Blackberry Gardening - Planting and Care

Amateur gardeners and professionals have long been interested in breeding blackberries. It appeared in America in the thirties of the 19th century, by breeding breeders of cultivars from wild species. Gradually, the garden blackberry conquered the world, because its berries contain more vitamins than raspberries. The healing properties are also impressive. Blackberry helps relieve joint inflammation, it is included in the diet for diabetes, diseases of the stomach and intestines. In addition, it has an antipyretic effect and normalizes metabolism.

Blackberry varieties and planting

Blackberry resembles raspberries, but white, black or dark purple. It is fragrant and shiny. Varieties with rounded or elongated berries are found. It can be frozen for the winter, and, unlike raspberries, garden blackberries do not lose their qualities. Usually the berry shrub has a creeping appearance, with shoots covered with spikes that can reach from two to four meters. But there are upright varieties, and devoid of thorns.

There are two types of blackberries: creeping dewdrops and erect kumaniki. Varieties included in the first group may not have thorns, high yields. Varieties of the second group of medium productivity, but due to the compactness of the bushes, they can be planted denser.

For the winter, blackberries must be covered, as it does not tolerate frost. Growing berries is not particularly difficult. However, sometimes gardeners lack information on how to care for it. As the main plant care, pinching of shoots and watering is used, especially during fruiting. Very rarely, garden blackberries are affected by pests. But the raspberry beetle can be a danger. As a means of pest control, Bordeaux water or garlic infusion can be used. In autumn, clipping of lignified and fruiting shoots is carried out. The young shoots are tied to the trellis as they grow, and, if necessary, thinned out. In the spring, lateral shoots are cut. Blackberry bushes need to be mulched, for which needles, sawdust and other materials are used.

Blackberry non-short varieties propagated in four ways. The first involves the division of the bush, which is an unproductive option. The second, most successful - the tops of the shoots. For this option to succeed, it is necessary that during the growth of shoots the soil should be sufficiently moistened. Only at the end of August can the shoots be bent down and the tops added. They must have time to take root while the warm days of autumn stand. Already rooted tops are cut off from the main shoot, sheltered for the winter, in the spring the garden blackberry is transplanted to a new place. The third method of propagation of the berry shrub - etiolated young shoots, the fourth - breeding by cuttings.

To plant a blackberry, they dig a hole from forty to sixty centimeters deep, add potash fertilizers, compost and superphosphate to it. After planting, the plant is well watered. However, water must not be allowed to stagnate at the roots. In the event that the recently planted blackberry seedlings sprout, they are pruned, leaving no more than five pieces. It is necessary to shorten the young shoots, which reached ninety centimeters in length. This contributes to the growth of new branches and crop growth. Fruiting in the early varieties begins in June, the later produce berries in October. Harvest from one bush of climbing, creeping varieties can range from fifty to seventy kilograms.

In order for garden berries to give a good harvest, it is necessary to comply with the agricultural technology of blackberries. It should be borne in mind that plants begin to bear fruit two years after planting. When shortening the shoots, one must adhere to the advice of specialists. Watering during flowering and ripening of berries, fertilizing and mulching is very important. Subject to all conditions, the blackberry will delight the crop.


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