Voronezh Zoo: address, schedule, photos, reviews

This is not just a park full of the most amazing animals. Voronezh Zoo can be called a real museum, where you can see the most beautiful works of art from Mother Nature. This place has the proud title of a non-profit state environmental institution in the field of science, culture and enlightenment.

Mission and main goals

The main mission promoted by the Voronezh Zoo is the organization and maintenance of conditions for spending free time, ensuring free cognitive contact of the population with a collection of zoology. The administration is painstakingly working to improve the management mechanism.

Voronezh Zoo

To achieve its goals and rapid development, the Voronezh Zoo adheres to the following areas of its activities:

  • Workers strive to improve the quality and level of culture of Voronezh citizens in the field of ecology.
  • Stimulating the interest of the population in the study of fauna and flora. The zoo is engaged in attracting people to natural science and supplying them with information, as well as visual materials for study.
  • As every year more and more species disappear from the face of the earth, the Voronezh Zoo is extremely interested in the important task of preserving species, the number of which is declining, and maintaining their reproduction. To create a beautiful future, we must take care of the present, which also applies to nature.

History of creation and discovery

The first year of life, when the Popov Voronezh Zoo began to please its visitors, was 1994. As we can see, this institution is quite young by average standards. In the aphids of cold December, the first lovers of science took steps on the territory of the zoo.

In 2002, this institution entered into cooperation with the regional association of zoological parks of Eurasia, which includes zoos and aquariums. This organization is widely known. Especially because its members are the most revered, ancient and important institutions in the field of zoology, located throughout Eurasia. Since 2004, the Voronezh Zoo has become part of the regional property.

Voronezh Zoo Address

What does the zoo offer

At any time of the year the Voronezh Zoo will be kindly opened to your eyes and inquiring minds. The schedule of this institution is changing slightly, but slightly. The day off is Monday. On weekdays, the zoo is open in spring and summer from 10:00 to 19:00 hours, and in autumn and winter - from 10:00 to 18:00 hours.

In the warm season, work lasts an hour longer than in the cold. Here you can admire a wide variety of animals: birds, reptiles, underwater inhabitants and others. The zoo is a haven for nine representatives of the Red Book of Russia.

There are also many exciting exhibitions. Here you will see representatives of the fauna, who come from the most diverse corners of the globe. Representatives of the Red Book of Russia are also available for review. Your attention will be offered a fervent whirlwind of fish, whose homeland are exotic countries.

Reptiles and amphibians, the most interesting specimens from cold-blooded, are also available to cognition. Reason will soar up with graceful birds. You are waiting for a mass of a wide variety of creatures.

Voronezh zoo work schedule

Zoo activities

If you get to Voronezh and start writing your cultural holiday program, take an interest in where the Voronezh Zoo is located and be sure to visit this beautiful place. The menagerie is developing by leaps and bounds, supporting the culture, striving to preserve nature, as much as possible, in its original form. They honor and cherish ecology here, sharing valuable and interesting knowledge with everyone.

Since 2011, perestroika is underway, the Voronezh Zoo is becoming more modern. Jobs are filled only by professional staff, responsive and kind people. The effectiveness of implementing the goals and objectives of the institution is growing. The level of work is rapidly rising to the international quality standard.

Zoo - the pride of Voronezh

Soon the zoo should meet the most stringent international standards, which causes sincere respect for the administration, which works with great enthusiasm, tirelessly. After all, they really have an important mission - to ensure the conservation of nature. So for the sake of such a goal, it’s nice to live.

Voronezh Zoo photo

Residents are proud of this place, because it satisfies the most stringent requirements and gives the city a truly high status precisely the Voronezh Zoo. His address: st. Polina Osipenko, 6A, Voronezh, Voronezh Region, Russia, 394029.

In our time, when we are in an atmosphere of continuous improvement of science and technology, progress, it is so important not to forget about nature. The Russian Federation cares about its natural heritage. The authorities are trying in every possible way to support projects such as the Voronezh Zoo, because it is here that you can save animal species that are prone to extinction.

Visitors reviews

The zoo administration is trying to fully listen to the opinions of its visitors, correct deficiencies and mistakes, focus on strengths and maximize their development.

As a rule, people leave the territory of the institution satisfied and rested. Visitors are pleased to fall into a fairy tale, merge with nature, start a dialogue with everything that is natural and natural. Bright colors, birdsong, other noises that animals create, carry them far from noisy streets, remind us of how beautiful the world is.

Some come here every week and wholeheartedly enjoy everything they see. Children are brought to the zoo to instill in them a sense of beauty and a relationship with the natural. Many positive reviews were left regarding the cleanliness and spaciousness of the enclosures. Looking at the conditions of animals, visitors rate them as quite high. Praise the work of responsible and qualified personnel.

Voronezh Zoo named after Popov

Visiting nature

On this territory you can come in contact with the beautiful world of wildlife. Many have read books about animals, watched films, but similar means of transmitting information fade when you get to visit these funny and interesting creatures. They allow us to get in touch with their world, and we must value it, take care of them and provide them with decent living conditions.

Voronezh Zoo has entrusted itself with this responsible mission and has been successfully coping with it from 1994 to this day. There are great inclinations for development, the main thing is enthusiasm and a great desire to do a good deed. Thanks to the lack of these worthy qualities, painstaking and responsible workers do not; they keep the Voronezh Zoo on their shoulders. The photos illustrate how beautiful this place is. But it would be even better to be here in person.

Employees make sure that each visitor gets into the warm atmosphere of a fairy tale, feels the whole gamut of positive emotions, their care, rejoices at what he has seen and gained knowledge.

Fairytale atmosphere of naturalness

Both children and adults and old people come here. After all, what the zoo offers pleases any heart. Even if God created man as the master of the world, a good master always takes care of everything that surrounds him. Kindness and concern for nature - these are the main ideas that the institution promotes.

where is the Voronezh zoo

Looking at this example, every soul rejoices in such a beautiful island of nature, which is the Voronezh Zoo. There is nothing more valuable than nature, because without it a person will suffocate, having even the most developed tools provided by technological progress. Take care of the earth!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F2172/

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