they plant Margelan radish. The best time for this is mid-June. However, you need not to miss it and remove it in time. If this is not done in a timely manner, it becomes empty inside. Margelan radish is responsive to compost, but manure does not tolerate. Plant it in the same way as the black variety. When seedlings appear, sprinkle the radish with ash to scare away pests. It should be thinned during nesting for the second decade after emergence. The most stunted plants that do not have a green color must be removed. When the root crops reach a five-centimeter diameter, they need to be thinned out again, leaving the most promising ones. Care as a black radish: weeding, top dressing and watering. As the root crops grow, they can be pulled out and eaten. Margelan variety of frost is not afraid and tolerates them well. Before harvesting the fruits, they press the tops. They are stored, like all root vegetables, in a dry ventilated cellar or shed. There is another kind of Margelan radish - early. This variety is summer. Therefore, it is planted in the spring (April or May, depending on the climate). Early radish is very rich in useful substances: essential oils, minerals, vitamins (especially carotene), amino acids.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F21712/

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